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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98

Although Emmanuel did not openly use any means against Malcolm, the forces he quietly nurtured abroad could

never be known at all. Malcolm was sure that Emmanuel must be plotting something in secrecy.

Malcolm mused, ‘Moreover, he’s clearly a vicious person with terrifying means yet keeps disguising himself as a

gentleman, not to mention approaching Tabitha for no reason. He absolutely has an impure motive. But how am |

supposed to tell her about these? She will never believeand will instead think I'm too conniving for vilifying

my own cousin.”

Seeing that he wasn’t saying a word, Tabitha could not help but ask again, “Do you know what Emmanuel did

abroad in the past? Who did he associate with more?”

Malcolm frowned at once and asked doubtfully, “Why are you asking?”

‘Tabitha has always been apathetic. Why is she suddenly so interested in Emmanuel?’ he wondered.

“Nothing, I'm just a little curious. He seems to hate staying abroad,” she explained.

“Don’t worry about these,” said Malcolm coldly. “Anyway, | can tell you clearly that the things Emmanuel did

abroad aren’t as simple as they seem. Don’t trust him too much.”

To get Emmanuel’s information, Tabitha did not mind provoking Malcolm anymore. “Malcolm, can you show some

real proof before claiming he’s a bad person? What exactly does Emmanuel do?”

However, Malcolm completely misunderstood Tabitha’s intention and questioned rather angrily, “Do you care so

much about him? No matter what, just stay away from him.”

Tabitha thought Malcolm was being unreasonable. She glanced at him


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coldly and said, “Forget it if you don’t want to talk about it. Since there's nothing else, go back and have a good

rest, then.”

The doctor would emphasize to her daily that she should not get mad and must maintain calm. Otherwise, she

might face a miscarriage.

For the sake of her baby’s health, she did not want to get mad at Malcolm, so she asked him to leave.

Malcolm was seething with rage, but he could not distinguish whether it was out of jealousy or anger.

Uncontrollable anxiety was overwhelming him from the inside out.

He wanted Tabitha to know that he truly wished to get along with her peacefully.

Yet, Tabitha always behaved so aloofly, while his pride did not allow him to say such things on his own accord.

Also feeling rather incensed, he got up and left.

Meanwhile, after Naomi returned from the hospital, she pondered for a while and felt that Malcolm's motive was

not as simple as only asking her to do a DNA test.

Alaric had never liked her from the beginning, but Malcolm was very protective of her at that time.

‘Why did he suddenly propose doing an amniocentesis now?‘ she pondered.

Recalling how Malcolm had becincreasingly concerned about Tabitha, Naomi was a little frightened.

‘He has probably already started to suspect me. There's also an even more terrifying possibility-he has fallen in

love with Tabitha! First Emmanuel, then Malcolm! Just why do so many people like that sickly woman? Since



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Emmanuel can’t bear to hurt Tabitha anymore, | shall do it myself!‘ she ruminated.

Naomi glanced at the gradually darkening sky outside the window with hatred, her eyes filled with a trace of


A sophisticated plan was not needed to frTabitha at all. After all, as long as a woman paid the cost of a

miscarriage and made herself utterly piteous afterward, basically everyone would take her side.

Naomi could not wait to get rid of Tabitha immediately. She wasted no ttaking action once an idea popped

into her mind.

Discreetly, she went to the nurse to inquire about Tabitha and learned that the latter was going to have a fetal

heart rate monitoring in three days.

Tabitha was staying on the sixth floor, and the fetal heart rate monitoring would be carried out on the fourth.

Lately, the elevator had been out of service due to maintenance, so she would only be able to use the escalator.

Those escalators had a hidden button to control the power switch. If someone happened to be on the escalator

and it abruptly stopped, that person would certainly roll down due to the inertia.

It took Naomi a day to figure out Tabitha’s schedule and get familiar with the structure of the hospital escalator.

There was only one uncertain factor at present, which was that her fetus was too healthy, and Naomi feared her

fall would not cause a miscarriage.

To make sure everything went smoothly, Naomi scoured the Internet. before secretly heading to a pharmacy to

buy smedicine.

Tabitha had an unstable fetus. After being kidnapped last time, she had been feeling vague pain and occasionally

had bloody shows. Therefore, the fetal heart rate monitoring had to be done once a week.

Today would be her second test since she was hospitalized.


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The nurse cto remind Tabitha of the tof the test before hurrying to the next ward.

Tabitha could more or less walk now, but since the elevator was out of service, she had to take the escalator.

Naomi was waiting at the corner of the escalator on the fourth floor.

There happened to be a huge pillar blocking the surveillance cameras here, making it a blind spot.

As soon as Naomi saw Tabitha approaching, she immediately stepped forward to stop the latter and held her

belly with a smug expression.

“Tabitha, Malcolm has said that he’ll takefor an amniocentesis. Once the baby is proven to be related to the

Sinclair family, Mr. Alaric Sinclair will have no choice but to acknowledge me. Be ready to receive the divorce

agreement,” Naomi stated.

Tabitha was already immune to the topic of divorce, so she merely cast at cold glance at Naomi.

“Naomi, do you know that according to the law, a husband can’t get divorced if his wife is pregnant? Grandpa

Alaric will never accept you, either. Believe it or not, if you forcibly marry Malcolm, the final result will be the

both of you getting kicked out of the Sinclair family!” she retorted.

Tabitha’s voice was surprisingly calm. She showed no sign of anger on her face and was instead extremely


Even Naomi fell into a trance for a moment, thinking Tabitha was right.

Tabitha looked impatient. She had to do her prenatal check-up today, so she did not want to waste her ton


For the past few days, she kept feeling mild pain in her belly, and an extremely bad premonition haunted her. For B

sreason, she sensed that

Chapter DR

her child was about to leave her.