Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Three
“You were never going to leaveall on my own in the woods, were you?”
“No,” Axel answered.
“You knew that | wanted to leave,” | stated. Of course they weren't fools, It had been too easy, and | should have
suspected it. | could tell them the truth; tell them Beatrix had helped me; after all, she had only sentoff to be
captured by Ryker, | didn’t need to protect her.
“It had been a test, Riley; one Thane didn’t think you would fall for; those girls are captives. Once in a while,
svery foolish packs still decide to go on an all-out war with our pack, and when we conquer them, their
members are being taken as captives. The females are given options. They could buy their freedom,” Axel
explained, and | did know what he meant by buying their freedom’. “The rest are released after a few years to
roam about as rogues or serve the pack if seen fit.“-"
“So Beatrix bringingdown to the Chambers was part of the test?”
“No, she hadn't intended for us to find out, but did you really think we wouldn't notice that someone cin?.
Yet Thane let it all happen; he wanted to see your reaction.”
“And | guess | failed him, right?“. Axel was silent | felt my anger building up. “So he punishesfor running
away, even though all along, he knew, is this skind of gto him?”
“I'm sorry, Riley. You should rest; you are hurt.”
I didn’t need to let out my anger on Axel; he wasn’t the one | was mad at, and so | lay back on the bed. | couldn't
imagine | had felt so sorry for Thane when he was being punished; | couldn't believe his little tale about his
deceased mate had gotfeeling strange things for him; | couldn't believe | let myself believe that we were
making skind of progress.
“Are you going to leave?” | asked Axel
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“Do you wantto stay?”
“Yes... please”
Axel stood, carefully joiningon the bed, still fully clothed.
We lay there for a few minutes; | was completely lost in my thoughts.
“The sight of your tears doesn’t turnon; it saddens me.”
One week had passed.
Chapter Sixty Three
A whole week of being locked in the room alone. Axel cin regularly to check up onand, of course,
administer the balm, but he couldn't stay long; maids were sent to bring in food; other than that, | had no more
visitors, so | had been very surprised when the door unlocked and Thane walked in
Thane, who | hadn't seen in a week; of course | knew who he had been spending his twith. It shouldn't
concern me; with each passing day the contract due date was coming, it still felt like a really long tleft, but
that was all | had to hold on to; soon | would leave here and start up a life.
“I almost thought you forgot there was a woman in your room,” | said, totally ignoring Axel’s warning of being
careful with Thane.
“| see you have fully recovered.”
“No thanks to you.”
“Your smart tongue will get you nowhere, princess.”
“I have a name, and it’s Riley.”
“Is my little princess mad at me?”
“You lefthere, all alone,
“You didn’t want to cuddle with me, did you?” He asked, and he was right; | didn’t want him
“You could have checked up on me; that was the least you could do.”
“If you wantedback here with you, you could have only asked,” he says, and | doubt it would have been that
“So where did you spend your nights?” | asked
“I'll prefer remaining ‘sore‘-free,’ thank you.”
“Did I really hurt you that bad?” He asks, and my mouth falls open. Was he really asking this question?
“Wasn't that what you wanted?, to leavein tears?”
“Yes,” he admitted. “That's what |
wanted, but | didnit-exaotly@épihe
setifadtoR us Hoping for” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Putting others in pain satisfy you? You are a sicko Thane,” | spit the words to his face..
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That wouldn't stopfrom punishing you again,” he warns, and Axel’s cautionary words
flash back in my mind. Yet again, | ignore it.
Chapter Sixty Three
“| will not let you rapeagain,” |
said just to anger | Toye fodlishly
o ssingiacine. Bid mind? Nope, not
Ea The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“You signed a damn agreement—that
was you giving your consent ¥oen
knew NAS @arddetting yourself
into! Bu if you prefer the term, then |
don't mind; I've been called worst.”