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Class Teacher System

Ch136 - Save the Brain dead lover (15)
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Ren Zhu realized he couldn’t stop Yi Xiao, Lan Tu, and Xiong Xi from engaging in a brawl, so he decided not to intervene. These three were probably quite sensible, and even if things escalated to the point of chaos, he would still be there, right? As long as he was present, they wouldn’t go too far. He was curious to see how effective Yi Xiao’s combat abilities were in the midst of his mental chaos.

At this moment, the rose in Lan Tu’s hand had transformed into a long whip covered in thorns. While it was a whip made from plant material, the cold and fierce glint it emitted was certainly not that of an ordinary and fragile plant. He immediately swung the whip at Yi Xiao. The rose whip seemed to have a consciousness of its own, tracking Yi Xiao’s movements and changing direction midair to relentlessly pursue him. FkRvmN

Yi Xiao snorted coldly and decided not to dodge. His hands emitted a faint golden light, and then he simply caught hold of the whip with his bare hands. He took a step back, exerted force, and unexpectedly yanked Lan Tu, who was holding the whip, forward a few steps. Lan Tu’s expression changed drastically. He hadn’t expected this kid to possess such incredible physical strength. Not only did he catch his Rose Gold Whip barehanded, but he also had this much power. Although Lan Tu knew that Yi Xiao was a genius with an S-level physical strength, he hadn’t considered it to be that terrifying. After all, Lan Tu himself had an A-level constitution. Wasn’t it just one level difference between A and S? But now, he was facing this terrifying gap.

Yi Xiao saw the look in Lan Tu’s eyes and knew what he was thinking. Without hesitation, he mouthed off, “Are you wondering why there’s such a big gap between us? Are you thinking it’s because I’m S-level and you’re A-level, which is why there’s such a disparity? Although I really want to tell you that your guess is correct, in reality, my physical strength is currently only at A-level. I didn’t win with my physical attributes. So, do you understand that you’re truly a weakling?”

Lan Tu was instantly infuriated. “You’re lying! That’s impossible! If your physical strength is only A-level right now, how could you catch my Rose Gold Whip with just one move?”

Yi Xiao, when not facing Ren Zhu, speaks really to the point that one would want to hit him.

“Don’t deny others’ strength just because you haven’t earnestly trained yourself. Even if we’re both A-level, you’re not my match!”

After uttering this sentence, Yi Xiao rapidly moved along the length of the rose whip and appeared in front of Lan Tu at a terrifying speed. Just as Lan Tu was about to step back, he realized he didn’t have tto do anything else. Yi Xiao directly punched him in the face, delivering a blow that left his handsface, which had captivated countless fangirls, in a gruesstate.

Just as Yi Xiao was about to follow up with more hits to his face, Xiong Xi suddenly sprang into action. Ren Zhu noticed that Xiong Xi’s combat abilities seemed to be somewhat stronger than Lan Tu’s. He was able to keep up with Yi Xiao’s movements and their fight seemed evenly matched. However, Ren Zhu noticed that as the fight continued, Yi Xiao’s excitement, strength, speed, and skill were rapidly increasing. In contrast, Xiong Xi wasn’t reacting in the sway. He seemed to be struggling more and more.

Ren Zhu smiled. At this moment, he felt that even if this guy had turned a bit foolish, he was still a resolute and unyielding, tenacious fighter through both victory and defeat, a real iron-blooded warrior.

“…I never thought he could be this strong.” Ren Zhu heard Lan Tu’s voice in his ear. When Ren Zhu turned to look, Lan Tu’s expression was completely different from his earlier frustration. Those azure blue eyes seemed to hold depth and seriousness instead. “It’s such a shame. He should have been the most dazzling star among us humans, even in the entire Federation. I used to not really agree with that, but now…”

Ren Zhu squinted his eyes. This shift in reaction was truly something to pay attention to. “Aren’t you angry? He left you completely defenseless just now.”

Lan Tu smiled and his voice becsofter, as if he were trying to conceal something. “Why would I be angry? Wasn’t everything he said correct?”

