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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 204
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“Because of Itzel.” Issac Shao sighed and told Amber about Itzel’s threat to him. “If it weren’t for Itzel

being so hopeless, I would have buried this matter in my heart for the rest of my life. But now, I don’t

think I can do this anymore. Since Itzel could do such an evil thing to Rachel, she can do it to others. I

am afraid that she will hurt people again.”

“Do you have any secrets in Itzel’s hands?” Amber asked in reply. Issac had always been aloof from

worldly affairs. He had never offended anyone. The only thing Itzel could threaten Issac was his true


However, over the years, Issac had been very kind to him. His grandmother had married Issac’s father.

Although he had nothing to do with Issac because of his blood lineage, he was indeed his uncle. This

was not a threat at all.

Issac rarely saw Amber remain silent like this. After a while, he said, “Because she knows that I like

your mother.”

“What did you say?” Amber’s voice changed.

“I’ve always liked your mother. Because of my identity, I couldn’t express my feelings for her. Back

then, I didn’t return to the Southern City because of the famous painting, but because I knew that my

feelings couldn’t be admitted by others…”

Issac didn’t know what to say. Although he didn’t have a blood relationship with Ashley, in terms of

courtesy, they were brother and sister. Ordinary people couldn’t understand or accept the fact that he

liked Ashley.

There was dead silence in the living room. Amber didn’t know what to say. It was beyond her


From the moment she could remember, Issac appeared in her life as her uncle. Later, when her mother

passed away, she left Channing and went to find her uncle.

It was her uncle who had been taking care of her. Her uncle was not only her uncle, but also played the

role of her father and mother. He was her most trusted relative in this world.

Her most trusted relatives had suddenly changed their identities. He was not Ashton. He was the

genius designer, Issac. Although Amber was shocked, he could still accept it. After all, she had never

seen her dead uncle, Ashton, and she had no feelings for him. For her, Issac was Ashton, and Ashton

was Issac. They were the same person, and they were both uncles.

But now, his uncle said that he liked his mother. Amber was in a mess. How could his uncle like his

mother? They were siblings. Even if they were not related by blood, they couldn’t have other feelings

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other than siblings. Wasn’t this the so-called love disorder in the world?

“Amber, it’s my fault. Your mother doesn’t know that I like her. It’s my wishful thinking and has nothing

to do with her. Don’t have any bad thoughts about your mother. If you want to hate her, then hate your

uncle.” Seeing that Amber didn’t speak, Issac was a little flustered.

Amber came back to his senses. Seeing Issac’er’s nervous look, she gave a wry smile. “Let me calm

down, let me think about it carefully!”

She really needed to think about it carefully. She got up and walked into the bedroom under Ashton’s

worried gaze. She closed the door and saw Amber sitting by the bed in a daze. How could this be?

Seeing that Amber had shut the door for a long time and there was no movement, Issac could not sit

still. He went to knock on the door and called Amber a few times. Amber ignored him. Issac, reached

out and pushed the door open. He panicked when he found that the door was locked from the inside.

Amber was pregnant now. He told Amber that all this would not have any bad impact on Amber, right?

He immediately called Noemi. “Noemi, come back quickly!”

“What happened?” Noemi was very surprised.

“It’s about Amber. I can’t explain it clearly on the phone. You’ll know when you come back.” Hearing her

flustered tone, Noemi didn’t ask any more questions. She immediately asked for leave and rushed


After thinking about it, Issac was worried that he would call Elliot again and ask him to come back as

soon as possible.

The TV station was close to the villa, and it took about half an hour for Noemi to come back. When she

entered the door, she saw Issac walking back and forth in the living room. There was no sign of Amber

in the living room. Noemi asked, “Uncle, where is Amber?”

“Amber is in the room.” Issac pointed to Amber’s room. “Noemi, help me open the door for Amber.”

“What happened?” Noemi asked. She and Amber were best friends. Noemi knew how much Amber

loved her uncle, Ashton. But now Amber locked the door and couldn’t even ask Ashton to leave. There

must be something important happening.

“I…” Issac smiled bitterly. “Now is not the time to talk about this. Help me call the door.”

Noemi walked to Amber’s door and knocked on it. “Amber, open the door!”

There was no movement inside. She knocked on the door and shouted a few more times, but still no

one answered. Elliot came back and asked when he entered, “What’s wrong?”

Issac looked at Elliot. “Amber already knows.”

“What do you know?” Elliot did not react for a moment.

“My identity.”

“Who told her?” Elliot was stunned. Issac pointed at himself. Elliot cried out, “What are you telling her at

this time?”

