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Class Teacher System

Ch150 - Save the Brain Dead Lover (29)
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When the uncontrollable mental force, like a storm, appeared in the room, everyone present showed shocked expressions. Only after hearing someone shout the words "mental force rampage" did they quickly stand up from their seats as if they had been greatly frightened, and then instinctively wanted to turn and leave this dangerous place.

"A mental force rampage" refers to a situation where a person's mental force spreads uncontrollably in a violent form to the surroundings, indiscriminately attacking everything around. Such a mental force rampage can have a terrifying effect on others with mental force as well. Besides causing severe headaches and mental instability, if the person being attacked by the rampaging mental force is not proficient in controlling their own mental force, there is a high probability of experiencing a "secondary mental force rampage resonance," where the rampaging mental forces overlap, resulting in extremely dire consequences.

Therefore, the Federation takes mental force rampages very seriously, fearing that they will destroy the Federation's talents, especially since Yi Xiao is the only S-class mental force explosively powerful person in the Federation.

So, at the moment when Yi Xiao's mental force went rampant, four medical personnel dressed in Military Alliance Academy medical uniforms appeared around the mimicry field. Each of them held a transparent light ball and rushed to Yi Xiao's side at the fastest speed. Then, the four of them pushed their light balls together, creating an extremely powerful mental force barrier around Yi Xiao, directly blocking eighty percent of his rampaging mental force.

Obviously, they were prepared in advance to control the situation so quickly. Their speed was even faster than Ren Zhu, who had rushed to Yi Xiao's side after standing up.

At this moment, the students who had just turned pale and wanted to flee breathed a sigh of relief. Just the thought that they had almost been attacked by an S-class rampaging mental force made both male and female students break out in a cold sweat. They didn't have the confidence to resist this S-class rampaging mental force like the Grand Commander and the Generals did. If they were attacked by this rampaging mental force, their only fate would probably be becoming idiots.

The relieved students now had the mood to observe the situation around them. Then, almost everyone's attention in the room focused on Yi Xiao in the virtual arena.

At this moment, Yi Xiao had somehow cout of the mecha. He was half kneeling on the ground, one hand clenched into a fist, and the other hand pressing hard on his head, as if this one action had exhausted all his strength, causing his whole body to tremble lightly. But there was no one around him. Even the four medical practitioners with healing abilities were standing awkwardly three meters away from Yi Xiao, unable to move forward.

"Wow... This is the first tI've seen a real S-class mental force rampage. The mental force barrier around Yi Xiao is actually golden! Is it the highest level of mental force barrier?! But even so, I can still feel the rampant fluctuations of abilities around me." "This is really terrifying. At the moment when Yi Xiao's mental force went rampaging, I felt like my head was hit hard by a big hammer, and my mind was a bit confused. If those four medical practitioners hadn't reacted quickly, I might have been rampaging along with the mental force."

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"I never thought an S-class mental force rampage would be so terrifying!"

"But terrifying as it is, it's rare to have the opportunity to see it up close! But, Yi Xiao seems to be in a lot of pain, doesn't he?"

"Indeed, he still can't overcthe Abyss Black Hole. Although he also found the Black Mist, he can't cout without going into a mental rampage."

"Yeah, he's not as powerful as those eight senior students who cout unscathed."

Once the students were sure they were no longer in danger, they went from panic to whispering. Their eyes were fixed on Yi Xiao, gradually treating him as if he were srare and exotic specimen.

Although Yi Xiao didn't lift his head, he felt the extremely irritating and explosive emotions directed towards him, making his head ache even more.

"Your Excellency Grand Commander, shouldn't we quickly stabilize Yi Xiao's mental force rampage now? If this continues, his body and brain won't be able to handle it anymore." Teacher Jin, who led the team from Stellar Academy, frowned and looked directly at the Grand Commander.

The Grand Commander, who had been staring intently at Yi Xiao all this time, seemed to be confirming and observing something. Upon hearing this, he slowly raised his head. "Although I also want to stop his mental force rampage, as you have seen, his S-class mental force rampage is indiscriminately attacking everyone around him. Two of those four medical practitioners are A-class healing ability users, and they are powerless. I can't stop him either."

Teacher Jin pursed his lips, while Zack beside him clasped his hands together directly. What the Grand Commander said was not wrong. S-class mental force rampages were extremely difficult to pacify and treat. Not to mention that there wasn't a single S-class healing ability user present, even when Yi Xiao had his first mental force rampage, the Federation had summoned the top two S-class healing ability users and ten A-class mental force healers, but no one could solve his mental force rampage problem.

