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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 187
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After breaking up with Rodney, Channing also began to doubt whether Rodney had a suspicious target

or not. He had to find out the truth as soon as possible. He had to get rid of the danger before others

found out the truth.

Channing had been suspicious of Shannon, but when he came back, he looked at Shannon with a

meaningful look.

Although Channing didn’t say anything else, for Shannon, who had been looking at him with her eyes,

there was something wrong with her meaningful eyes. So Shannon asked the driver, Clem.

Clem followed Channing every day, so he knew his schedule like the back of his hand. He immediately

reported to Shannon about Channing’s trip to the police station.

Hearing that Casen had been arrested, Shannon was frightened. It seemed that Casen must have

confessed something that made Channing suspect her at first.

Shannon had a guilty conscience, and she had been a little frightened. However, she didn’t plot against

Amber directly with Hua Yuchi, but used Blake to do it. As long as she didn’t catch Blake, she would be


Shannon was glad that Blake had moved. Otherwise, she would be in trouble now. Although Channing

had just suspected her, there was no evidence. She had been to a dead pig and was not afraid of

boiling water. Channing had no choice.

However, it was not a good idea to hang on like this. She had to find a way to save herself. She could

not let Channing keep an eye on her.

Shannon thought of Itzel and decided to discuss it with her.

She had just picked up her phone and was about to call Itzel when Itzel called. She said that she had

something important to discuss with her and wanted her to come out immediately.

Itzel’s voice was very abnormal. Something bad must have happened. Shannon began to panic when

she found out that she had asked Itzel to inquire about Rachel. Did something happen to Rachel?

Shannon immediately came to the place where she often met Itzel. As soon as she entered the room,

she saw that Itzel’s face was very ugly.

Itzel was also a scheming person. She never revealed her thoughts easily. Looking at her current state,

Shannon’s heart sank. She could not care less about her own business. She asked first, “You look sad.

What happened?”

“I just came out of the Barron family. Rachel has made it clear that she is going to change her mind!”

Itzel sighed.

“No way, how can this old woman change so easily? She doesn’t even have the slightest bit of credit?”

” granddaughtership? What is credit?” Itzel asked with a sneer, “For Rachel, there is only one thing that

can be said, whether she likes it or not. There is never a word about credit.”

“Then what should we do?”

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“How would I know what to do?” Itzel answered angrily. When she thought that it was all because of

Shannon, Itzel was full of anger. She really wanted to slap Shannon’s face a few times.

But she could only think about it in her heart, but did not dare to take action. She knew very well that it

was not the time for her to fall out with Shannon. Her daughter’s current status was obtained by

Shannon. She had to think about her daughter.

Feeling that she had lost her composure, Itzel picked up her teacup and took a sip of tea, which

resolved her dissatisfaction with Shannon, and temporarily suppressed the anger in her heart.

Of course, Shannon knew that Itzel was very popular. She had never been so angry before, but she

was not in the mood to argue with Itzel. It was a critical moment. She still had to rely on Itzel, the

wicked woman. It would be fine for her daughter to be bullied for the time being.

After comforting herself in her heart, she tried her best to say as if nothing had happened, “Isn’t Rachel

most obedient to you? Why don’t you persuade her?”

“If you can persuade me, do I need to discuss it with you? I don’t know which bastard exposed you as a

member of the family. Rachel hates to get involved in the affairs of the mistress most. I heard that you

and Ashley are friends. She said very clearly that she would not let the daughter of the mistress marry

into the family, and she also suspected that Celia approached her for another purpose.”

Itzel sighed and said, “The most terrible thing is that she began to dislike me for helping Celia. I was

afraid of making her suspicious, so I didn’t dare to speak for Celia.”

“Rachel likes children, doesn’t she? You use children to move her. I don’t believe that she won’t like the

two children that Celia is pregnant with. She has to endure it for the sake of the children, right?”

“Don’t mention the child. I’m even angrier. Rachel said that she already has two grandchildren. It’s not

that Amber doesn’t know how to give birth to a child. If you want a grandson in the future, let Amber

have a baby.” Itzel told Shannon what Rachel had said.

“Rachel now only thinks that Amber is good. She hates Celia as much as she hated Amber. Amber

used to have Rodney’s support, but now Celia doesn’t like him at all. I think it’s impossible for Celia to

be with Rodney.”

“This old woman is really hateful. Damn it, we should have told her earlier if we wanted to change our

mind. Now that we are in such a situation, what should we do?” Shannon was so angry that she began

to curse.

“Yes, if Celia is not pregnant and there is nothing wrong with Celia’s body, we still have a way out. What

should we do in this situation?” Itzel also had a headache.

“If it doesn’t work, we can get some money. Rodney has so much money, and he used to be generous

to Celia. If he has a child, he will definitely not treat her badly. Besides, the child belongs to him, and he

will inherit the inheritance in the future. If we can get some shares of the Barron Enterprises, our Celia

will not suffer losses.”

“Stop dreaming. Rachel said that she would not give a penny to Celia. Her money is for Amber’s child.

