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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 48
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Chapter 48

Tabitha heard the word “Em” being uttered, but before she could figure out if the word referred to Ethan, the

rawent silent again. At once, she grew anxious.

Emmanuel turned off the raand reached toward Naomi, then made a beckoning motion.

Naomi understood this and immediately handed him the envelope.

Emmanuel opened the envelope, glanced at the so-called evidence inside it, and began to examine the folder in


Before long, he found a bug placed in the corner of the envelope.

‘Stupid girl! She nearly blew our cover!" Emmanuel pinched the bean- sized bug in his hand as his lips curled into

a frighteningly cold smile.

He had chalked Tabitha up to be a woman who went crazy for love, but she was proving to be quite an

interesting character. ‘She could do better than Malcolm.”

Without another word, Emmanuel went to the sink and threw the bug into

the water.

On the other end, Tabitha was still listening attentively when a loud static suddenly assaulted her eardrums. She

frantically took out her earpiece. ‘Crap, he discovered the bug!"

Naomi watched Emmanuel’s every move in shock, but as anxious as she was, she dared not speak.

Emmanuel glanced at her coldly and snapped, “You idiot! You almost screwed things up for us!”

Naomi asked immediately, “What's going on, Mr. Sinclair? What did you




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Chapter 18

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find in the envelope?”

“A bug.” Emmanuel raised a brow at her. “Tabitha’s a lot smarter than you, so be careful when you're dealing

with her. You can’t rise to the bait so easily, or you'll coff as a simpleton, and an ugly one, at that.”

Realizing that she had been tricked by Tabitha, Naomi grew glum. Anger and hatred flashed in her eyes.

Emmanuel did not want to look at Naomi’s repulsive face for another moment longer. Waving his hand to dismiss

her, he said, “You can go now. Be careful on your way out, and don’t contactagain unless it's absolutely


After saying this, he becworried that Naomi would be tailgated, so he had two of his men escort her home

for good measure.

Meanwhile, Tabitha was disappointed to have only dug out so little information despite all the effort she had put


Afterward, when Trevor called her to exchange information and heard how crestfallen she sounded, he comforted

her, “At least it wasn’t all for nothing. If nothing else, we discovered two things: one, the person’s nhas the

word “Em” in it; and two, the person probably has a thing for opera.”

What Trevor meant was that these traits could becuseful leads in their investigation.

Remembering those traits, Tabitha nodded and said, “Yeah, you're right. Thanks for all your help, Trevor.”

Trevor replied with a smile, “Don’t mention it. | mean, | even gained something valuable for free.”

The mysterious person they were dealing with had spent a lot of money. on the bug, and they were probably

seething right now.





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Chapter 18

At the thought of this, Tabitha felt a little better.

She did not sleep well that night. The matter of the bug kept haunting her.

For sreason, she kept hearing imaginary voices throughout the night. She awoke early the next day and felt

a dull ache in her stomach.

She began to worry.

These days, she had been staying up late in her pursuit of the truth, and all those late nights were starting to

take a toll on her sleep quality. She was more easily startled awake than usual.

Enduring the pain in her stomach, Tabitha washed up and put on a change of clothes, then went downstairs to

heat up smilk.

However, the smell of dairy coming from the milk made her gag.

She managed to gulp down half a glass of milk, but it only worsened the churning sensation in her stomach. She

bolted into the bathroom after that and threw up into the toilet.

She knew that this was her morning sickness at work.

When George heard the sound of Tabitha throwing up, he quickly headed toward the bathroom.

Fortunately, Tabitha was done by then, and her face was ashen when she emerged from the bathroom. George

was shocked to see how pale her lips


He asked anxiously, “Ms. Jarvis, you don’t look too well. Are you feeling alright? Do you need to go to the


Tabitha said feebly, “Don’t worry, it’s just morning sickness. I'll be fine after a while...”

“Ms. Jarvis, you're bleeding!” George suddenly alerted her, cutting her off.


Chapter 48


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Stunned, Tabitha followed George's gaze to see blood trickling down the inside of her leg and onto the floor.

She belatedly realized that there was a coldness radiating through her stomach, accompanied by a throbbing

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pain. The world around her spun at that moment, and her vision went dark. The next second, she collapsed.

Frightened by the sight of this, George shouted in panic at the rest of the help, “Ms. Jarvis has fainted! Someone

get Mr. Sinclair!”

Malcolm was still jogging at this hour when the housekeeper finally got ahold of him and told him, in no coherent

words, that Tabitha had fainted. His expression turned grim and he immediately went home.

George had asked the driver to bring the car around, but he hesitated to move Tabitha after seeing how fragile

she was. She looked like she would break at the lightest touch.

Malcolm ran home, and when he saw Tabitha lying on the ground motionlessly, his eyes widened. However, he

was quick to regain his composure.

Things between them were a little tense lately, but the sight of her pale face made his body react quicker than

his brain, for without wasting another second, he bent over to pick up her seemingly-lifeless frame.

Tabitha's eyes were tightly shut, and her eyelashes fluttered against the tops of her cheeks. She looked so weak

and delicate that Malcolm began to panic.

‘How weak is she? How could she get sick and faint so easily?’ he wondered to himself.

When they finally got to the hospital, the doctor told Malcolm after

examining Tabitha, “Ms. Jarvis is easily worn out to begin with. She must have been overworking and worrying

excessively these last couple of days to collapse so suddenly.”


Chapter 48



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‘Overworking?‘ Malcolm frowned.

The doctor continued with a solemn expression, “Mr. Sinclair, your wife is in poor health and doesn’t care for

herself enough to get sufficient rest. The fetus’ condition is unstable, and it’s going to be hard for your wife to

keep the pregnancy if she goes on like this.”

Malcolm stiffened at this. “How could this happen?”