Thinking about it, it was not the right time to complain. He rushed to Amber’s door in a few steps and

knocked on it a few times. “Amber, open the door.”

Amber closed the door and sat on the bed. Her mind was in a mess. The two voices alternated to let

her choose. A voice said to her, “Love is not something that can be controlled. There is no blood

relationship between Issac and Ye Ashley. He loves Ye Ashley. There is nothing wrong with that.”

Another voice was reminding her that although they were not related by blood, they were brother and

sister in reputation. This kind of relationship was not allowed.

Issac just liked Ashley. He didn’t do anything else. Was it wrong to like a person?

It was not wrong to like someone, but he liked his sister. This was wrong!

The two voices defended themselves. Amber didn’t know what to do. At this time, her cell phone rang.

After a while, Amber picked up the phone and answered it. A woman’s voice came. “Amber, I’m Itzel.

Let’s meet!”

Why did Itzel want to see him? Amber remembered that people used to say that she looked like Itzel.

Someone once said that she and Itzel were mother and daughter. At that time, she didn’t pay much

attention to them. Now she knew that Itzel was actually a sister of her mother. If she had known that

she had such a relative in the past, Amber would have been very happy. But now, when she knew that

Itzel was one of the murderers of Rachel, she couldn’t be happy.

She was very clear about how good Rachel was to Itzel. However, Itzel was so heartless that she tried

to frame Rachel. One could imagine how disgusting this person’s character was. Itzel had called her as

soon as she saw Issac. It was definitely not a good thing. Amber was pregnant now, so he was on high

alert. How could he meet such a dangerous person?

She replied faintly, “I don’t have time to see you. If you have anything to say, just tell me on the phone.”

“It’s not convenient to talk on the phone, why don’t you come out and talk?”

“I told you, I’m not free!” Amber emphasized. She didn’t want to be perfunctory with people like Itzel. “I’ll

hang up if you don’t tell me.”

“Well, since that’s the case, I’ll tell you that Ashton is not your biological uncle…”

“Dr. Lott, you said it too late. I already know.” Amber interrupted Itzel. “This woman is really not a good

person. Fortunately, Issac told her first. Otherwise, she would be shocked by her words.”

Itzel was stunned. She didn’t expect him to tell Amber about her identity so quickly. No wonder he was

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not polite at all when he met her. It turned out that Amber already knew his identity. Itzel hated him in

her heart. “What I want to say is about Issac and your mother.”

“Issac has already told me about this. You don’t have to worry about Dr. Lott anymore,” Amber said

with a sneer.

“Did he tell you?” Itzel could not believe that Issac would tell Amber about this. “What did he say?”

“What he said has nothing to do with you. What else can I do for you?”

Amber’s tone made Itzel angry. She had been trying to scheme against him, but to her surprise, it was

useless. She gritted her teeth and said, “I didn’t expect you to accept the fact that they were in a mess

so calmly.”

“Itzel, clean your mouth,” Amber said angrily. “Uncle said that he liked his mother, but she didn’t know.”

“He lied to you. Amber, there are too many things that you don’t know. Do you know why your mother

wanted to marry your father? It was because of her and Issac’s affair that was exposed that she chose

to marry Channing in a hurry in order to block everyone’s mouth.”

“Bullshit!” Amber swore.

“Don’t be excited! If your mother and Issac were innocent, why didn’t she tell you Issac’s identity?

When your mother died, you were already sensible. If they didn’t have ghosts in their hearts, they

wouldn’t lie to you at all.”

“Itzel, I’m very clear about what kind of person you are. You’d better stop here. It’s useless for me to

sow discord.”

“Amber, I’m just telling you everything I know. It’s up to you whether you believe me or not. I’m telling

you, Wu Shengfeng lived in the South City in the name of Ashton in order to maintain a relationship

with your mother for a long time! If you don’t believe me, you can go back and ask Channing. Channing

knows clearly about what happened between your mother and Issac. It was he who caught Ashley and

Issac in bed!”

“Bastard!” Amber was so angry that he was shaking all over. He couldn’t help throwing his phone out.

The phone fell to the ground and fell apart. Itzel’s voice disappeared, but what she had just said did not

disappear. It was your father who caught Ashley and Issac in bed! It was your father who caught Ashley

and Issac in bed!

Itzel’s words rang in Amber’s ears over and over again as if they had taken root. No matter how hard

she tried, she could not wave her hands away. Amber held his head in pain.

In her impression, her mother was so gentle and kind. No matter how she looked at it, she did not look

like that kind of person. It must be Itzel who was framing her! It was impossible for her mother to cheat

on Issac young master! It must be Itzel who was framing her mother. It must be!