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Cross Roads

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293

Jack was in a great mood tonight. He had just done a huge favor for Simon, an important client of the company.

The project he was tracking seemed to be going smoothly. He approached with a big grin. “Congratulations,

Stephanie! You're about to enter the entertainment industry. Mr. Gower saw the advertisement you filmed and

thinks your demeanor is perfect for at Republic-era he’s investing in. You should thank Mr. Gower

Stephanie stood rigidly, her expression complex, and didn’t respond. Meanwhile, Simon and Eloise also had

strange looks, as if they hadn't heard a word Jack said.

Jack was puzzled when, suddenly, a deep, unfamiliar voice from his left asked, “And how should she thank him?”

Unfazed. Jack smiled and began instructing. “Of course, she should work hard for Mr. Gower... As he spoke, he

turned his head and glanced casually at the man with a strong presence standing to his left. Instantly, his face

froze, his expression turning stiff. He was so shocked that his lips twitched as if he had a muscle spasm.

“Mr. Wellington,” Jack called out.

He screamed inwardly, ‘It’s Dominick! What is he doing here?”

Jack stared at the man before him, too nervous to breathe.

Having worked at the Innovate Group for eight years, he knew how vast and complex the company was.

Although there were many leaders in charge of different regions and sectors, the head honcho was just one man.

Jack had attended the company’s annual gala once and had seen Dominick from afar, a memory that left a deep


Dominick was the kind of person you'd never forget once you laid eyes on him. That momentum and innately

noble and intimidating, with a hint of ruthlessness.

presence w

Jack felt his heart racing uncontrollably and stammered, “Mr. Wellington... Hello, it’s an honor to meet you.”

His boss remained silent while Eloise and the others awkwardly tried to smile and say something. Suddenly,

Dominick extended his arm and naturally wrapped it around the shoulder of the woman next to him.

The moment his hand touched her skin, Stephanie shivered.

The few people before them were stunned, not knowing how to react.

Although Dominick didn’t look at her, Stephanie's nerves were on edge, her entire body alert, as if waiting for

him to explode and scold her.

She thought that seeing her here “flirting with other men would surely anger him again.

Dominick was utterly unreasonable, always doing whatever he wanted and scolding her the moment he opened

his mouth.

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In this strange atmosphere, everyone suddenly becvery cautious.

However, to Stephanie’s surprise, he didn’t get angry. At least not in front of the subordinates and partners.

Dominick maintained his composure, turned to her, and said in a calm tone, “Cwith me.”

Simon and the others watched in stunned silence as they walked away, not daring to utter a word.

Stephanie didn’t want to argue with him in front of so many people that she reluctantly followed his lead.

Dominick’s expression remained calm, but his grip on her shoulder tightened, causing her sdiscomfort.

Walking beside him. Stephanie felt every step was stiff and awkward. She didn’t need to look back to know

countless curious and gossiping eyes were watching them.


Wherever Dominick was, he, was always the center of attention. Standing beside him, Stephanie felt no sense of

vanity that other women might. She just felt uncomfortable.

Stephanie hated being put on display. Just like last twhen she walked out of Room 502, embarrassed in front

of a group of residents.

“Where are we going? Let go of me,” she demanded in a low, angry voice. “I have my own freedom. | can go

wherever | want. What's wrong with coming to this club to make friends? Let go of me. I like it here. Her words

were defiant.

Stephanie tried to shrug off his arm, but his grip only tightened pressing their bodies closer together, making it

seem as if she was willingly leaning into his chest.

She was furious, thinking. Damn it! All the gossip and whispers will definitely be aimed atagain!

“Dominick, what exactly are you trying to do?” she gritted her teeth, her voice seething with suppressed anger,

almost ready to explode.

He still ignored her.

Stephanie pressed her lips, deciding not to speak to him either.

She was never a saint, but she had numbed herself to his coldness and hurtful actions, always making excuses

for him that he just didn’t remember her.

She thought. Don’t makehate you. As a husband, he is really terrible.

Stephanie sank into a state of dejection, her head lowered, staring blankly at the clean floor. She seemed to

forget that it had been a long tsince she had been this close to him.

After a while, she heard a voice nearby. “Mr. Wellington, everything is ready.”

When a pair of specially designed noise-canceling headphones was placed on her head, she snapped to

attention, raising her head only to meet his familiar, deep eyes. Then, a cold, slightly heavy gun was placed in

her delicate hand.

Stephanie stared at the weapon in her hand, her expression lagging for a half-second. Sear*ch the Find ngvel.nEt

website on Geggle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

“Ms. Reed, you can try firing at the target before you get a feel for it. This model has a recoil suitable for women.

I'll observe your performance first, then teach you the specifics... The head coach at the shooting range

addressed her in awkwardly accented Aurithian.

“I... don’t want to learn this, Stephanie stammered, her voice tinged with panic.

No matter how brave she was, she was still an ordinary person. Even when her grandfather pampered her, he

never let her handle such dangerous things. Now, her fingers felt cold, and she instinctively wanted to hand the

weapon back.

The retired coach from Aurorastra looked at her, puzzled. Before he could say anything, a cold, commanding

voice beside him interjected, “If you can’t get the hang of it, you're not going anywhere tonight.”

His words were non-negotiable.

“Dominick, are you trying to mess with me?” Stephanie was becoming desperate. She thought about simply

throwing the gun away, but what if it accidentally went off?

Dominick didn’t look at her. He glanced at the shooting coach and commanded, “Start!”

In the distance, Eloise and Jack watched the scene at the shooting range in disbelief.

Stephanie clumsily fired at the target,

and when she ran out of bullets, she

slammed the gun ogtahe@sdriet

4 ,

apd trictereave. But the club's most

aq 0 ,

prestigious shooting coach wouldn't

let her off, repeatedly loading the

weapon and handing it back The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

to her.

Their base t

boss, Dominick, stood by calmly, observing without a word.

The whole scenawas bizarre.

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I , . . » 2

What's going on with them!” Eloise


wasn't the only one baffled. Qifiers

who nag Depry dink and joking

afolnd glanced over at the shooting

« ) . ”

range. “Isn't that Mr. Wellington?” The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

“Mr. Wellington is here too, someone exclaimed..

“Mr. Wellington loves boxing, but what's he doing at the shooting range?”

This small gathering mainly consisted of old clients who had worked together many times. They exchanged

puzzled looks and then simultaneously turned to Hayley.

Feeling the questioning gazes from her old friends, Hayley forced a smile without saying a word.

She had arrived at the gathering early and knew that Stephanic had been blocked at the entrance earlier and

had almost been thrown out. She just hadn't expected Dominick to show up.

« ) . nh :

Aren't you quite familiar with Mr.

f ”

Wellington, Ms. Isaac?” A woma,

walked over with avaldgdnt stride,

her Figh hed clicking on the clean

marble floor. Her soft voice carried a

hint of mockery. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

The voice was unfamiliar to Hayley, but when she looked up, she recognized the face. It had been a long time.

Jessica walked up to her and sat directly across, flashing a smile, Ms. Isaac, Mr. Wellington is teaching his wife

how to shoot.

. x

Why didn’t you tell them?”