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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

After losing three games in a row, Emmanuel left the Sinclair manor and got into his car. He immediately called

Naomi, “I don’t care what method. you use. For these days, make Malcolm stay overnight with you.”

Naomi was a little depressed.

Recently, Malcolm becmore and more indifferent to her. He was unwilling to have dinner with her, let alone

spend the night at her place, and each time, he would cup with countless excuses to refuse her.

Naomi explained, “Mr. Sinclair, you know that Malcolm has been...”

Emmanuel interrupted her, “I don’t want an excuse. | only want a result. When | chose you back then, it’s not for

you to explain your mistakes every day.”

Naomi could sense that Emmanuel’s tone was a little impatient, and she did not know what had stimulated him


She hurriedly said, “Okay. I'll think of a way.”

Right now, she could only use the cruelest move.

When she got up to wash up in the morning, she tripped in the bathroom.

She fell so hard that her knees were scrapped. Only when her body had turned completely cold did she slowly

move to the living room.

At this time, the housekeeper had just woken up and helped Naomi in a panic, then hurriedly called Malcolm.

“Mr. Sinclair, Ms. Boyle accidentally fell in the bathroom and bled a lot...” The two housekeepers were frightened,

and their voices trembled. “What should we do now?”

Malcolm’s heart sank slightly. “Tell her to stay where she is. I'll call an



It did not take long for the ambulance to arrive at Rosaria Residence.

Malcolm arrived soon after the ambulance did.

Naomi had put in a lot of effort. Her knees were red and swollen, and her body was frozen stiff. Before she

arrived at the hospital, she sneezed at dozen times.

She succeeded in catching a cold.

The doctor examined Naomi and comforted her with a smile, “The baby in your belly is healthy and not

endangered, but you should be more careful in the future. It could be a big deal for pregnant women to fall

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When the doctor exited the ward, Naomi said to Malcolm with lingering fear, “I got up too early today, so the two

housekeepers haven't gotten up yet. | didn’t expect such a thing to happen. Malcolm, am | too clumsy? | always

get hurt.”

Malcolm replied, “No one wants this to happen. Don’t blyourself. Be careful in the future.”

Naomi lowered her eyes and suddenly dared not look directly into. Malcolm's eyes.

Since what happened to Sylvie, Malcolm had been so indifferent to her. She failed to understand his true

thoughts several times, even after probing, so she gradually beca little impatient.”

Malcolm's cell phone suddenly rang, and he went to the balcony to answer

a, fz

It was Saul. Saul said, “Mr. Sinclair, the two nurses you askedto find have been arranged and are waiting for

your order at any time.”


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Chapter 68

Malcolm said gloomily, “Start now.”

“Yes, Mr. Sinclair,” Saul replied.

Within ten minutes, a young nurse cin and said to Naomi, “Ms. Boyle, it’s tfor fetal heart rate


Naomi asked strangely, “Didn't the doctor do a checkup just now? Besides, my knee hurts...”

ryour n

condition, a wheelchair has been prepared for you.” The nurse rolled the wheelchair in with a smile while

explaining the need for fetal heart rate monitoring.

Malcolm chimed in, “Don’t be afraid. | will accompany you.”

The group walked into the elevator, and there were two young girls in light blue nurse uniforms standing in the

corner and whispering.

Naomi eavesdropped.

One of them started, “Have you heard? That Ms. Boyle is in the hospital again.”

“What's wrong with her?” the other asked.

“This time, it's because of a scrapped knee and a cold. This woman is quite vicious. She's in good health but gets

admitted to the hospital frequently. However, Mr. Sinclair still likes her.”

“How do you know that she is pretending to be sick?”

“I got a piece of inside information. | heard that Mr. Sinclair is not interested in women at all. Ms. Boyle entered

Mr. Sinclair's room when he was drunk... Besides, the baby in her belly may not be Mr. Sinclair's. Maybe she’s

only using it as leverage to climb the social ladder.”

Naomi’s expression becmore and more ugly. When she heard that




She was sand to use the babe as leverage, he finally could not hold back and snagged at them. What

department are you in? You spread rumors during working hours Do you know | can sue you for defamation?”

The two nurses probably did not expect the subject they were talking about was right behind them. Their faces

turned pale from fear.

Naomi’s voice grew colder. “What are your names Giveyour job number. | want to file a complat against you

Just then the elevator door opened, and the two nurses ran away.

Naomi stared at their back angrily but looked aggrieved when she turned her bead. “Malcolm don’t listen to

them. You're the only man I've ever slept with.”

Malcolm's face showed no emotion, and his voice was very calm. It’s just rumors. | won't take it to heart.”

After receiving his trust. Naomi becpushy. “Malcolm, how do those nurses know aboutand even talk

about it in front of us? Someone must have told them to do it on purpose. They're trying to setup.”

Malcolm’s gaze was a little strange. Who would want to set you up?”

“It's Tabitha“” Naomi’s voice was somewhat sharp, but she immediately realized her gaffe and hurriedly forced

out stears from her eyes.

Malcolm. Ms. Jarvis has always misunderstood me, and she is unwilling to accept us, so...”

Malcolm interrupted. Tll investigate this. You don’t have to be paranoid.”

Naomi said aggrievedly. “Malcolm, | have no status and was slandered like this. You must clear my name.”

“Are you innocent?” Malcolm looked down at her and suddenly said. “Tabitha is not in good health and can’t do

amniocentesis, but the doctor


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Chapter 68


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she was said to use the baby as leverage, she finally could not hold back and snapped at them, “What

department are you in? You spread rumors during working hours. Do you know | can sue you for defamation?”

The two nurses probably did not expect the subject they were talking about was right behind them. Their faces

turned pale from fear.

Naomi’s voice grew colder. “What are your names? Giveyour job number. | want to file a complaint against


Just then the elevator door opened, and the two nurses ran away.

Naomi stared at their back angrily but looked aggrieved when she turned her head. “Malcolm, don’t listen to

them. You're the only man I've ever slept with.”

Malcolm's face showed no emotion, and his voice was very calm. “It’s just rumors. | won't take it to heart.”

After receiving his trust, Naomi becpushy. “Malcolm, how do those nurses know aboutand even talk

about it in front of us? Someone must have told them to do it on purpose. They're trying to setup.”

Malcolm’s gaze was a little strange. “Who would want to set you up?”

“It's Tabitha!” Naomi's voice was somewhat sharp, but she immediately realized her gaffe and hurriedly forced

out stears from her eyes. “Malcolm, Ms. Jarvis has always misunderstood me, and she is unwilling to

accept us, so...”

Malcolm interrupted, “I'll investigate this. You don’t have to be paranoid.”

Naomi said aggrievedly, “Malcolm, | have no status and was slandered like this. You must clear my name.”

“Are you innocent?” Malcolm looked down at her and suddenly said, “Tabitha is not in good health and can’t do

amniocentesis, but the doctor



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Chapter 68

says you are healthy.”

Naomi’s heart shrank and suddenly pounded. Then Malcolm said, “Or | can arrange for you to do an