So, in the current situation, it seemed that they could only let the eldest suffer and struggle here, in front of the entire Federation. Zack gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and refused to look at Yi Xiao's condition in the field. He had never felt so angry, helpless, and in pain at the stbefore.

Because he had tightly closed his eyes, he didn't see that after the Grand Commander finished speaking, someone not far behind him rushed out at an extremely fast speed. He was short in stature and very thin, but he charged into the still-golden translucent mental force barrier without hesitation.

"Ah! Look! That student!"

"Oh my God! Is he suicidal? He actually rushed into the mental barrier!"

"Huh, what does he want to do..."

People who were watching Yi Xiao closely noticed Ren Zhu sprinting towards him for the first time. Before people could finish their exclamations, Ren Zhu had already rushed to Yi Xiao's side. Yi Xiao was firmly suppressing his mental sea, vaguely sensing someone rushing towards him. He looked up and saw Ren Zhu, who seemed angry, with pursed lips.

Yi Xiao wanted to smile, but the next moment, Ren Zhu grabbed his head, and then slapped him hard on the back of his neck, knocking him out cold.

All onlookers: "..."

All Star Network users: "..."

The Grand Commander and Yi Zhongding uncontrollably stood up, but the next moment their faces turned disappointed. Although Ren Zhu forced Yi Xiao unconscious by rushing into his mental force rampage barrier, he couldn't treat Yi Xiao's mental force rampage. Even after Yi Xiao passed out, his mental force was still rampaging, albeit with reduced intensity. Just like that, they couldn't be sure if Yi Xiao would make it to eighteen years old in good health, let alone fulfill the fate of being the eldest son of the Yi family, entering the Abyss Black Hole to stop its expansion.

At this moment, Ren Zhu had already struggled to lift Yi Xiao, preparing to leave this very unpleasant place with him. Zack, by now, had opened his eyes due to the exclamations around him. When he saw the somewhat slender figure in the field, he seemed to see a particularly reassuring support, and he let out a sigh of relief happily. Then, driving his own mecha, he rushed in and picked up both Yi Xiao and Ren Zhu into the mecha.

The three of them left openly and honestly. As for the result of the match, who cared about that anymore?

After Yi Xiao and the others left, the entire arena erupted into chaos, with everyone excitedly discussing Yi Xiao's mental force rampage and Ren Zhu's earth-shattering strike.

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"This is impossible! How could that kid ignore the S-class mental force rampage and approach Yi Xiao! He looks like he hasn't been affected at all!"

"That's indeed impossible. Whoever did that, at the very least, would suffer mental confusion or degradation!"

"So, does that kid have something strange about him? Skind of magic?"

"No, there's another possibility. He's a genius with S-class mental force. That's why he's not afraid of the S-class mental force rampage and was able to knock out Yi Xiao."

When the last statement was made, the discussing students fell silent. They slowly widened their eyes, seemingly unable to accept the idea that Ren Zhu was an S-class mental force genius. At this moment, everyone's mind echoed with one phrase - Impossible?!

However, no one answered their questions, at least not at that moment. The Grand Commander quickly announced the result of the final match. The two students from the Military Alliance Academy each held a mass of black mist in their hands. Although they ended up attacking each other, their numbers surpassed those of the Stellar Academy. Therefore, the Military Alliance Academy retained the championship.

But when the students from the Military Alliance Academy received this result, none of them showed a happy expression. Many students from the Stellar Academy frowned, seemingly contemplating something important. Due to Yi Xiao's mental force rampage, even the closing ceremony in the afternoon seemed hasty and imperfect. However, regardless of the outcome, the Academy Tournament had ended. Even if the result was not satisfactory, it had still cto an end.

After the Academy Tournament ended, as the Grand Commander himself had said, the Military Alliance Academy's virtual field still simulated the Abyss Black Hole, encouraging all capable geniuses to conquer it. At the stime, on the largest squares of the Wisdom Star an the Capital Star, two other simulated Abyss Black Holes, facing the entire Federation, began construction.

The Grand Commander unveiled the "Abyss Black Hole" to the world through the Academy Tournament and was determined to push it towards the people of the entire Federation.

On the third day when Yi Xiao lay in bed with his mind in a mess, the "Super Abyss Black Hole Simulation Field" had already stood on the largest square of Wisdom Star, which was also the intersection square of the three academies.

Looking at this headline on the Star Network, Yi Xiao expressed very seriously, "I want to thank the Grand Commander... for my ancestors for eighteen generations."

Ren Zhu: "..." Considering your mental state, I won't say anything.