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Class Teacher System

Ch143 - Save the Brain dead Lover (22)
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Ren Zhu coldly opened his notebook, and indifferently wrote another character on it. By now, almost half of the pages in that small notebook were filled with neat lines. Lan Tu instinctively glanced at it, and the content inside instantly shocked him to the core. He felt that these densely written lines held sterrifying special significance.

As he looked at Ren Zhu's expression, which seemed to say, 'I'll just watch you dig your own grave and settle the score later,' Lan Tu felt like he needed to light a candle for that idiot Yi Xiao. At this moment, the three seconds that Yi Xiao had mentioned had passed, and when Y Xiao didn't see his little bamboo stick obediently coming down from someone else's mecha, he flew into a rage, attacking Lan Tu's mecha without any restraint.

However, Lan Tu was no pushover and wouldn't stand there to be beaten. In front of numerous students at the entrance of the Stellar Academy, the silver and black mechas engaged in a fierce battle. Both mechas were highly skilled, and their exchanges, dodges, and attacks were watched by the surrounding students with excitement. Originally, they had cto watch the excitement, but in the end, the spectacle turned into a technical display. Many people even opened their terminal devices to record this exciting battle, intending to study it carefully later.

As Yi Xiao and Lan Tu fought, their attacks gradually intensified. Both of their attack strengths had risen several levels. Just when Lan Tu was about to inject his psychic power into the mecha to summon the surrounding plant-type mutants for an attack, he suddenly heard a faint voice say, "Stop fighting, both of you."

Lan Tu was in a bad mood at this moment. He hadn't initiated this fight, so why should he stop? However, what surprised him was that he seemed to be unable to control his own thoughts. His movements paused for a moment. At the stime, Ren Zhu opened the speaker inside the mecha and shouted at the black mecha that was about to strike with a punch, "Stop fighting or we're through!"

As soon as these four words were spoken, the previously arrogant and seemingly about-to-kill-someone black mecha immediately stopped. After a while, Yi Xiao's voice cthrough. Compared to his previous anger, it now carried a strong sense of grievance, "Little Bamboo, you want to break off our friendship just for that freak? Have you lost your mind?"

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Ren Zhu's eyes sharpened, and he replied casually, "Yeah, I almost got killed on the way here. My brain isn't working well."

After saying this, he directly had Lan Tu open the mecha's door and jumped out from inside. When Yi Xiao heard Ren Zhu mention the near-death experience, his anger quickly transformed into another kind of anger. After Ren Zhu cdown, Yi Xiao also got out of his mecha. He quickly went to Ren Zhu's side, grabbed his arm, and examined him from top to bottom as if afraid of finding any injuries.

After confirming that Ren Zhu wasn't injured, Yi Xiao's expression improved significantly. Then, he touched Ren Zhu's hair, and the overwhelming sense of chuunibyou disappeared completely. "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you," he said. After saying this, his brow furrowed, "In the future, wherever you want to go, callto go with you. At least I can protect you."

Ren Zhu raised an eyebrow and replied sarcastically, "I'm just a dead bamboo stick. I can't bother your highness, and aren't you in training today? I wouldn't dare to inconvenience you."

Yi Xiao's expression suddenly darkened when he heard Ren Zhu's words. He realized that he had unintentionally said those three terrifying words earlier and bectimid. He cleared his throat, "I'm just worried about you. Those three words were just a slip of the tongue. Who dares to say you're a dead bamboo stick?! I'll definitely teach them a lesson for speaking nonsense!"

One of the students who had sneaked over to listen, whispered to Zack and the other students who had gathered around, "We refuse to eat this dog food! Who would have thought that this tyrant Yi can also say sweet things like this? Tsk tsk tsk!"

Ren Zhu looked at him with a smile that seemed to say, 'Then you should shut your own mouth.' Yi Xiao, with a righteous but slightly guilty expression, said, "It definitely wasn't me. I wouldn't say something like that about you. But what happened today? Why were you being pursued? Where were you chased, and did they find the person chasing you? If you haven't caught them, leave it to me. I'll definitely catch them and make them regret ever coming into this world!"

By now, Lan Tu and Xiong Xi had also descended from their mechas. They walked over to Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao's side, picking up where Yi Xiao left off. Lan Tu sneered, "If you go, the ship would have sailed. Even when we arrived, the situation had already been resolved. The attacker's appearance was quite mysterious, likely a hitman or mercenary taking a contract. He probably cwith the sole intent of killing and silencing. If it weren't for Little Zhu's quick reaction and composed handling, the Ren Zhu sitting in the hovercar might have turned into ashes by now."

