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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 179
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“Don’t you hate me because of my mother? Amber, you’d better be a little more promising. It’s your

short-lived damn mother who doesn’t have the ability to tie up her man. Why are you so persistent to

transfer your hatred to me? What’s more, Rodney is a perfect man. If he is clean, will he be set up by

others? Because of a man, you are so cruel that you ignore your brotherhood. Amber, you will be

punished.” Celia knew what Amber’s most vulnerable part was, so she deliberately pointed out his


Amber was so angry that she couldn’t bear it anymore and slapped her in the face. Celia covered her

face and didn’t fight back. However, she stared fiercely at Amber’s belly. She couldn’t take the initiative

to push Amber now. She must stimulate Amber to do it first. In this way, she could push Amber without

anyone noticing, so that she could clear the suspicion.

“Look at your son. He got such a disease at such a young age. It’s all because of you, his mother…”

Before she could finish her words, a voice suddenly came out. “Bitch, you’ve grown up. How dare you

come here to behave wildly!”

Noemi went home and didn’t see Amber. She guessed that Amber brought Mel here for a walk, so she

came over. She happened to see Celia attacking Amber. How could she bear it? She pulled Celia and

slapped her in the face. Celia was caught off guard and saw stars.

Noemi had just seen clearly that this little b*tch should hide from others because she had done such a

shameless thing, but she dared to provoke and scold Amber.

She was so angry that her liver ached. How could she stop after slapping her face? She kicked her leg

again and said, “Don’t you like to kneel? Kneel down and beg for forgiveness!”

Celia was kicked on the leg and immediately knelt down. Noemi grabbed her hair and slapped her

again. Celia covered her belly with her hands and kept cursing Amber and Noemi. Noemi was so angry

that she said, “Bitch, believe it or not, I will kick you to a miscarriage.”

Amber was shocked. Noemi’s temper was not ordinary. If she lost her mind in anger and made Celia

have a miscarriage, it would be terrible. She hurriedly stopped her. “Noemi, be careful and don’t hit her


Noemi was not stupid, so she naturally knew what Amber meant. Celia was the daughter of the

secretary. If she had a miscarriage, there would definitely be trouble. So she didn’t touch her belly, but

just slapped Celia’s face hard.

Celia was beaten so hard that she screamed. In the end, she couldn’t bear it anymore and began to

shout, “Clem, you’re dead! Why didn’t you come to help me when you saw me being beaten?” As she

shouted, a man hurriedly got out of the car and pulled them away.

With the help of Celia, she was confident. She pointed at Noemi and asked Clem to beat her. “Kill this


Amber sneered. “You’d better think about it. If you dare to do something, I’ll let you go through the


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Clem was not stupid. Amber was not someone he could mess with. If he dared to make a move today,

Elliot, Rodney, and even Channing would kill him.

The key point was that the reason why he came here with Celia today was not to beat people. He

lowered his voice and reminded her, “Miss, be careful of your health. Let’s go to the hospital to have a


Seeing that Clem didn’t dare to fight, Celia naturally knew his concerns. Her face was swollen and

burning, but under Clem’s reminder, she covered her stomach and cried, “Oh, my belly, take me to the


Clem quickly helped Celia into the car and started the car to leave. Noemi spat at them and said,

“Bitch, you’re lucky!”

Celia was sent to the hospital. After a check-up, the doctor said that she had a miscarriage and asked

her to rest in bed. After hearing the news, Shannon rushed over. “Do you want to die? Why do you

want to find Amber?”

“She didn’t do anything. I was trying to provoke her, but I didn’t expect that that b*tch Noemi would

come out to help.” Celia touched her swollen and numb face and said with hatred, “If there is a chance,

I will definitely kill that b*tch Noemi.”

“Take care of yourself and save the baby in your belly first.” Shannon’s heart ached when she saw her

daughter being beaten like this. “Noemi, I will send someone to deal with her.”

“Mom, if you have the ability to deal with it together with Amber, I will save trouble!”

“She can’t move now. She can make trouble, but Noemi has no background and no money. I can kill

her like pinching an ant!” Shannon’s face was full of resentment.

“I knew you would say that.” Celia took out her mobile phone and handed it to Shannon. “Would you

like to see if there’s anything wrong?”

Shannon opened the video and showed a sinister smile on her face. “Good, you did a good job of

playing the victim’s trick, but don’t take such a risk next time. If Amber makes a move on your belly, you

will lose more than you gain.”

“I know. I’m afraid that Amber will hurt my belly. I deliberately tied several sponges on my belly.” Celia

was quite proud. “When the time comes, I’ll show this video to Dad. I’ll see if he has anything to say

after seeing Amber beat me so viciously.”

When Channing heard that Celia had been beaten to the hospital, he also went to the hospital. When

he saw that Celia’s face was swollen like a steamed bun, he was shocked. “Who beat her?”

“Amber hit me.” Shannon saw that Channing was beginning to cry and said, “Celia asked for it. I don’t

blame her.”

“Amber did it?” Channing was shocked. He was really surprised that Amber hit someone. He looked at

Celia suspiciously. “Didn’t I warn you not to look for her?”

“I didn’t go to see her. It was my sister who asked me to meet her.” Celia grimaced and performed the

pain to the extreme.

