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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 673 The Ascendant Frost Scroll
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Chapter 673 The Ascendant Frost Scroll

Knowing that the second elder had likely already explained what had taken place in the Star Shattering Sect to his sect master during their escape from their sect, Xuan Hao decided to ask the sect master of the Ascendant Frost Hall for their core cultivation…

"You want our core cultivation mantra…?"

Not able to stop herself from frowning as her face became serious after hearing what Xuan Hao said, Frozen Flower thought hard about what he said.

Considering that we really join the Star Shattering Sect, this probably going to happen anyway at some point in time. Not to mention, the cultivation mantras of the Star Shattering Sect should be far stronger than ours and our cultivation mantra should not hold any real use for them outside of being a bit unique compared to ordinary cultivation mantras… The reason the Grand Elder is asking for it might not be to get his hands on our cultivation mantra, but instead a way for him to show how supportive and willing we are when it comes to joining the Star Shattering Sect to the rest of the elders of the Star Shattering Sect!

After all, considering he travelled all the way here together with the Second Elder, he should be the main reason why the Star Shattering Sect wants us to join them!

"Here! This is my Ascendant Frost Hall's core cultivation mantra, The Ascendant Frost Scroll!"

Not realizing that her thought process was a bit messed up as she nodded her head with an understanding look on her face, Frozen Flower took out an ancient looking scroll before handing it over to Xuan Hao without the slightest bit of unwillingness present on her face.

"… Thank you…"

Not knowing what else to say as the current sect master of the Ascendant Frost Hall willingly handed over her sect's core cultivation mantra without any resistance, Xuan Hao felt that the entire things was a bit too easy… But then again, he had just saved their entire sect from destructions, so some veneration and adoration from their elders and disciples were expected.

The only thing that was unexpected, was that the one who seemed to admire and respect him the most was not the young disciples, but instead the old sect master…

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"Well then… I will get going, someone should be coming to visit your sect soon to discuss the matter about officially joining."


Not staying around for any longer after saying this due to the increasingly weird gaze he felt from the sect master of the Ascendant Frost Hall, Xuan Hao rapidly flew away with the core cultivation mantra of the Ascendant Frost Hall in hand.


Having watched the entire scene of their sect master handing over their core cultivation mantra without any resistance or questions, the rest of the elders from the Ascendant Frost Hall had no idea what to say.

For now, they could only pray that joining the Star Shattering Sect would allow their Ascendant Frost Hall to grow stronger. Maybe, they would even be able to take command over the entire Azure Sky Kingdom and manage it for the Star Shattering Sect!

Leaving the elders and disciples of the Ascendant Frost Hall to make their way back on their own, Xuan Hao began making his way back towards the Frozen Wastelands where he had fought the demonic cultivator just a few minutes earlier.

As for returning to the sect to complete the sect mission for gathering unique cultivation mantras, Xuan Hao decided to wait with that until after he had investigated the Frozen Wastelands and what might have caused the sudden surge in demonic cultivators.

Given that he had already managed to kill a demonic cultivator at the Third Demonic Transformation Realm, Xuan Hao didn't worry too much about encountering any strong demonic cultivator during his short trip to the Frozen Wasteland.

If he really ended up encountering a demonic cultivator at the True Demon Realm so close to the border of the Sky Empire, he could always try and escape back inside the Sky Empire and try to stay alive until the Soul Ascension Realm Experts from the Sky Empire showed up.

Even if they might tolerate a demonic cultivator at the Third Demonic Transformation Realm, as the damage such a demonic cultivator could cause to an empire was limited and the fact that such a demonic cultivator could be used to help temper their Peak Domain Lord Realm Expert, the same could not be said for a True Demon Realm Expert!

The only reason that Xuan Hao even felt that he was confident in escaping from a True Demon Realm Expert, was due to his drifting cloud steps.

Although he had yet to fully master it, if he truly went all out using it with his current level of spatial manipulation, he could archive a somewhat accurate short distance teleportation with each step. Even if it was not a hundred percent accurate, it would still allow him to cross a distance of a thousand miles at a speed far exceeding anything normally possible in the Domain Lord Realm.


With all of this in mind, Xuan Hao was not at all worried about dying if he ended up encountering a True Demon Realm Expert as he passed the border between the Azure Sky Kingdom and the Frozen Wastelands.

If worst came to pass, he could always turn around and escape back towards the Sky Empire and wait for the Soul Ascension Realm Experts to come and deal with the problem for him!

Not to mention, after having used the Descend of the Ice God' Sword to kill the Third Demonic Transformation Realm demonic cultivator, Xuan Hao was really curious about just how strong an expert in the Soul Ascension or True Demon Realm was and how they would fare against his attack…

After all, at this point in time, he had yet to ever meet an expert who had reached the Soul Ascension Realm!

"So… Something that troublesome happened at the border with the Frozen Wasteland… And just when the sect alliance is about to be established of all times…"

At the same time Xuan Hao was making his way back into the Frozen Wasteland, a refined yet regal older man sat on top of a majestic throne as he gazed thoughtfully towards the communication talisman placed right beside him before turning towards a person dressed in a full plate of metal armour made from spiritual metal of the highest grade found in the Sky Empire respectfully standing beside him without saying a single word.


The invisible pressure created by the gaze from the one on top of the throne seemed to cause a shiver to run down the man's spine as he felt like his soul was about to get squished to death by some unknown force.

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"Go to General Liu and check out the situation of the Frozen Wastelands for me. Remember to keep a lookout for any of the churches. After all, even if they might be fighting with each other on the surface, there is no way to tell whether or not they are planning something beneath the surface!"

"Yes, your majesty! This one will carry out your orders and make sure nothing will be able to harm the Sky Empire!"


Bowing his head filled with both respect and fear, the man in the full plate of armour soon turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the throne room in the direction of the Frozen Wastelands.

During the short interaction, not a second was wasted with useless chatter, as both of them had known each other for long enough to understand some of the unspoken words and what else to keep an eye on other than the three churches!

At the same time, the identity of the majestic older man on top of the throne was also revealed to be none other than the current emperor of the Sky Empire! A Soul Ascension Realm Expert!

"Something like that happened in the Frozen Wastelands!? Haha! I'm sure his majesty the emperor is thinking that we had something to do with it, that annoying dog of his should already be on his way to investigate the matter! Haha, I wonder how fun his expression will be when he finds out we have nothing to do with it!"

Not too far away from where the Emperor of the Sky Empire was located, the cardinal belonging to the Order of the Sky God was laughing to himself as he looked outside at the streak of light quickly leaving the capital of the Sky Empire before heading in the direction of the Frozen Wastelands.

"Haaah… This is too good to be true, now that those two are busy focusing on the church of the plague god and his majesty has his attention focused on the Frozen Wastelands, I will have free reign to move around!"

But then again… The creator of the frozen hell located just outside our border with the Frozen Wastelands should at the very least be someone in the Soul Ascension Realm that has gone through the First Tribulation…

Muttering the first part to himself as he looked outside, the cardinal soon narrowed his eyes upon thinking about the culprit behind what had happened at their border with the Frozen Wasteland.

Even if he was unrelated to the matter, the cardinal could still not help feeling a bit worried thinking that there might be an unknown Soul Ascension Realm Expert roaming around the Sky Empire…