Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three
“Get up” | ordered
“I can’t,” the man says, | could see it in his eyes, he had already given up.
“Helplift him,” | said. We managed to lift him, he groaned in pain as his injured leg scraped against the bare
ground. Together, we carried the man away, heading for the pack borders. | doubted we'd be as lucky walking
past andetected, or escape as easily as we had entered.
Damn he was heavy, we managed to travel only a short distance before the gun shot stopped us. The man | had
been carrying slumped. The bullet had gotten him in the side.
It was one of the Nightshade soldiers, he fired another shot and it got the other man in the arm, he cried out. |
let go of the man, but before | could reach for my gun, there was yet another shot. This one had been fired from
another direction. Not at me, but at the Nightshade soldiers. Gabriel was back.
He rushed to us, quickly checking on the man who laid on the floor.
“He would survive,” he said toand | nodded. “I need to get you out of here”
“No, help them first”
“The Nightshade soldiers are already on their way here, they would kill you”
“I am your Queen and | say save them first”
| didn’t think he would comply, it must have been something autocratic in my voice because he quickly adhered,
helping the two men, he led them away.
More of the Nightshade soldiers approached. | had no chance against them, yet | would have to fight to buy
Gabriel stto get them all out
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| inhaled deeply.
Taking out my sword.
an towards them and my:
met one of theirs with a clash, they wouldn't kill me, | know
that, because they needalive for interrogations, but they didn’t mind the state | would be
left in.
| barely dodged a gun fired aiming for my leg, | fought my way through the soldiers, meeting every strike, but |
was losing ground. These were experienced, well trained soldiers. | felt a cut to my side followed by another on
my thigh, but | fought on and then | saw him.
| hadn’t seen him for months, yet he looked exactly the same, better than my thoughts had painted him to be.
Thane watched me, his eyes cold, For a second the fear filled me, but then | remembered that
Chapter One Hundred and Eight Three
he couldn't recognise me, not if I left my mask on. The girl he remembered was nothing like
My moment of distraction was used againstas the sword was knocked off my hands.
This was it.
| was going to die and he would watchdie.
“Stop” Thane ordered and the soldiers obeyed.
| smirked when | saw all the damage | had inflicted on the soldiers, | had aimed to incapacitate not to kill. But |
couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pride at my handiwork.
“Take her to the dungeons”
Immediately my smile disappeared.
‘It would be worth it if they escaped’ | said to myself as | was dragged into the pack house and down the
dungeons. No one recogniseand | couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they did know who | was.
Things would only get worse.
| did my best not to think about the
fact that Thane would be om
interrogtipgNre heWotld know it's
mie When all these materials were off
and then what? The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
He would torturefor information, just as he would do any others, because | was and would never be anything
to him..
The dungeon was as | had remembered it, | wasn’t placed in a cell room, no, | was placed in the torture chamber.
Guards held me, but | didn’t see the use, | was too weak to fight now.
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The door was thrown open and Thane walked in.
And guess what? It still hurts. Staring
at him still felt so pe Ny heart
"ey nevey forget how he had
betrayed me. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
One of the guards applied pressure
on my leg and | fell on my Kngggpyihe
other ugrgattemptedo rip off the
ubpét part of my tunic, | couldn't let
‘him’ see me, and so | fought hard.
“Leave, the both of you” Thane’s cold voice echoed in the room and the two guards walked out of the door.
| was alone with him, on my knees and | hated it. | rose to my feet. | would never kneel before him.
“You might as well take a seat, Riley”.