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Class Teacher System

Ch141 - Save the Brain dead lover (20)
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Souya stopped cursing, and the entire virtual arena grew quiet. Ren Zhu looked at the relieved expressions of the surrounding students and felt deep sympathy for them. Having one brainless person in their grade was already miserable enough, but having an additional person who frequently acted without thinking made Ren Zhu wonder if the children born that year were just unlucky. However, allowing the biggest moron and that brainless guy to confront each other was probably the shared expectation of these students. They could fight as much as they wanted, without any concern for us!

And so, the selections for the seventh-grade representatives were finalized. They were Yi Xiao, Souya, Zack, Wen Quan, and the fifth person, Song Ze, who would participate depending on the situation, along with Shi Lei. There were also a few substitutes, but with Song Ze and Shi Lei around, the chances of those substitutes getting a chance to play were likely to be small.

Even the teachers seemed to feel relieved that a major task had finally been completed. Teacher Jin, who was in charge of leading the team, connected his communication device with the communication devices of the ten students. He instructed them to have a video meeting and a chat group on the devices. They were to exercise regularly, receive messages, and check in on time. After saying these things, Teacher Jin left without any reluctance, leaving the students somewhat bewildered.

Zack couldn't help but grumble from the side, "This Teacher Jin truly lives up to being one of the most unreliable teachers in the Stellar Academy. Haven't all five participating grades been led by someone more organized than him? Shouldn't he have given us ssurprise training before the competition?"

Souya chuckled nearby, "Aren't you pretty awesome? Why do you need surprise training? You could just ascend to the heavens on your own, right?"

Zack gave him a cold glance, and the next moment, Souya felt a slight chill in a certain sensitive area. He stepped back two paces, looking horrified as he glared at Zack. "You're shameless! You actually attacked that place of mine!"

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Zack innocently looked at him. "What are you talking about? When did I attack any place? We're teammates now. Even if I dislike you, I wouldn't attack you. Don't just spout nonsense."

Souya felt a chilling sensation in that certain area, and he was so angry his eyes were almost turning green. "Who's spouting nonsense here? You, you!" He wanted to say more, but Song Ze had already walked over and calmed him down. "Qiaozhi, you've been selected for the seventh-grade representative team. Don't you want to tell your family about this news and let them be happy for you? I heard your cousin Sophia will fly over from Bralas Star just to watch your match. We must prepare well and make her feel at home, right?"

Souya was thrown off track by Song Ze's words; evidently, his adorable and pretty little cousin was more important than these annoying teammates! Thinking about his cute and beautiful cousin, Qiaozhi Souya looked at Yi Xiao with a sneer, hmph-ed, and left. He seemed like he was planning searth-shattering conspiracy. But once he left, Yi Xiao chuckled and said, "With that level of intelligence and scheming, this guy dares to cand stir up trouble. His courage is commendable." This brainless guy could only cup with lowly methods like verbal attacks and petty threats against Ren Zhu. He couldn't even think of any effective methods.

Ren Zhu raised an eyebrow on the side, shifting the topic, "Will he and Song Ze try to ambush you during the competition? After all, he doesn't seem like a person with a good temper."

Wen Quan smiled upon hearing this question. He wanted to put an arm around Ren Zhu's shoulder to comfort him, but he was met with a glare from their big boss, so he awkwardly withdrew his hand before saying, "No, not at all. Leaving aside him suddenly attacking, our bi boss would definitely kick him away if he dared to attack him. Besides, no kind of attack or ambush would work on him. Even just based on our school's regulations, intentionally slacking off or ambushing during the competition due to personal grudges would result in serious penalties, even expulsion. Nobody would joke around with their own future in such a critical matter. So, you can rest assured that even if he's unwilling, he'll have to listen to our big boss obediently during the competition."

Ren Zhu nodded, then he suddenly looked at Yi Xiao quietly. Yi Xiao blushed a bit under his gaze, and he took a step back, trying to sound nonchalant, "Why are you looking atlike that?" After a moment of contemplation about the training's intensity, Ren Zhu spoke up, "Is your mental strength able to withstand it?"

The others immediately showed concerned expressions upon hearing this question. Ren Zhu quickly understood their answers from their expressions - clearly, this level of training intensity was too much for Yi Xiao's mental strength.

Currently, even though Ren Zhu could slowly heal Yi Xiao's mental strength, they didn't intend to inform the Federation or Yi's family about this. Thus, regardless of the angle, Yi Xiao needed to pretend to have a mental outbreak or weakness every few days. Ren Zhu believed that even if there wasn't someone from the Federation monitoring Yi Xiao's every move, there must be someone recording his condition. Once Yi Xiao's mental strength displayed prolonged stability and recoverability, the Federation, which relied on Yi Xiao as the eldest son of the Yi family, would cling to him like leeches, relentlessly sapping his strength.

Ren Zhu looked at Yi Xiao, and the two of them understood each other's thoughts through their gaze. Yi Xiao couldn't help but want to smile, but he forced himself to put on a cold face as he retorted, "Is my mental strength able to withstand it or not is none of your business, right? You think that just because you accidentally stopped my last mental outburst, you can stop every one of my mental outbursts? Do you really think you're skind of savior?" Despite understanding that Yi Xiao was helping him conceal his identity and powers, his expression and tone still made Ren Zhu want to hit him. "Oh, I'm so sorry for interfering. It seems I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong. I wish you the best of luck in avoiding mental outbursts in the future! Even if you do have a mental outburst, kindly ensure it doesn't happen around me. Thanks!"