"This is a targeted murder case, and we can't leave it unattended in any case. However, I feel that the reason behind this incident most likely traces back to your bad luck. After all, Little Zhu is well-liked in school and keeps a low profile, not making any enemies. His only fault might be associating with you."

"What people will remember is that you have a good relationship with him, plus recently, you've been appearing together all the time. That assassin was probably aiming to provoke your berserk state and wanted to kill Little Zhu."

Ren Zhu mentally gave a thumbs-up to Lan Tu's speculation; he thought the sway. After all, when it cdown to it, his role probably amounted to this. In school, Yi Xiao's enemies were numerous, but their provocations were generally minor. However, the important thing was that the federal academy tournament was imminent. If they could directly take out the Seventh Grade's top student before the competition, it would be a massive blow to the Stellar Academy. Besides, there were likely many people in the Federation who wanted Yi Xiao dead. If they couldn't find a direct way to kill him, they could only try from their side. But all of this depended on one premise: those people knew how important Ren Zhu was to Yi Xiao. At the very least, they knew that Ren Zhu could affect Yi Xiao's emotions and could be called Yi Xiao's friend.

Yi Xiao's expression darkened. He wasn't a fool and naturally thought of this significant possibility. However, he wouldn't show any weakness. So this chuunibuoy guy glanced coldly at Lan Tu and said, "It sounds like it has nothing to do with you. Who doesn't know you're crazil pursuing that Little Zhu? If they tied him up or killed him, you'd probably be furious or sad for a long time, right? So don't just assit's my business. Maybe they cfor you?"

Lan Tu had originally intended to refute this. After all, the four of them knew that he had spread the word about liking Little Zhu only for the sake of protecting him. But for sreason, the words he could easily speak before were suddenly hard to utter today. He looked at Ren Zhu's calm and deep eyes and thought of the lunchbox that represented gratitude. In the end, he merely said, "We all know what this is about."

Then he turned and walked away. Xiong Xi followed quietly behind Lan Tu. After the two had walked for a while, Xiong Xi suddenly spoke, "Are you into that little guy?"

Lan Tu's heart skipped a beat, as if his secret had been exposed. He turned angrily, "It's none of your business!"

Xiong Xi wasn't upset, "Give up. There's an atmosphere between him and Yi Xiao that no one can break."

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This playboy and experienced guy in the field of love felt uncomfortable upon hearing this. He retorted harshly, "No one knows how it will end, and besides, that idiot Yi will inevitably do something to harm himself one day. I don't need to do anything. I just have to wait." Xiong Xi lowered his eyes, thought about it, and suddenly felt that it made a lot of sense. After all, there was plenty of time, and it wouldn't hurt to wait quietly until the end.

Lan Tu and Xiong Xi left, and Yi Xiao couldn't be bothered to be stared at like a monkey by everyone. He quickly pulled Ren Zhu and walked toward the school. Their training hadn't finished yet, and he had rushed out when he heard the news from Ren Zhu. Now he needed to go back and ask for more details.

After they both returned to the Training Ground with Zack and the others, Ren Zhu took out the deluxe feast he had bought from the Star of Wisdom Restaurant. Even Suoya, who had always given Ren Zhu a disdainful look, rarely nodded in approval when he saw the food. As for the others, they were simply happy and focused on eating.

Except for Yi Xiao.

Yi Xiao was still looking gloomy overall, and he seemed like he might go into a psychic outbreak at any moment. First, he stared at Suoya suspiciously for a long time, and only when he had made Suoya feel uncomfortable did he say, "Is it someone from your family?"

Suoya was so infuriated by this that he couldn't even eat. he roared, "Do you think I'm as brainless as you are?! I'm still in this team right now. Although I can't stand him and hate you, it hasn't reached the point where I need to kill him! If someone needs to die, it would be you directly. Why would I hire an assassin who can't even say his nand only knows how to commit suicide?!"

Yi Xiao thought about it and accepted Suoya's explanation. So, apart from Suoya, there were only two major suspects at this time-people from the Yi family and the rival families from the Alliance Military Academy and the Cosmic Exploration Academy.

Yi Xiao sneered and picked up a top-grade spirit cow steak that Suoya had already targeted and was ready to dig into. "Do you think I won't be able to find him just because he killed himself? I'm not dead yet."

Suoya: "..." Damn it! Always so smug in front of me!!