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Class Teacher System

Ch152 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (31)
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On March 9th, 2739 of the Federal New Calendar, it was considered a bright and sunny day on Wisdom Star. The sunlight pierced through the clouds and shone directly onto the largest square of the Stellar Academy, illuminating the faces of every student and visitor cheering and supporting here.

Looking closely at their faces, it seemed that each person carried a hint of fanaticism and admiration, as if they were watching the most powerful and brave warriors they admired.

"Ah, I feel so excited! Yi Feng has been in the super abyss for a whole half month! I chere every day, just waiting to be the first one to cheer him on when he comes out!"

"Yi Feng is simply amazing! He actually managed to stay in the abyss black hole for half a month! Half a month! Isn't this already surpassing the record of the most powerful hero of the Yi family? Truly worthy of being from the Yi family!"

"Hehe, even if they're from the Yi family, there are still differences. Yi Xiao, such a genius, hasn't dared to enter the abyss black hole once in the past five years, even though he witnessed his parents' death with his own eyes. But what activity doesn't involve danger? He has always been unable to overchis fear, it's really boring."

"Yeah, he's already seventeen this year, almost eighteen, right? He hasn't dared to enter the abyss black hole even once. It's just like that. The hero of this generation of the Yi family must be Yi Feng."

"Haha, this segment isn't just about Yi Feng alone! There's also Richard, Francis, and Zhou Yuduo! These four are the most outstanding talents in our Federation! Each of them can stay in the abyss black hole for more than ten days!"

"Yes, yes, with such powerful heroes, maybe the problem of the abyss black hole will be completely solved in a few years. Our generation is truly fortunate!"

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"It's already the fifth year. The Grand Commander should agree to let them truly enter the abyss black hole this time, right? Always simulating here doesn't show the greatness of the heroes! Even if it's one hundred percent simulation intensity, it's not real, there's no way to help everyone feel at ease and happy! So, let's solve the abyss black hole problem quickly, and we can all be more at ease and happier, right?"

"Do you even need to say that? The Grand Commander must be prepared. It is said that ten days later, the simulation challenge of the abyss black hole will be opened, and then, a month later, the passage to the abyss black hole will be opened. At that time, all of us can watch the live broadcast of those heroes fighting the black hole on the Star Network!"

"Really? If that's the case, it's really something to look forward to! Ah, I also want to becsuch a hero, but unfortunately, I can't even last ten minutes in the simulation field of the military academy. The feeling of being deprived is really creepy!"

"It's true that you can feel deprived? Hahaha, but, it seems that in this day and age, if you want to do something big, you really have to rely on talent. Without talent, you really can't do anything."

The surrounding students who were watching were still discussing enthusiastically. Swere sighing about the greatness of the heroes, while others were feeling resentful about their own talents. Just at this moment, a clear voice sounded, causing everyone to stop their discussion.

"That's wrong. Talent is never the main factor determining a person's achievement."

Following the voice, a young man holding a delicate book quietly walked over from a distance. The boy looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, with a straight figure and calm steps. His black hair had a slight curl at the ends, and his black pupils reflected the golden sunlight. Coupled with his perfect features, he appeared very striking. Even though he himself was not very aware of it, the gazes around him were all following his figure as he walked.

"Just like you, Zhao Zilong, male, seventeen years old. A second-year student in the Advanced Department of the Warrior Mecha Academy, with a mental strength of C-level and physical fitness of B+. Your overall talent assessment is better than eighty percent of the Federation. Your grandfather had the stalent as you, even a little inferior in physical fitness, but now he is one of the powerful figures in the Commercial Alliance. If you complain about such talent being inferior, then should the remaining eighty percent of people who are not as good as you just go and die?" The boy walked slowly to the slightly older boy who had just sighed about his own talent, and said this without expression. His words were like a huge slap, cold and ruthless, slapping Zhao Zilong's face, making him stiffen.

At this moment, Zhao Zilong, surrounded by the crowd, felt embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole and die. How could this person directly bring up his grandfather's example to him? And what he said wasn't even about doing business like his grandfather did! His meaning was to beca hero! At this moment, he absolutely couldn't back down, otherwise he would definitely be laughed at for a long, long time!

So he angrily retorted to the handsand elegant young man, "What do you know? Is my talent considered good enough? Look at those great heroes, who among them has such talent? It should at least be double A-level talent to be considered good, right? Haven't you noticed that anyone who has accomplished great things in the history of the Federation is an extremely talented genius? And you, you're just a little guy my grandfather hired to helpimprove my ability control, don't think you can lecture me! You haven't even reached the Advanced Department yet, have you? A lower grade student like you wants to lecture me? You're really full of yourself! I really don't understand why my grandfather thinks you can teachanything!"