After saying that, he appeared to be sulking and left, leaving Yi Xiao feeling as irritated and frustrated as Ren Zhu, even though he knew that little bamboo was just acting in coordination with him. He had almost lost control and reached out to grab the guy back. However, he managed to hold back. Despite restraining his hands, he couldn't restrain his feet. In a fit of anger, he kicked a superalloy panel next to him, creating a large hole, and then stomped off in the opposite direction of Ren Zhu, acting as if he'd confront anyone who crossed his path and that his mental strength was on the verge of erupting.

Zack, Wen Quan, and the others looked at the sudden breakdown of the two people and were quite bewildered. Just a moment ago, they were laughing and joking together, seemingly getting along, but how did it escalate to this point so suddenly?

Zack stroked his chin, and after a while, he sighed, "I feel like our little sister-in-law is about to becsomeone else's little sister-in-law. It's really saddening when you think about our big boss's mental state."

Wen Quan let out a sigh, "Saying it like that makesfeel a bit disheartened too. Our little sister-in-law actually has a very good temperament. He even said he'd willingly tutor us. Moreover, he seems like someone who takes good care of others. He was genuinely concerned about our big boss's mental strength. How could our big boss shout at him so heartlessly?" Wen Quan concluded, "With our big boss behaving like this, he might end up as a dog. Thankfully, our little sister-in-law is only eight years old for now. Otherwise, I'd genuinely be worried about him getting lured away by that guy who's all about wind and waves."

Beside them, Shi Lei seemed a bit dazed and asked, "No, seriously, I still don't understand why they suddenly started fighting."

Zack and Wen Quan simultaneously turned their heads to look at Shi Lei with pitying gazes, expressing their thoughts through their eyes: If your parents knew you'd grow up to be like this, they would definitely regret giving you such a majestic, powerful name. After that, Zack had no choice but to shoulder the responsibility of being the deputy captain. When their big boss's mind wasn't functioning properly, he called over the other members for training. For three consecutive days, Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao remained in a state of cold war. Yi Xiao's mood grew more and more irritable, and his complexion worsened. Finally, on a certain day while sparring with Souya and the others, his mental power erupted again. Fortunately, he had already warned Zack and the rest to leave quickly before his mental strength went haywire. If he hadn't directly kicked Souya away, it would have been dangerous and might have caused significant harm.

However, within the desert simulated environment, he triggered a sand tornado! Those who arrived in the medical room were shocked by the scene they saw.

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The teachers were all in shock, and by the tYi Xiao struggled to maintain his mental strength, knocking himself out to allow the medical rescue team to approach him, he had two miserable bloodstains on his nose.

The medical room teacher responsible for examining his condition was utterly horrified. Even though this individual was a half-fallen Federal Star that the Federation was almost ready to give up on, they couldn't diagnose him with death or any other terrifying issue before he was completely incapacitated. Therefore, he quickly arranged for Yi Xiao to rest, mandating a three-day break.

During the three-day mandatory leave for Yi Xiao, every detail about his condition was meticulously uploaded to the Federal SuprLeader and the head of the Yi family. It was evident that Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao's suspicions were correct. There were many scouts from the Federation, the Yi family, and other forces keeping an eye on them. These scouts were monitoring their situations.

Sitting by Yi Xiao's hospital bed, Ren Zhu peeled an apple while looking at this guy lying there like an old man. As he peeled, he said, "That day, I captured footage of a few suspicious people using the surveillance cameras. It's highly likely that they're the spies hidden among us We'll have to avoid them in the future. However, it's reassuring that Zack and the other three around you are all fine, genuinely worried about you. But the other younger members are a bit distant, so I can't ascertain their situations."

Yi Xiao looked at Ren Zhu, who was peeling the apple as if a dog had chewed on it, and raised an eyebrow, looking almost disgusted. He reached out, taking the apple and the knife from him. Then, with an artistic flair, he began to peel the apple and said, "It's okay. It's impossible to completely eliminate spies from around me. Even if I find them, I don't intend to expose them. If there aren't these spies, there will be others. We need to make those guys feel at ease, right? As long as we're certain that Zack, Wen Quan, and Shi Lei are fine, it's enough. Loyal friends don't need to be numerous; as long as they're tough enough in quality."

Ren Zhu nodded in agreement, finding his words sensible. The two chatted amicably, clearly trusting each other. Strangely, this trust seemed more natural and steadfast to Yi Xiao than even Zack, his number one follower and comrade for five years. He couldn't explain why, but his heart felt significantly calmer.

Outside the room, when Zack and the others saw the harmonious atmosphere within, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, our little sister-in-law cback regardless of the past, or else in a few days, he would have another mental outburst. If this continues for a long time, he's too likely to be in danger!" Shi Lei couldn't help but exclaim.

Wen Quan also nodded, "Yeah, we must remind our big boss next tnot to fight with our little sister-in-law. He should be gentle and kind to him."

As they were discussing the importance of their little sister-in-law to the big boss, and amongst them, one person's gaze flickered continuously in a hidden spot, seemingly having thought of something particularly good.