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Cross Roads

Chapter 235
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Chapter 235 "Dead?" Stephanie lay flat on the hed, her mind a haze, face pale, lips parched and cracked. In a raspy voice, she choked out the words "What do you. What do you incau, dead?" "Your babies are gone. The impact from the crash was severe. You lost a lot of blood. By the twe got you into surgery, it was too late Her thoughts scattered, unable to think.

"There was a massive downpour last night. Why were you driving so fast on the highway in your condition? It was reckless, not just for you but for everyone else...

"Your twins were full-term. When we delivered them, there was no sign of life. It's a tragedy" but she couldn't understand a single word. Stephanie stared at him blankly, eyes vacant, watching his The doctor's words kept repeating in her ears, lips move but unable to process the sounds they made.

"The stillborns are in the morgue. We did everything we could, but it was too late...

Stephanie couldn't hold back her scream. "You're lying! You're all lying to me! Her heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice, than anything she could have imagined.

the "This can't be happening... This can't be real... Her lips turned pale as she repeated the words, her heart racing uncontrollably. She couldn suppress the terror within her. This overwhelining fear invaded her soul, leaving her body cold, 'My son kicked me. That's fetal movement. The doctor said he's quite active.

'Dominick, you need to learn how to change diapers and make formula. You're going to be a father soon... 'George postponed his 80th birthday celebration. He wants to celebrate next month with the baby's one-month party. The Wellington family hasn't had a happy event in a long time. Everyone is looking forward to it' A chaotic jumble of voices and fractured images overwhelmed her. Her head throbbed, threatening to split open. Scenes and memories flashed by. each one pushing her closer to the edge.

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The babies are gone.

We did everything we could, but it was too late...

Her face drained of color, and her mind was on the verge of collapse. "No!" she screamed, her voice raw with desperation. "You're lying! Where my babies! Give them back! Give them back to me!" She struggled wildly, yanking out the IV from her hand and lunging at the doctors and nurses around her, digging her nails into their arms, screaming in despair.

"Hold her down!" *Her mental state is extremely unstable. Increase the dose of the sedative. We need to get her under control before she does any real damage" The harsh overhead lights flickered, casting long, eerie shadows as the room erupted into chaos.

are Doctors and nurses swarmed around her, swiftly strapping her arms and legs to the cold metal bed frwith white restraints. A sedative coursed through her veins and injected straight into her artery, Her face, pale as a ghost, contorted as her body struggled against the restraints. "Letgo! Letgo she screamed, her voice raw with desperation.

"Why did you lie to me? I gave them nickname. I bought them clothes... I was ready to be a mother... Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice was trembling.

In the end, her voice grew weaker, and her eyes slowly closed.

She felt her consciousness fading, so tired and sleepy.

Snippers of conversation reached her cars. "Traffle just called back. The white Porsche in the accident wasn't registered to her. The owner reported it stolen "She didn't have a phone, wallet, or any identification on her. The surgery fees haven't been paid yet. Should we stop the medication...

"The morgue charges several hundred dollars a day. What should we do with the two stillborns?" When she heard the words "stillborns“, it felt like her heart was being stabbed repeatedly, her flesh torn, bleeding, and the excruciating pain spread Through her entire body.

Chapter 235 Stephanie could no longer hear the noise around her. The medication took effect, plunging her into a deep coma and temporarily numbing the pain. It all felt like a nightmare.

She dreamed of the Reed family, her deceased mother and grandfather, and the imposing, unreachable gates of Wellington Villa.

These memories were chaotic and jumbled. From the moment she married into the Wellington family, her days felt like a surreal dream.

Something clicked in her mind, and she took off, sprinting through the corridors of Wellington Villa. She searched every room, cranny, but then stopped short. What was she even looking for! every nook and

The grand house had beca sinister maze, dark and foreboding. A wave of panic washed vecher she ran blindly, bursting through one door after another, calling out for help, but there was no response, only hollow echoes. The darkness swallowed her whole, leaving her disoriented and lost. She sank to the floor, her arms wrapped tightly around her head, shaking uncontrollably.

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"Is there anyone out there? Please, someone help me... I don't know what to do... 've been so son strong. I've fought so hard, but I can't get out of here I'm so scared. Please, someone help me.. Her small frhuddled in the corner, trembling with fear as she shouted for help.

Then, she heard a piercing cry of a baby ahead. The baby was crying loudly, sounding terrified and helpless. Its cries were hoarse and choked, yet it continued to wall as if abandoned.

The baby's cries tugged at her heart.

Gathering her composure, she steadied herself against the wall and slowly stood up. Somehow, she found the courage to move toward the direction of the crying baby, feeling her way in the dark.

As Stephanie walked, the path gradually becclearer. She found herself standing in front of the study door on the second floor of Breeze Villa. Pausing for a moment, she reached for the doorknob, but it was locked. She grew more anxious and twisted harder, but it still wouldn't open. The baby's cries gradually weakened until there was a deathly silence.

Stephanie was frantic. She raised her hand and pounded on the door, shouting. "Open the m the door! Please open the door!" It was as if she had an unfulfilled wish buried deep in her heart. She was persistent and panicked. She couldn't contain her fear, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

Just then, the door clicked open from the inside.

A familiar, stern face appeared before her. For a moment, she was stunned, and then she launched herself at him, sobbing uncontrollably, feeling more wronged and upset than she'd ever been.

"Dominick! Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. Why did you hide from me... They said the child is dead, Dominick The child is dead..." The ICU had fallen silent, and the woman on the hospital bed was sleeping, tears continuously streaming from the corners of her eyes, soaking most of the white pillow.