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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chatper 135
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Chapter 135

Naomi was frightened all night last night.

She was afraid that Giuseppe would find someone to kill her, and at the stime, she was worried about the

terrible fate that would await her if she fell out with Emmanuel.

However, when she woke up in the morning, she gained clarity about at


She only told Emmanuel about the video, and no one else would know.

However, Emmanuel was so obsessed with Tabitha now that he was likely to please Tabitha with the video.

At that thought, Naomi immediately cup with an idea.

Whether it was Tabitha sowing discord in secret, Naomi had decided to pin the blon Tabitha.

Unexpectedly, after listening to Naomi, Giuseppe not only didn’t believe. her, but he also slapped her hard

across her face. “Do you think | am a fool? If Tabitha has the video, why didn’t she call the police right away?”

Douglas received orders from Emmanuel that day to cand protect Naomi. Seeing Giuseppe hitting her,

Douglas immediately cover and asked, “Ms. Boyle, do you need any help?”

Douglas had been involved in countless bloody and gruescircumstances. As a result, he gave off a highly

intense malicious aura. Giuseppe was intimidated by Douglas, and his anger subsided significantly.

Naomi didn’t get angry even after she was beaten. “Whether you believe it or not, | haven't met Timothy. You

also have dirt on me. We are in the sboat, and | will not show the video to others under any

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Chapter tax


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In Douglas’ intimidating presence, Giuseppe was more afraid of Naomi and had to trust her for the tbeing.

Trevor handed the recording to Tabitha and said with sregret, “It's at pity that they never mentioned what

happened in the past.”

“It doesn’t matter. This recording is still useful. Tabitha looked down at the recording. “Letthink about it. I'll

call you later.”

“OK.” Trevor said.

Back at the hotel, Giuseppe grew more and more annoyed the more het ruminated. He harbored resentment

toward Tabitha for being nosy and decided to find someone to teach her a lesson.

Unfortunately, after Tabitha moved back to the Sinclair manor, apart from visiting Alaric in the hospital every

day, she spent most of her tat the clinic.

He couldn't find a chance to do it for the tbeing, so he could only wait. for the right opportunity.

Malcolm also wanted to move back to the Sinclair manor, but he was afraid that Tabitha would be repulsed by

him. He could only ask his subordinate to pay attention to the twhen Tabitha went to the hospital every day

and waited in the hospital in advance to try to spend more time

with her.

However, Tabitha was impassive toward Malcolm now. No matter what he said or did, she treated him with


That day, Tabitha kep: Alaric company in the hospital for a long time.

Seeing that he was tired, she persuaded him to have a good rest and prepared to leave the hospital.

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Malcolm quickly said, “Tabitha, are you going to the clinic next? I'll take you there.”

Tabitha’s fingertips paused. Noticing Alaric was watching from one side, she nodded slightly. “Okay, thank you.”

The current Tabitha was courteous and distant. She maintained a superficial rapport with Malcolm just to make

Alaric happy.

Malcolm remembered that in order to please Alaric in the past, he had to be patient and pretend to be a loving

couple with Tabitha.

She figured Tabitha must've felt a hundred times worse than how he was feeling at that moment.

Instead of summoning the driver, Malcolm drove in person. It was a rare tfor him to spend talone with

Tabitha, so he deliberately drove slowly and steadily.

However, regardless of how slow he drove, they still arrived at the clinic


When Tabitha unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out of the car, Malcolm suddenly stopped her and

handed her a small box. “I saw a roadside stall selling this on my way to the hospital today, and | thought you

would like it... It's for you.”

Tabitha shifted her impassive gaze onto the box, but she didn’t reach out to receive it.

Malcolm simply opened the box. Inside was a cute little Bichon Frisé. pendant.

The furry puppy wore a silly smile with the corners of its mouth curved

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Tabitha liked it at first glance, but her expression did not change. She said. lightly, “Thank you. | don’t need it.”

Malcolm heard that girls like fluffy little animals and thought Tabitha wouldn't be able to resist the pendant.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t seem to like it at all.

He said disappointedly, “But I've already bought it.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Momentary silence filled the air inside the car. The atmosphere between them was tense.

“You can keep it for yourself.” Tabitha’s indifferent voice broke the silence. “Or, give it to Naomi.”

“Tabitha, | have nothing to do with Naomi anymore.” Deep emotions filled Malcolm's pensive eyes. “I won't meet

with her again.”

Tabitha looked at him impassively. She was unfazed. It no longer had. anything to do with her, no matter who he

was with now.

She said in an undertone, “I'm going to work. Goodbye.”

Then, she opened the door and got out of the car.

The air inside the car quickly quieted down, but the fragrance left by her persisted for a long time. Catching

whiffs of it caused Malcolm's heart to ache.

Malcolm sat stiffly for a long tbefore he slowly took out the pendant.

The furry puppy was soft as he held it in his palm. He thought, ‘Which girl wouldn't like this after seeing it?”

Malcolm repeated to himself, thinking, ‘It’s all right. If she doesn’t like a puppy, I'll buy something else. Maybe a

rabbit, a cat, or a piglet. There


Chapter 135


must be one she'll like.

Malcolm pursed his lips and hung the puppy pendant in his car.

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He thought, ‘Every tTabitha rides in my car, she will see this pendant. and every tshe looks at it, she will

think of the moment when she refused me. She tends to be softhearted and will forgiveover time.