“She already knew that I was pregnant. I didn’t want to see her, but I felt guilty and wanted to explain it

to her. I begged her on her knees and let her let me go for the sake of our sisterhood. But my sister

didn’t agree. She scolded me for being shameless and her mother. Later, she hit me and asked her

friend to hit me. Sob…”

Channing frowned. Although he felt bad for Celia’s bruised nose and swollen face, he still did not

believe that Amber would hit her. “Amber is not a unreasonable person. You must have provoked her.”

Celia knew that Channing would protect Amber. Fortunately, she was prepared. She handed the phone

to Channing. “Dad, I was afraid that you would suspect my purpose, so I asked the driver to

accompany me. I also asked him to record it on the spot. Look at this.”

Channing took the phone and turned on the video. He saw Celia kneeling in front of Amber. She saw

Amber slap Celia in the face. Celia didn’t fight back. Then Noemi jumped out and punched and kicked

Celia. When the video was taken, she deliberately turned off the sound, so he couldn’t hear the sound

of scolding. He could only see the camera.

Channing frowned. It was normal for Amber to be angry. Previously, he had been worried that he would

not dare to talk to Amber about this matter. Now that Amber knew it himself, he decided to go to see

Amber and tell her about what had happened to Celia. He begged Amber to forgive him. Celia had the

same blood as him. Maybe Amber would be soft-hearted.

Thinking of this, Channing put his mobile phone on the table. “Celia, rest assured. I’ll talk to Amber!”

After Channing left, Celia was so angry that she threw her phone on the ground. “Dad is too partial. He

didn’t even blame that b*tch when he saw that I was beaten like this. I’m so angry!”

Shannon picked up her mobile phone and said, “It’s normal for him to protect her, so I told you not to

provoke her. You can either defeat her with one move or wait for the right time. Now you’re pregnant.

As long as Rachel wants the baby in your belly, you won’t lose.”

As she spoke, the door of the ward was pushed open. Itzel came. When she saw Celia’s bruised face

and heard that it was Amber who beat her, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth. “How can this

b*tch be so cruel?”

“She has been cruel for a long time. Only now do you know that?” Shannon sneered. “She was so

young, but she did such a thing in order to force me and Celia to leave. It’s much worse than now.

Amber is actually more vicious than everyone else. She either doesn’t make a move or is ruthless.”

“A cruel move? I want to see who is cruel!” Itzel left angrily. She had always regarded Celia as her own

daughter. Now that she saw her daughter hurt, she felt incomparable pain in her heart. “Amber, wait for

me to let you go!”

Celia was recuperating in the hospital with a swollen nose and a swollen face, but Rodney asked Deon

to go to the hospital for an investigation again because of suspicion. Before that, Deon did not pay

attention to the period when he went to confirm it. Now, after inquiry, it was confirmed that there was

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indeed one thing that needed to be checked when the period came. The number of times that Celia

had sex with him might be zero.

What Rodney needed to know now was what was the reason for Celia’s pregnancy.

If they didn’t have any relationship with each other, they would definitely steal the sperm and start an

artificial operation. However, they couldn’t carry out an operation immediately after stealing his sperm.

In order to save the sperm stock, they had to keep the sperm. Now the most effective place to keep the

sperm was definitely a hospital. But that night, Celia got in the car and left after leaving his house. He

went to the traffic bureau to investigate Celia’s driving route and found that Celia went straight home.

Rodney was worried that Celia had given the stolen sperm to Itzel. She had also investigated Itzel and

confirmed that Itzel had not been to the hospital.

It was strange. Since they had never been to the hospital to store sperm, where did the sperm come


What surprised them the most was that there was no record of Celia’s baby performing a test test at all

in the hospital. Could it be that Celia was born from heaven?

Just when Deon went to the hospital again for an investigation, a nurse gave him a clue, saying that

she once saw Itzel coming to the operating room of the hospital that night. At that time, she asked why

Itzel was here. Itzel replied that she was here to get something, but she didn’t pay attention to it at that


According to the time, it should be Itzel who had an artificial operation on Celia that night. However,

Rodney couldn’t figure out where the sperm of Celia’s pregnancy came from.

Could it be that they were operating on someone else’s sperm? Rodney was shocked by his own idea.

It seemed that he had to carefully check the source of the sperm.

When Amber and Noemi returned home, Noemi angrily told Ashton about Celia’s behavior today.

Ashton was shocked when he heard that. He told Amber, “Don’t go so far alone in the future. If they

have bad intentions, what will you do to deal with you?”

Noemi also agreed. “If I hadn’t gone in time today, I wouldn’t have known what that bitch was up to. So

you must be careful next time, Amber.”

Amber nodded. “I’ll be careful next time.”

In the evening, Elliot came to have dinner. Noemi told him what had happened today. Elliot laughed

and gave Noemi a thumbs-up. “Good job!”

He then turned to Amber and said, “Be careful next time. It seems that they won’t stop harassing you.

I’ll hire two bodyguards for you in case something unexpected happens.”

“There is no need to hire bodyguards. I will try not to go out in the future.”

As he spoke, Channing called. He said that he had something to see Amber and was waiting for her in

the tea room outside the villa.

“It seems that the b*tch has complained, so the secretary is blaming her.” Noemi guessed.

“So what? I’m going to see what he’s going to do.” Amber went to see Channing in anger.

Seeing Amber coming to Channing, he took out a key from his pocket with a smile and handed it to her.

“Dad has something for you.”