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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

Malcolm suppressed the uneasiness within him and retrieved spaghetti bolognese from the food flask. He smiled

and said, “Happy birthday, Tabby.”

“Thank you,” Tabitha replied, reached out, and took the plate.

Despite having a poor appetite, she insisted on finishing the spaghetti bolognese.

Alaric smiled and asked, “Is it good?”

Malcolm suddenly looked over nervously.

Tabitha nodded and said, “It’s delicious.”

“Malcolm made it himself,” Alaric said happily. “He learned to make it from the cook before dawn. He wasted

dozens of plates of spaghetti before finally making it edible.”

Tabitha’s calm eyes reflected emotion upon hearing it, but she quickly regained her composure.

“I never knew he could cook,” she remarked.

In her memory, someone like Malcolm, an heir of a wealthy family, never ventured near the kitchen.

“Are you surprised, too?” Alaric asked.

Alaric then recounted what he had seen with a gleeful smile.

“Malcolm didn’t know anything at first. He didn’t even know how to turn on the gas, let alone the fact that he

almost blew up the kitchen. The cook was concerned about a kitchen explosion while teaching him. The scene

was truly chaotic. | couldn’t bear to watch it,” he explained.

That day, upon learning that Emmanuel would make a delicious beetroot soup to delight Tabitha, Malcolm felt

that he was outdone and there was a

Chapter 114




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need to contribute something as well.

Unexpectedly, a seemingly simple plate of spaghetti bolognese turned out to be quite challenging to prepare.

Malcolm’s expression darkened upon hearing Alaric’s recount, and he whispered, “Grandpa, there's no need to

talk about this kind of thing, right?”

Even so, he looked at Tabitha with shope in his eyes, expecting her to respond.

Unfortunately, Tabitha just smiled and nodded. “Thank you. Don’t trouble yourself with it next time. Just let the

cook deal with it.”

Her smile didn’t appear sincere. The act of curling the corners of her mouth upward seemed more like a polite

gesture, causing Malcolm’s mood to plummet.

He tightly pursed his lips to conceal the sadness in his eyes and whispered, “It doesn’t taste good this time. I'll

do better next time.”

Tabitha smiled emotionally and said, “You really don’t have to do it.”

“You don’t have to worry about bothering him,” Alaric interrupted. “You've been cooking Christmas dinner for

him for two years. What's wrong with him making spaghetti bolognese for you?”

Tabitha lowered her eyes slightly and changed the topic without answering Alaric.

Malcolm tried to say something but held back. The atmosphere in the ward was full of joy and harmony.

The sky was getting dark.

After a short conversation with Tabitha, Alaric, who had just recovered,

went hto rest.

Tabitha also tried to “persuade” Malcolm to return to his ward and rest.

Chapter 114

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“It’s your birthday today, and | want to spend more twith you, Malcolm expressed, his voice filled with a

pleading tone. “Besides, my ward is next door, | can go back later”

. Tabitha turned to look at him. Her hazel eyes were clear and filled with


It had been a while since she had gazed at him so intently. Malcolm instantly felt nervous and couldn't help but

slow down his breathing.

“Malcolm, | appreciate your care forthese days,” she said.

Tabitha was smiling, but her eyes lacked the warmth of a genuine smile.

Malcolm truly intended to change, and she recognized it, but it seemed too late now.

When she spoke, Malcolm felt a panic like never before.

“You're welcome. We are married, after all,” he replied.

Tabitha smiled in response.

‘He’s right. We used to be married, but now we're in this situation,’ she thought.

Her heart, once tender, had undergone a process of hardening and tempering, rendering her resistant to a range

of feelings, and now she found herself immune to various emotions.

Hence, no matter how Malcolm tried to torment her Heart, she wouldn't be hurt anymore.

She began, “Malcolm, there's something I've been trying to make clear to you...”

Anticipating what she was about to say, Malcolm jumped in a panic and hastily interjected, “It suddenly occurred

tothat there’s an international video conference today. | need to deal with it right away.”


Chapter 114

Without waiting for Tabitha to respond, he swiftly opened the door and left.

Tabitha watched him leave in a hurry and didn’t stop him.

She glanced around the ward, which was empty and desolate, with a faint smell of disinfectant.

Until the age of 14, her parents had been alive, and she never imagined spending her birthday in such a place

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back then.

However, it no longer mattered.

Tabitha went to wash up and was about to lie in bed when there was a knock on the door before being pushed


Chadwick and Colette entered.

As soon as they opened the door, they said in a cheerful voice, “Happy Birthday, Tabby!”

It was eight o'clock in the evening.

They all held beautiful gifts in their hands. While presenting them to Tabitha, Chadwick and Colette extended

their birthday wishes.

However, rather than concentrating on the gifts, Tabitha was drawn to the little girl accompanying Chadwick.

The child, about four or five years old, had round and bright eyes.

She stood beside Chadwick, gazing at Tabitha with curiosity.

Seeing Tabitha looking at her, Chadwick explained with a smile, “Her nis Luna. She's a child from the


Luna had recently been diagnosed with hemophilia, and Chadwick had been taking her everywhere. He was

actively involved in seeking a bone marrow source to help with her condition.

Tabitha looked at Luna pitifully when she heard that.


Chapter 114

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After Chadwick finished his introduction, Luna promptly stepped forward, raised her head, and looked at Tabitha

with her blue eyes.

“Tabby, you're so beautiful. May I sit next to you?” she asked.

Luna’s voice was soft, and Tabitha’s heart softened. “Sure,” she replied. [x

Luna immediately took off her shoes, climbed into bed, and leaned happily against Tabitha.

As she approached, Tabitha caught a whiff of a milky scent, and her eyes suddenly turned red uncontrollably.