Ren Zhu turned his head back to watch Yi Xiao and Xiong Xi continue their fight, but he continued to ask Lan Tu questions, “Including the part where he said you guys ate your own brains?”

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Lan Tu laughed again. “I didn’t expect that you, despite being young, are quite cunning. However, if you’re such a shrewd character, then I might be more inclined to protect you for this task.” Then Lan Tu’s expression turned serious. “Yes, his statement about us eating our brains is also correct. But our brains weren’t eaten by ourselves; they were devoured by the higher-ups in the school, the principal, and the board of directors.”

“They don’t want us to have our own minds; they just want us to be obedient tools.”

Ren Zhu lowered his gaze. Hearing this kind of answer made him consider other possibilities. He could even make a daring guess.

“Get your filthy flower away from me!!”

Ren Zhu looked up, but before he could say anything, Yi Xiao, who had been keeping an eye on them, saw that Ren Zhu was being teased and immediately acted. Ignoring the fight with Xiong Xi, Yi Xiao rapidly closed the distance, moving at a speed almost as fast as teleportation, and delivered a swift kick towards Lan Tu.

Fortunately, Lan Tu was already prepared this time. He had moved far away before the action, facing Yi Xiao’s angry glare. Lan Tu spread his arms and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just expressing my admiration for the one I love. Isn’t that allowed?”

Yi Xiao was about to erupt like a volcano. “How old are you? And how old is he? You’re eighteen while he’s only eight! Are you mentally challenged? Cradle snatcher!Have you no shame?”

Lan Tu grinned. “Well, I can wait for him for ten years. I just like his calm and unaffected demeanor, unlike those other alluring and cheap people.”

Yi Xiao retorted, “…” I’m not going to talk anymore. I’ve decided to beat you to death.

Yi Xiao angrily focused on attacking Lan Tu. This time, it was Xiong Xi who cto Ren Zhu’s side.

Facing Ren Zhu’s calm and bright black eyes that seemed to say, “Speak up if you have something to say. Don’t intentionally change the topic or create chaos,” Xiong Xi rubbed his nose in embarrassment and explained, “Well, you, as well as the higher-ups in the school, all require that your S-level mental talent be kept hidden. If both Lan Tu and I abruptly appeared by your side, it would surely attract the attention of those with ulterior motives, as well as the attention of influential families and factions, which would bring about sunsafe and unstable factors. So…”

Ren Zhu’s expression was blank. “So you want to present this situation as Lan Tu falling in love at first sight withand then competing with Yi Xiao out of jealousy?” He thought he might have been infected by his partner’s jinxed attributes. Why did he liken himself to a princess on a high platform just a moment ago? In this situation, he wasn’t the princess on a high platform; he had turned into a shameless, arrogant little troublemaker in the minds of many female students, and even male students.

“Must it be done this way?”

“Uh, this is the best method we could think of.” Even Xiong Xi felt it was a bit unfair to trick others like this. After all, Lan Tu still had many fervent female fans. He thought for a moment and rubbed his nose. “How about I take his place?”

Ren Zhu looked at Xiong Xi’s sturdy build and crude appearance, firmly refusing, “Thanks, you’re a good person, but I’ll pass.”

The outright rejection.

Fifteen minutes later, Yi Xiao, on the verge of an outbreak of spiritual power, and Lan Tu, with a bruised and swollen face, returned. Xiong Xi dutifully escorted Lan Tu to the infirmary. They were going to spread the story, while Ren Zhu quickly led Yi Xiao to a quiet, unnoticed corner to soothe his chaotic spiritual power.

Ren Zhu now possessed S-level mental power, although he wasn’t entirely sure how to calm someone else’s mental state. The knowledge he had access to didn’t provide detailed explanations on this topic. However, he had his system skill! He had already mastered the “Class Teacher’s Soothing Touch” from the system, thanks to the previous life’s perverted old Yi, who had pushed him to level 10. Ren Zhu gently placed his hand on Yi Xiao’s forehead, and the gentle force flowed from his palm into Yi Xiao’s restless mental sea.

