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Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 

The 30 plus trial hamburgers that Michael had prepared for lunch were quickly sold out. Many customers clamoured for more, and asked Michael to cook more.

But Michael really had no choice. He had only prepared so many ingredients. He could only use the ‘first come first serve’ approach. For making each juicy hamburger requires him to prepare 2 hours in advance. It needs time to knead the dough, and time to stew the meat. It is not like Yang Zhou Fried Rice, that could be instantly cooked with minimum preparations.

And many guests love the design of the hamburger wrapper. Some of them wanted to take the wrapper to used as a money pouch. The figure of the half-elf girl is very adorable, and they could not bear to discard the wrapper. This made Amy dizzy with happiness.

That night, there are even more customers than usual. The guests raved about the Yang Zhou Fried Rice, and the hamburger that Michael made. This style of cooking is fresh and unique, and the taste is superb. It knocked the socks off them and bowled them over with its unique taste and pleasant after effects.

Although the price of the food is quite expensive, there is no lack of wealthy people in the City of Sin. Spending a few gold coins to dine in luxury is not something that these well-to-do people will fret over.

“Sorry, all hamburgers are sold out for today. Tomorrow, we will be selling the hamburgers in larger quantities. But because this product needs a long time to prepare, therefore, there is a limited quantity available in every mealtime. If you desire to eat it, you can come here earlier tomorrow to try your luck.” Michael smiled as he sees the last customer out of the restaurant. Then he flipped the sign to ‘We are closed’ ad heaved a sigh of relief. Although he had eaten a plate of fried rice and a hamburger, he still exhausted after a hard day’s work.

Today, all 90 hamburgers that he had prepared were sold out.  Because the hamburger is a new product, it is more popular, and he sold less fried rice than usual. Still, he sold 50+ plates of fried rice, and earned 360+ gold coins in profits.

Tomorrow morning, he needs to wake up extra early to knead the dough. In this way, he can make more hamburgers. After all, he needs to sell 1,000 hamburgers to unlock the soya bean curd.

Right now, as the boss of the restaurant selling soya bean curd, Michael decided to stay away from the war of sweet vs savoury soya bean curd and be neutral about it.

Still, Michael was curious if this world will also be split into two factions like that on earth – one faction for sweet, another faction for the savoury flavour.

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If they could get along well, all is good. At most, they should end up with verbal arguments right?

Oh, he had forgotten that in this world, might makes right. Then it is highly likely that fights will break out between the two factions. Maybe Michael needs to create a fighting arena in front of the shop? Let’s call this arena, “War between Sweet

and Savoury”. He reckoned that the people in each faction will challenge the people in the other faction daily.

Michael was lost in his daydreams.

“Papa, you must be tried. I will help you ma.s.sage your shoulders.” Amy carried Ugly Ducking in her hand, and said, interrupting his thoughts.

“Meow Meow~~! Ugly Duckling meowed twice, as if it agreed with Amy’s words.

Michael looked at the two adorable children and stroked Amy’s head. Then he smiled and shook his head, “It is all right. Papa is not tired. You can sit for a while. If you are tired, you may go up and bathe first, then go to sleep.”

“No, today I want to wait for Papa. We can go to sleep together.” Amy shook her head. She stroke Ugly Duckling’s head, and asked, “Isn’t that right, Ugly Duckling?”

“Meow.” Ugly Duckling yawned. It may be nodding its head, but it seems to be unwilling.

“All right, then I will be quick about it.” Michael smiled and clear the plates, wiped the table and mopped the floor. It took him half an hour to clean the place.

Amy, who was waiting on a stool next to the counter is almost asleep. Ugly Duckling was nestled in her arms and was already sound asleep.

Michael removed his ap.r.o.n, dried his hand, and stroked Amy’s head as he gently informed her, “Place the Ugly Duckling into the basket so that it may sleep. Then we go upstairs and sleep.”

“En.” Amy nodded her head.

“Meow~” Ugly Duckling seemed to have overheard Michael’s words. It raised its head and looked at Michael with unhappiness. Then it extends its claws as it hangs on to Amy’s clothes, and shook its head. It seemed to indicate that it is unwilling to get down from Amy’s hug.

“Ugly Duckling, No! Papa says that you must sleep there!” Amy shook her head and grabbed easily. She chided it, “Also, you are so ugly. What if I woke up in the middle of the night and was frightened by your looks? I may kick you off the bed!”

Michael could not help laughing. Amy is natural talent and does not need him to teach her how to best employ her acidic tongue.

“Meow Meow~~!” Ugly Duckling opened its mouth to protest, and want to say that it is not ugly at all. But it was placed into the basket by Amy.

Amy stood up, and wave it goodnight, “Ugly Duckling, you must be obedient and go to sleep. If you are nice, tomorrow morning, I will bring out to play!” Saying this, she held Michael’s hand and is ready to go upstairs with him.

“Meow Meow Meow Meow~~!” Ugly Duckling immediately sits up from the basket and hang on one side of the basket. It cried out pitifully, as if it is an abandoned kitten.

“Papa, Ugly Duckling seemed to be very scared. Can we bring her upstairs? I try not to kick it out of the bed.” Hearing the pitiful cries, Amy’s heart soften and she asked Michael while glancing at Ugly Duckling that looked as if it is crying.

Michael looked at the big eyes of the pitiful Ugly Duckling, then he looked at Amy’s big eyes. The two pairs of eyes are super adorable

adorable and contain 4 times the cuteness power!

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He is powerless to resist, and could only nod his head in resignation, “All right, you may bring it upstairs.”

Amy smiled, and immediately went to pick up Ugly Duckling from the basket. She looked very fierce as she scolded Ugly Duckling, “I give in this time, but you must cover your face when you sleep so that you will not frighten me!”

“Meow Meow~!” Ugly Duckling happily cried out, and finds a comfortable spot to nestle in Amy’s arm. Then it closed its eyes with satisfaction.

After they have gone upstairs, Amy placed the sleeping Ugly Duckling on a side of the bed, and make sure that its head was resting on a pillow. Then went to take a bath with Micheal.

Michael helped Amy to bathe, and purchase one more purple colour pyjamas from the System. After her hair was blow-dry, he carried her to the bed.

As soon as Amy lie down, Ugly Duckling immediately snuggled into her arms.

“So heavy!” Amy pushed it away, yawned and greeted Michael, “Papa, good night!”

“Good night!” Michael stroke Amy’s hair, and Amy was soon sound asleep.

Ugly Duckling did not give up, and tried to snuggle up to Amy again.

“This kitten really loves hugs.”Michael smiled and shook his head. He placed the blanket over them, turned off the lights, and took his pyjamas as he went to the bathroom to bathe.

“System, I feel that our restaurant needs a dish that could hold the fort. Regardless if it is Yang Zhou Fried rice or Hamburgers, it lacks the feeling of a speciality.” After bathing, Michael lies on the bed and try communicating with the system.