With sarcasm and annoyance, Zhao Zilong shouted several sentences at the delicate young man, and the people around had already been carefully examining the young man. At this moment, they were surprised to learn that he was a coaching teacher who could help others improve their ability control. They were wondering who he could be.

Apart from them, many people, when they saw this young man, already had sexpectations. When they heard that he was a coaching teacher, they instantly thought of something extremely terrifying. Those students showed an expression of horror, reluctance to look back, and directly retreated three big steps to express their firm unwillingness to get close to him in any way. A few teenagers even turned around and walked away directly, as if there was a big monster chasing them from behind!

Before the people around could figure out what was going on with these sudden retreats, changes in facial expressions, and even running away students, they heard the young man speak calmly:

"Just because I am a four-star senior instructor of the Education Alliance; because my ability, historical, literary, political, and psychological education levels have all passed the first-level assessment; because every student I have coached has reached their learning expectations; because I am the coaching teacher your grandfather hired for five hundred thousand Federal Credits."

"Because I am Ren Zhu, any more questions?" Ren Zhu held the book to his chest and quietly looked at the young man named Zhao Zilong.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around drew a cold breath, and someone even shouted out:

"Oh my god, it's that terrifying devil coaching little demon king selected by Star Network!!"

"He's a Federal genius with S-level mental strength control!!"

"... It's the first tI've seen a real person! It's said that all the unruly kids beccompletely different after being coached by him! Terrifying!"

"I have a buddy who was coached by him! It's said that he kneeled throughout the coaching session! He was so happy after he left that he almost fainted from joy!"

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"But you have to admit he's capable. My classmate, who used to be really bad at everything, becan artistic talent after being coached by him for half a year, although he's still a bit arrogant, he's much better than before. But it's said that to hire him, my classmate spent half of his family's fortune..."

Listening to the sudden discussions, Zhao Zilong seemed to finally understand who Ren Zhu really was. His heart skipped a beat, almost foreseeing his miserable future. He subconsciously wanted to turn and run, but then he heard a voice.


So he despairingly found himself obediently turning towards the young man! He couldn't even control his own body. Zhao Zilong was going crazy: "This is outrageous! You're using mental control on me! What you're doing is illegal! I don't want to go for remedial classes, I want to continue watching heroes here!!"

Thirteen-year-old Teacher Ren completely ignored Zhao Zilong's shouts. He turned with the book in his arms, ready to leave, but his path was blocked by someone.

"Brother Ren Zhu, how could you be so extreme? Zhao Zilong chere to cheer for our Federation heroes, he's not being playful or neglecting his duties. Do you really need to use mental control to make him leave?" The speaker was wearing expensive-looking clothes, with his hands crossed over his shoulders. Although he seemed to be sympathizing, his eyes were full of excitement for stirring up trouble.

Ren Zhu looked at him, feeling that even after five years, this guy's intelligence hadn't increased by a single point. If his dad wanted to pay him a fortune to increase this person's intelligence, he wouldn't do it for less than five billion. But Yi Ming was very good at stirring up emotions. At this moment, everyone around looked over, apparently thinking that Yi Ming's words made sense.

So, Ren Zhu smiled faintly, the smile flashed by and quickly returned to calm. He turned to look at the huge black vortex that almost occupied the entire college square and said, "Is your brain malfunctioning? Do you needto tell you the definition of a hero?" The young man suddenly becserious, his voice clear: "Intelligence and bravery make a hero. A hero has lofty aspirations, the strength to swallow mountains and rivers, the breadth of mind to encompass the world. They shoulder justice, rescue people from danger, and alleviate the suffering of the people."

"This is the ancient definition of a hero. Maybe your knowledge is not enough to know it, so lettell you straightforwardly. Here, a hero should be someone who selflessly fights for the interests of the people, regardless of danger, and is admired. If you say that the ancestors of the Yi family who sacrificed for the Federation are heroes, I have no objection; if you say that the soldiers who died seven hundred years ago for the unification of the Federation are heroes, I applaud. But..."

Ren Zhu turned to look at the several mechas that had just rushed out of the black vortex, landing in a particularly flashy but impractical posture, accepting the cheers of the people. He mocked, "They've just undergone an unusual mecha training. How can they be worthy of the title 'hero'? If they truly want to becheroes, they should first venture into the real Abyss Black Hole."

Ren Zhu's last question was light, but to others, it sounded like deafening thunder.