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Cold Hearted Princess

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 Meeting Gemma I felt heavy. He was more handsthan in the pictures. He used a perfume, which madefeel something that I never felt before. When his lips touched mine, I felt butterflies in my stomach, When I closed my eyes, I tried to avoid crying. I didn't know why I had to suffer so much. Why was life so cruel to me? What have I done? Then the next moment, before I would have broke, I reminded myself I had a plan. I told myself to stay strong and to avoid him, not to let my heart break. I planned to escape from here as soon as possible.

As he avoided talking to me, I didn't try to talk to him either. I realised he was drinking too much, but I didn't dare to say a word. Finally, he got drunk. He couldn't stand straight, so Seth helped him to go to the car. When he closed the car door, I felt terrible about doing that, but I needed help. I turned to Seth.

"Seth, please, 1 don't even know where I am going." "Help Alice." Leah whispered to him.

He looked at her, apparently annoyed he had to help me, but he nodded at his wife.

"I'll be back shortly." He kissed Leah, and we sat in the car, I sat in the back with my husband. I did not need to do too much, as he was nearly unconscious. Watching him, I only hoped he would not be sick next to me. When we arrived, I watched the house in amazement.

It was a nice house, as well. His parents house differed from this one. This was a modern, now building. Seth helped him to go in and he left him upstairs, probably in a bedroom. I awaited him in the living ve room.

"Alice, I have to go back. Leah is alone with Ava." He said harshly.

"I understand. Thank you for helping me." I said, before he left hurriedly, without a word. I could feel he didn't likeat all, I couldn't blhim. Perhaps he did not know I was not the one who applied for the role of getting married to his brother.

I sat on the sofa. I guessed I was in the living room. I felt tired, as I never stayed up late. I always went to bed early so I could get up at four am to train. Sitting there alone was horrible.

I had no clothes to change into. My wedding dress was the only clothing that I could wear. I was hungry, but I did not dare to move around.

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Soon, I needed to use the bathroom. I kept it for a long time, but soon I felt like I could not wait any longer. E had to find a bathroom. Thankfully, I found one quickly.

Even nif I did not want to wander around, I I washed my face, and I walked back to the sofa. I laid down. It was comfortable, and as I was tired enough, I soon fell asle asleep.

I woke up feeling something cold on my face. When I opened my eyes, I realised that someone poured water on me. I turned attractive blond woman standing there, apparently fuming, my head see an "Get up, you b***h!" She shouted at me.

still in a daze, and I did not move. She stepped closer impatiently and grabbed my hair. She pulledoff of the sofa, down on the floor. I received two kicks onto my side, which tookaback. I was about to stop her, when my eyes widened in surprise.

She had a bottle of barbecue sauce in her hand and she poured the sauce on my dress. That wokeup instantly.

"No, please stop it!" I yelled at her, and I stood up immediately. I cried. I thought about how expensive the dress was, and with how much care Mrs. Sullivan chose it for me. How could explain that I wasn't the one who ruined it? She was laughing.

"Get used to it, b*** 1 am going to ruin your life. And if you don't like that, you are free to go. This is my place. Gideon is mine, remember that." She shouted at me, fuming.

Chapter 11 Meeting Gemma "What the hell is going on?" We both burned to the door when we heard a sleepy voice.

"Gideon, how do you She ran to him and kissed his lips. He looked horrible and he pushed her away.

*Gemma, leavenow. I feel like **L" "You promisedyou would call me." she said, nearly crying.

"I've got drunk, Gemma, I forgot that. I don't even know how I chome." "Okay, I don't want to hear that. This tI forgive you. Do you want to go back to bed?" She asked while she caressed his back.

"oh, "k yes." Obviously, he was still drunk, or at least he still didn't know where he exactly was and what exactly happened. She smiled at him and took him with her. I just sat on the floor in my spoiled wedding dress, and I was sobbing. For the first time, I wished they would killsoon. At that moment, I was sure I wouldn't be able to take this for long.

While I was sobbing my eyes out, there were only one sentence with I repeated. "I hate you, Charles, you will pay for everything you have done to me." Gideon I opened my eyes. I felt uncomfortable. Gemma was all overin my bed. I tried to move her. I thought she was sleeping.

*Please don't move." I sighed.

"Gemma, I have to go out- I forced her to letgo.

"Where are you going?" "In the bathroom." "Okay, wait for you." She whispered.

I washed my face, and when I cout of my daze, I just remembered something. My eyes went wide open, and I left the bathroom hurriedly.

"Gemma, leave, now." "What?" she yelled.

I pulled her up and hugged her, then I gave her a kiss on her lips. I knew she loved that.

"I have things to get done. Please do not ruin my plan. I'll meet you in the club, okay?" "But Gideon, why can't I stay here?" "If you stay, you'll ruin everything. Please listen to me." "Gideon, I don't want to leave you with her Okay, that was too much for me.

"Gemes, leave now. Don't wantto repeat that." Chapter 11 Meeting Gemma I think my anger was obvious, as she looked atfrightened and hurt. Her eyes becteary. I think she still didn't know that crying wouldn't help at all, actually that just made things worse.

She slowly letgo, then she took her belongings. I walked down with her. At the door, she looked into my eyes.

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"When will I see you?" "I don't know. I'll call you soon." She looked hurt again, but I didn't care. I was angry with her.

"Won't you cto the club tonight?" "Maybe, now just go." I repeated myself.

She nodded, then she left.

I exhaled. I hurried to the living room, but she wasn't. For a second I wondered if she had left, but then I remembered our people would have caught her.

I wandered around in the house, when I finally saw her through the window.

She sat on a deck chair at the pool.

Her beautiful dress was soiled, and Le her hair was messy Apparently, was crying a lot. I couldn't explain how it felt to see her like that, but this unfamiliar feeling wasn't pleasant at all.

She was like an unwanted pet. I just threw her in the house, and I let her be on her own. I needed to stop myself from thinking about this. She was here, and I reminded myself of the reason for that. Even if she was beautiful, I couldn't show her a single kindness. I took a deep breath, and I went out to her. When she lifted her head to look at me, I almost gave up. sad, lost, and hurt.

1. up. Her eyes mirrored her emotions. She was tired, "I will show you your room." She looked aw and nodded.

First, I thought I should help her get up, but I held myself back. I turned around, and I walked back into the house. I could hear she followed me. When we arrived at the door, I opened it, and I let her go in.

"You can find everything you need here. A few of your clothes arrived yesterday, and you can find every necessary thing in the bathroom don't keep housekeepers. I pay for cleaners to come. Usually I order food, so most of the tyou can find something to eat in the fridge. You are free to move inside the house. The only room where you can't enter is my room. I'm mostly out at night and sleep daytime. Don't make noise." She just looked at me, motionless I was about to leave when I had another thought.

"Oh, and another thing. Gemma, the girl you met here is my girlfriend. Do not provoke her. If you do, and she does something to you, I won't defend you "But I did not-" "Listen to Ads by Pubfuture