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Cross Roads

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 Sleep evaded her.

Stephanie tossed and turned in her bed, her movements restless, as if burdened by unspoken thoughts that kept her from drifting into slumber.

"Stephanie." On the other side of the bed, Dominick noticed her agitation, finally unable to resist calling her nin a deep, subdued tone.

Immediately, Stephanie settled down.

Yet, within moments, she shifted again.

"Dominick, are you having trouble sleeping?" Her voice was clear and unwavering, betraying her own alertness despite the late hour.

The faint light from the bedside lamp cast a soft glow on Stephanie's profile. She harbored a genuine fear of the dark.

"Dominick, can I ask you something?" With evident inner conflict, Stephanie edged closer to Dominick, her tone betraying a hint of urgency as she posed another question.

He remained silent, his gaze fixed on her, prompting her to hesitate in her subsequent words.

"That year, during our high school graduation trip... You were our assistant teacher. Did you... Did you attend that trip?" She asked cautiously, as if wary of touching upon sensitive matters.

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"No," Dominick replied bluntly.

Stephanie furrowed her brow suddenly, visibly perplexed. "But that's impossible. Kevin said..." "What did he say?" you..." Her eyes searched Dominick's face intently, a mixture of doubt and suspicion coloring her voice. "It couldn't have been yo Meanwhile, Dominick lowered his eyes subtly, offering no further explanation.

"Have you heard anything about the incidents during the trip that year?" Stephanie reminisced about certain events, her voice laden with gravity, oblivious to his puzzled expression.

"You probably haven't heard about it, and that's understandable. The only tmy father ever helpedwas likely due to that scandal, though it was also to protect the Reed family's reputation." She pressed her lips lightly, reluctant to continue, remaining silent for a long while as she tried to ease her emotions, managing only a forced smile.

"You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen it yourself. It was at sunset that day when I was unfortunate enough to get separated from my classmates on the mountainside. Suddenly, five or six bandits from a mountain village attacked me. They draggeddown the hillside, pounced on me, and tore my clothes. I was terrified and fought desperately to escape..." Dominick froze momentarily.

Chapter 134 Meanwhile, Stephanie slept on her side, her face reflecting deep thought. Suddenly, she clasped his arm with both hands and leaned into him.

"I heard gunshots.

"Dominick, was it you who savedthat day?" Her words paused, her cheek resting against his arm before she added insistently, "I krlow you saved me." He lowered his gaze to the woman nestled beside him, his thoughts mingling but remaining unspoken. "Why didn't you tell me?" She raised her head, meeting his gaze directly. "Dominick, why didn't you tellthat you did those things?" It wasn't particularly late at 11 PM. On any other day, he would have likely still been in his study, but tonight he felt a bit weary.

He was exhausted, and a dull ache pulsed through his brain, and he avoided dredging up memories of the past. In the tranquil night, tseemed suspended for a prolonged moment...

Yet, her determination persisted.

"Because I'm angry," Dominick responded in a deep voice.

Every tshe recalled the events of that year, those scenes resurfaced vividly. "Stephanie, I'm angry that you accepted Kevin's pursuit without reason, I'm angry that you married him...

His anger, in truth, was only partially known to her and the other part, bluntly put, was his hatred for her. How long could he hate her for? The burden of hatred weighed heavily on him.

His hatred towards her consumed him completely, holding Stephanie responsible for every misstep, convinced she owed him, demanding her repayment for a lifetime, no matter the cost.

"Stephanie, I've waited for six years for you to acknowledge your mistake and seek forgiveness..." His wait was in vain; eventually, he realized it was all a mere illusion.

From the beginning, she didn't recognize him for who he truly was.

Stephanie observed his conflicted expression, struggling to comprehend his demands for contrition and reconciliation, but acknowledging his justified anger.

"Dominick, were you injured that day? Faced with armed bandits, how did you manage...

Her memories were clouded; fear gripped her as she recalled the sounds of struggle, gunfire, and cries of pain echoing in the darkening twilight Darkness descended gradually, accompanied by the acrid scent of blood. She knew the man who had cto her rescue had been injured..

She longed to do something for him, but fear paralyzed her.

Chapter 134 She feared the worst, haunted by the possibility that her actions could have cost him his life. Clinging tightly to his arm, she whispered, "I've been seeking answers, trying to understand...

"What do you expect from me? A token of gratitude?" His voice was calm, tinged with a hint of self-deprecation.

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"Oh... I.. I'm here to repay you." She blushed with embarrassment, "Kevin deceivedby taking credit for what you did. He claimed he saved me, and I believed him..."

Dominick's anger flared. He turned to glare at her intensely. "Stephanie, are you going to surrender yourself toinForder to repay my kindness for saving your life? Are you sure about that?" "Then what do you expect of me?" Stephanie couldn't read Dominick's mind. She believed that clarity would ease his mood.

"If you askto forgive you, I'll consider it."

Why was he so stubborn? She studied him for a while, then om suddenly leaned in and kissed him on the lips, softly and warmly, catching him off guard.

"So...what are your thoughts?" Her face flushed with embarrassment.

She genuinely liked him and didn't need pretense. He was too proud to appease her, so she took the initiative.

According to forum posts, men appreciated assertive women, but she was unsure of her kissing.

experienced man.

ing skills when dealing g with a n much more "Dominick, are you still going to be mad at me? I've admitted my mistakes, so please forgive me...

"It tickles..." She giggled.

"Is this how you repay me?"

"Great gratitude should be repaid in actions. Dominick, inick, don't press down on me! Kim not going to let you off if you crush my sons..." "Uh? How will you not letoff?" "It tickles so much. I won't dare do it again. Really, I promise..." Silence suddenly filled the air.

Looking down at her beneath him, he noticed her relaxed smile was more genuine and less restrained than X before.

And she...seemed to reciprocate his feelings, making him gaze at her intensely.

"Stephanie, don't turnaway."