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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

“The company’s giving out fireworks as part of the employee benefits this year. We ended up with extras, so |

asked Saul to bring sback.”

Malcolm paused briefly before continuing, “Want to light up a few?”

These particular fireworks were designed for open spaces and were not meant for grand displays in the sky.

Malcolm patiently waited through the prolonged silence for Tabitha’s response. Finally, she replied, “Nah, it's too

dangerous in this dry weather. The doctor also toldto take extra care of myself. | can’t afford anything to go

wrong now.”

“Besides, it’s getting late,” Tabitha calmly added, a subtle expression on her face. “I should really head back and

get srest.”

The courage Malcolm had mustered to make the invitation slowly dissipated as it becclear Tabitha remained

guarded against him.

Alone, Malcolm walked to the garden, where the fireworks crackled and painted the air with bursts of light.

Under the vivid lights, his handsface emanated a warm gold as his eyes remained cold and downcast.

Malcolm was in a terrible mood.

Upstairs, Tabitha sat on the edge of the bed, absently scrolling through her phone with her thoughts scattered,

her mind clearly elsewhere.

Her window, which gave her a side view of the backyard garden, caught the sudden burst of fireworks.

The fireworks were beautiful, and Tabitha could not help but go to the window to take in the view. That was when

she caught sight of the lonely figure standing below.


Chapter 80

27% 15:0

The garden was alight with fireworks, and there stood the once unattainable, handsman who now appeared

touched by the earthly wonders around him.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in Tabitha’s mind from the year when Malcolm had reached out to lift her up.

With that memory swirling in Tabitha’s mind, her feet were carrying her out of the room and down to the garden

before she knew it.

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At this moment, Malcolm had his back turned, engrossed in a muffled phone call that she could not quite make

out over the fireworks.

Walking closer toward Malcolm, Tabitha overheard him saying, “Have a good rest... We'll talk about the child


The sounds of the fireworks muffled most of his words, but Tabitha could make out enough to realize he was

talking to Naomi.

Tabitha stopped in her tracks. Suddenly, a smile crossed her face.

Shaking her head as if to dispel the image in her mind, Tabitha turned and walked away without hesitation.

After finishing his call, Malcolm glanced back, as if sensing something.

However, the area behind him was empty and devoid of any presence.

Malcolm chuckled wryly to himself as a touch of melancholy settled into his heart.

It was a long night, and Malcolm had lit up all seven boxes of fireworks before retiring to his room.

Figuring Tabitha was probably already asleep, he didn’t want to disturb her, so he slept in the study for the night


The next morning, Tabitha and Malcolm rose early to exchange Christmas


Chapter 80

greetings with Alaric.

27% 15:07

Dressed in a festive traditional suit, Alaric smiled more kindly than usual as he handed out Christmas gifts to

Tabitha and Malcolm, as well as to the housekeepers of the manor.

The Sinclair manor buzzed with laughter and joy, catching the festive spirit on Christmas Day.

Alaric informed the kitchen staff about preparing roasted turkey for the day and kept hinting that Tabitha was to

take charge of it herself.

Malcolm stood there silently, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he observed his grandfather's newly endearing


However, Tabitha’s thoughts were miles away. She remembered promising Emmanuel just yesterday that she

would visit him in the hospital today.

Throwing on her coat, she vaguely informed Alaric she was going shopping with friends and headed out.

Consumed by her own plans, Tabitha did not notice the dark shadow that crossed Malcolm's face as she left.

It was one o’clock at noon when Tabitha arrived at the hospital.

Emmanuel was leaning against a pillow, scrolling through his phone, when her sudden appearance cast a subtle

shadow across his face. Jayden’s words. from yesterday echoed in his mind, and fearing his father would cause.

trouble, Emmanuel found himself wishing Tabitha would leave.

Tabitha greeted Emmanuel with a warm smile, “Merry Christmas, Emmanuel.”

In her hands, she held snutritional supplements she had brought as gifts. Unaware of the darkened look that

crossed Emmanuel’s face, Tabitha turned to set the gifts down while continuing her cheerful chatter.



Chapter 80

Staring at Tabitha’s stunning side profile, Emmanuel took a deep breath and soon flashed a gentle smile that was

a signature of his. “Merry Christmas.”

Tabitha pulled up a chair to sit at Emmanuel’s bedside and asked about hist condition with concern. “How are

you feeling today? Feeling any better?”

“Much better?” Emmanuel nodded. “I should be discharged in a few days.”

Noticing the sharpness in Emmanuel’s tone, Tabitha could not help but subtly glance at the fruit basket beside


The fruit basket remained untouched, exactly as she had left it the day before. It sat undisturbed, neither moved

nor unpacked.

Perhaps, being hospitalized due to his injury and especially without family by his side, Emmanuel might not be in

his best mood.

Tabitha asked, “Have you eaten today? Did your mother... ”

“She hasn't shown up!” Emmanuel cut in, irritation crossing his face. “My mother’s unwell. No need to bother her

with trivial stuff.”

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Tabitha nodded and responded tactfully, “Your injuries haven't healed up. Get sgood rest. I'll take off now

and not bother you any longer.”

Emmanuel paused and immediately realized that he was a being somewhat impatient.

For many years, he had long learned to maintain composure to hide his true feelings on the inside. Regardless of

how bad things got, he would never let anyone read the inner turmoil within him.

Yet, in the presence of Tabitha, that practiced control slipped away.


Chapter 80

Staring at Tabitha’s stunning side profile, Emmanuel took a deep breath. and soon flashed a gentle smile that

was a signature of his. “Merry Christmas.”

Tabitha pulled up a chair to sit at Emmanuel’s bedside and asked about his condition with concern. “How are you

feeling today? Feeling any better?”

“Much better.” Emmanuel nodded. “I should be discharged in a few days.”

Noticing the sharpness in Emmanuel’s tone, Tabitha could not help but subtly glance at the fruit basket beside


The fruit basket remained untouched, exactly as she had left it the day before. It sat undisturbed, neither moved

nor unpacked.

Perhaps, being hospitalized due to his injury and especially without family by his side, Emmanuel might not be in

his best mood.

Tabitha asked, “Have you eaten today? Did your mother...”

“She hasn't shown up!” Emmanuel cut in, irritation crossing his face. “My mother’s unwell. No need to bother her

with trivial stuff.”

Tabitha nodded and responded tactfully, “Your injuries haven't healed up. Get sgood rest. I'll take off now

and not bother you any longer.”

Emmanuel paused and immediately realized that he was a being somewhat impatient.

For many years, he had long learned to maintain composure to hide his true feelings on the inside. Regardless of

how bad things got, he would never let anyone read the inner turmoil within him.

Yet, in the presence of Tabitha, that practiced control slipped away.