It’s okay for Celia to give birth to a child, but either raise the child for her or find a lawyer to sign a

contract with her. The child belongs to Celia. They don’t have to bear any responsibilities.”

“It’s too vicious!” Shannon was furious. “Didn’t she want her grandson to go crazy and agree with

Celia’s artificial pregnancy? Otherwise, how could Celia, a virgin girl, be so wronged that she got

pregnant before getting married to help her inherit the family? Because of her, Celia, a virgin girl, has

been an artificial tutor twice in a row, and now she has turned her body into such a mess, but she said

that she wouldn’t do it. How could there be such a cheap thing in the world? No, I have to argue with

her.” As she said this, she was about to stand up.

Itzel hurriedly reached out to stop her. “Calm down. What’s the use of scolding her like this? It’ll only

make things worse.”

Shannon gritted her teeth and said, “But how can I bear it?”

“For Celia, you have to endure it no matter what. Now things have become like this, and your anger

can’t change anything. We have to find a way to deal with it.”

Itzel tried to persuade her. In her memory, Shannon had always been able to stay calm. How could she

suddenly lose her composure like this? Looking at Shannon’s behavior just now, she was afraid that

Shannon would lose her mind and go to Rachel to make trouble.

Now Rachel had already hated Shannon. If Shannon came to make trouble again, she would definitely

annoy Rachel. At that time, Celia would no longer count on marrying into the Barron family.

“How to deal with it? Rachel has already made her stand like this. It’s impossible to count on her.”

“There’s always a way out. There must be a way.” Itzel comforted him. “Calm down first. We’ve come

out of that predicament. Is everything we’re facing now worse than it was in the past?”

Shannon nodded and also picked up her cup to take a sip of tea. She had indeed lost her composure

just now. What was in front of her now was not only about Celia, but also about Channing, who had

suspected her at the beginning. The two things added up made her anxious, so she had no idea for a

while. Itzel was right. She couldn’t change her anxiety now. She had to find a way to face it actively.

Back then, she had nothing but advantages and could defeat Ashley to become the secretary’s wife.

What was more, there were still so many favorable conditions. She didn’t believe that she couldn’t find

a solution.

Seeing that Shannon had calmed down, Itzel was relieved and asked tentatively, “You are not so

impatient usually. What’s wrong with you today? Why are you suddenly so impatient?”

Shannon sighed. “Casen was caught.”

“Ah! When did this happen?” Itzel was shocked. She was also aware of what had happened to Casen.

If Casen had bitten Shannon, Channing would have skinned her. No wonder Shannon had lost her

composure like this. “Does Channing also know about it?”

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“Yes, he went to the police station. When he came back, his expression was not right. I felt that

something was wrong, so I asked the driver. The driver said that Casen had bitten Blake. I thought that

Channing must have had an idea about me, so he came to discuss it with you.”

“This is bad!” Itzel panicked. There was no hatred between Amber and Blake. Channing would

definitely contact Shannon.

Channing was cunning and knew what he should do. If he suspected Shannon and began to

investigate, he would not be able to hide some things from her. “How much does that Casen know?”

“Casen doesn’t know much. I contacted Blake, and Blake found Casen. At present, although Channing

suspected me, he doesn’t have any evidence. After all, Blake has already moved,” Shannon explained.

“Fortunately, Blake has moved, but this matter can’t be treated simply. We must find a way to distract

Channing so that he won’t have time to pay attention to this matter.”

“That’s what I mean. Only his position and Amber can distract Channing’s attention. We can’t move his

position, nor can we do anything about it. But Amber is different. We attacked Amber…”

Itzel nodded. “That’s right. We’ll start with Amber. But with so many people around him, there’s nothing

we can do about it.”

The private room was quiet for the time being. The two began to think about their own ideas. After a

while, Itzel suddenly said, “I have an idea.”

“What is it?”

“To create a disturbance between Amber and Rachel, and find a way to make Rachel and Amber

estranged from each other, and make them as useless as before.”

“It’s a little difficult. I heard from Riya that even Rachel lost face and went to apologize to Amber in

person. Amber is not the kind of person who is cruel and vengeful. They will definitely make peace.”

Shannon felt that it was not realistic to alienate Amber and Rachel.

Itzel, on the other hand, was different from what she had thought. “It’s not like a day to freeze three

feet. Rachel’s request for peace this time won’t convince Amber. She must suspect that Rachel has

other motives. What we’re most afraid of is distrust. As long as Amber doesn’t trust Rachel, we can

sow discord.”

“But isn’t Rodney in the middle? We won’t just sit back and watch.” Shannon still thought it was


“Don’t worry, I must trap all of them this time…” Itzel lowered her voice and began to tell Shannon her


“That’s great. You’re really amazing. You actually came up with this idea.” After hearing Itzel’s words,

Shannon’s eyebrows danced with excitement. “In this way, not only will Rodney no longer be as loyal to

Amber as he used to be, but he can also get rid of Rachel and give Celia a chance. It’s really a good

idea to kill three birds with one stone.”

Shannon praised Itzel so much, but she was not complacent at all. “This time, I can’t leave Riya’s help.

You have to talk to her and let her prepare. Don’t drag us down when the time comes.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to her.”