The blood-red color in Yi Xiao’s eyes gradually faded. He sat on the ground, looking at Ren Zhu standing in front of him. Suddenly, he felt an urge to bury his head in Ren Zhu’s embrace again. However, he managed to restrain himself. He spoke, “You can alleviate my mental turmoil,” with a tone of certainty.

Ren Zhu didn’t deny it and added, “I think I can not only ease your mental turmoil but over time, I should be able to resolve your mental instability. However, I don’t know the method to do so yet; I still need to learn. But don’t worry, witharound, you’ll have no problem living as long as you want.”

Yi Xiao couldn’t help but laugh. “What if I want to live forever? Can you solve that?”

Ren Zhu’s mouth twitched. Although he was already several hundred years old, he wasn’t certain if he could continue in this world, in this cycle of worlds. According to the final words of the system, he had an intuition that this world might be his last cycle. Many questions in this world could be answered. Therefore, the idea of immortality was non-existent.

“Is the desire for eternal life born from having lost your mind?”

Yi Xiao was choked by this sharp response, then nodded himself. “Eternal life does seem quite terrible. I just want to live a healthy and peaceful life until old age.”

Ren Zhu chuckled. “I think that should be possible.”

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes. They were in a corner that avoided the sunlight’s exposure, yet he felt that the person standing in front of him, who was clearly thin and delicate, emitted a radiant glow all over. It made it almost impossible for him to look directly at him.

Subconsciously, he asked a question that had been on his mind, “Do you believe that people should be selfless? Should they sacrifice everything for their mission and others’ expectations?”

Ren Zhu was evidently surprised by this question. “Why are you asking this?”

Yi Xiao sneered, “Because you seem like that kind of person. Aren’t you aspiring to contribute to the Federation’s education?”

However, Ren Zhu slowly furrowed his brows. “… I’m not a selfless person.”

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Yi Xiao blinked in confusion.

“Wanting to contribute to the Federation’s education doesn’t mean I’m selfless. I hope to bring a positive and influential impact to the growth of those children, so they becindividuals who stand tall and won’t regret their choices. More importantly, I hope they becordinary and happy individuals. After all, not everyone can beca peerless talent. As long as they can lead good lives and possess the right values, that’s already great. My education would be successful in that case.”

“However, that doesn’t mean I’m a selfless person myself, nor does it mean I want them to becselfless individuals,” Ren Zhu’s expression turned somewhat indifferent. “In fact, in my view, there are no completely selfless people in this world. That’s a quality only saints possess, and I’m not a saint. So, let it be.”

“But won’t this lead to others criticizing your education?”

Ren Zhu chuckled. “Who stipulated that educating students must make them selfless? Is this really the state of the Federation’s education? This thought is quite dangerous and not quite right.”

Yi Xiao’s heart, which had been conflicted, immediately felt strangely refreshed upon hearing Little Bamboo’s words. However, he still said, “At least the education I received at hdemanded that I beca selfless person. Everyone who has met me, knows me, including people across the Federation and even my family, believes I should becselfless.”

Ren Zhu’s expression turned cold upon hearing this, and he said, “So what? They want you to be selfless to what extent? To forfeit the honor you deserve?”

Yi Xiao smiled and shook his head.

“… To give up rights that rightfully belong to you?”

Yi Xiao shook his head again, though his smile was slightly more subdued than before.

Ren Zhu took a deep, slow breath. “Do they even want you to sacrifice your own happiness?"

Yi Xiao seemed to sense the deep anger radiating from the usually calm Little Bamboo. Unconsciously, he reached out and held his hand, gripping it tightly.

“They wantto die. For the glory of the Yi family and the entire Federation.”

After Yi Xiao said these words, a long tpassed before Ren Zhu responded. Strangely, Yi Xiao didn’t find this waiting unbearable at all. In fact, he was certain that whatever words would cout of Little Bamboo’s mouth next wouldn’t make him feel upset.

Sure enough, after a while, Yi Xiao heard Ren Zhu’s clear and determined voice asking:

“So, our enemy is the entire Federation?”

Yi Xiao laughed, tears filling his eyes from his laughter. He heard his own voice answering:


“Oh, don’t be afraid, I’m here. We will win.”