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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 484
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484 Chapter 484: The Evans Family Was Driven Away Guests were all close friends and family of the Evans family. They didn’t want to be implicated by Caleb Mamet, so they quickly distanced themselves from them.

Once one person started accusing, the crowd began to abuse them.

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Mr. Caleb Mamet's presence today was to cause the Evans family disunity and make them lose everything. If Mrs. Mamet was satisfied, she wouldn't naturally cause any trouble for them.

Derek Evans was indeed a scum man. Everything he had now belonged to Nina Hughes, but who knew upon her death, he would throw Xaviera into the countryside and use Nina Hughes’ money to support his mistress and illegitimate daughter. Such a person deserved a bad ending.

Derek Evans’ head hung low, his body shuddering violently. Why did Xaviera marry Caleb Mamet? Why did she cback with him? Why did she force them to leave the villa? Bang! Someone threw a wine bottle at Derek Evans’ head. It shattered against his forehead, blood gushing out, “Derek Evans! You got us involved! Get out of here!” With one person taking action, the crowd swarmed around the Evans family, shoving and driving them out.

MadEvans, who was already struggling with mobility, was almost knocked over. She roared, “Let go! This is our Evans Villa! Why should we leave —" “Old hag! You still have the audacity to say this is the Evans Villa! This was Mrs. Hughes’ pre-marital property.

What gives your Evans family the right to live here? Get out! You're an eyesore!” Although the Evans family wasn’t the top tier in Libanan, they were a well-known family in town after inheriting Nina Hughes’ company and property. Moira Besian had never experienced such humiliation. Her face grew livid and she screamed, “Xaviera! | am your grandmother, how dare you kick us out! You unfilial girl! Unfilial...” Her shouts gradually faded into the living room, already pushed out by the crowd. Her walking stick fell to the ground, causing her to stumble and fall.

The commotion in the Evans house was so loud that the neighbors cout to watch the excitement. They murmured among themselves, “I heard Old MadEvans is a difficult person, even abusing her own granddaughter. Now she’s getting her just desserts! So embarrassing!” Mrs. Sullivan's anger hadn't dissipated. “Xaviera is from my Sullivan family. What gave that Old MadEvans the right to bully her? Did she think our Sullivan family was that easy to bully?” Albert Sullivan was gentle and reserved, not as outspoken as his mother. He simply said, “I will help Xaviera...” Before he could finish, Mrs. Sullivan interrupted him angrily, “That illegitimate girl, Mag Evans, right? | heard she’s a little star. No wonder Xaviera refuses to return to the Evans family. Monsters, all of them!” 10:58 1/2 484 Chapter 484: The Evans Family Was Driven Away With the Evans family being driven out, the villa’s living room suddenly becmuch more spacious, even the air felt fresher, Sean Price stepped in to clear the area, and the guests quickly left. In just moments, only Xaviera and a few others remained in Evans Villa.

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Mrs. Sullivan put her hands on her waist and glared at Albert and his son. They shuddered, “I don’t need your help, I'm going to tell the eldest brother directly.” Albert smiled wryly, “Wife, | will teach Derek Evans a lesson. He dared to bully our daughter. How could | let him off? In the future, wherever our Sullvian family is, the Evans family should avoid.” Doris Sullivan nodded, “I will help Xaviera too. If anyone dares to bully my sister, I'll make sure they don’t go unpunished. But killing them would be too easy. We must make them taste the pain of being tortured!” At that moment, the phone connected, and Mrs. Sullivan vented her frustrations to the person on the other end.

After a few seconds of silence, a clear laughter cthrough, “Oh, someone's bullying Xaviera? Alright, I'll be right back.” After hanging up, Doris Sullivan complained, “Eldest brother is coming back? Knowing Xaviera was bullied, you all crushing here, but if | were bullied, you wouldn't care about me!” Mrs. Sullivan smacked him, “Shut up!” An hour later, the Sullivan family left, and Yigol Mamet cfor a visit.

Caleb Mamet sat on the sofa, on the phone with someone. His thin lips parted slightly, “Re-test.” Xaviera looked at him curiously.

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