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Chased Her Around After Breaking off His Engagement by F BOY's DOLL

Chapter 618
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Chapter 618: Be Happy

The nurse had heard the quarrel and felt sorry for her.

Isabella didn’t hear her. She was on the phone to confirm the study value with grandpa Brown, who told her the test

results. Isabella also provided her own ideas, and grandpa Brown was responsible for the revision.

Hearing the nurse’s voice, Isabella said to the person on the phone to hold on, and asked the nurse, “What’s


Suddenly, the ECG came a beep, Nora gave up the hope of living and closed her eyes.

“Oops, patient has no sense of survival.” ‘said the nurse quickly.’ Dr Isabella, what shall we do?’

“Grandpa, send the medicine to you as soon as you finish revising it!” Isabella hung up the phone and rushed to the


“Oh, I’m not finished, the cure has not been tested, and if it has any side effects, who is responsible?”

Unfortunately, the old man’s last sentence has not finished, the call has become a beep beep end tone…

He called Isabella two more times, but she didn’t answer, so she’s probably busy again…

Nathan waited outside and soon saw several doctors hurry up, seemingly to help Isabella.

Nathan some worry, do not know if Nora had an accident, the moment the door opened, he was anxious to look

inside, nothing looked, only heard the voice of the nurse, as if to say, the patient can not.

He banged apprehensively on the door, Shouting desperately, “Nora, Nora — you’ve got to hang on! You promised

me you’d survive, you said you’d be with me for life, Nora – you can’t break your word!!”

“Family, I’m sorry, please be quiet.” Inside came out a nurse, helplessly advised, “you will affect the doctor inside

the play.”

“How is Nora? A nurse? Is she dying?” Nathan asked anxiously.

“The patient has no sense of survival, maybe he heard you arguing just now…”

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“No, I’m going to go in and explain it to her.”

“I’m sorry, family, but if you would please wait outside, any explanation would be worse for her. Leave it to Dr.


The nurse closes the door again and Nathan waits outside…

I don’t know how long after, there was thunder and lightning outside, the sky became gray, and soon there was a

heavy rain.

The branches beside the road were shaking badly, the temperature was a few degrees colder, and this winter

seemed extremely cold…

Nathan sat from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon to evening…

He doesn’t know how he survived, only that he doesn’t know whether the two girls he was involved with in the two

icus don’t know whether they are alive or dead.

And this time.

Freda suddenly shouted from the hospital bed, “Dad.”

At first, Tel thought he had heard wrong, but he looked up and saw that his daughter on the hospital bed really

opened an eye seam, and he was so happy that his eyes turned red.

“Dad is here, Mom and Dad are with you, and your Uncle Logan Aunt Logan is here too… Do you feel any

discomfort? Shall I call the doctor to look at you?”

“Yes, yes, I’ll call the doctor…” Cara quickly rang the nurse’s bell, and the nurse went to call Isabella.

Cara looked at her daughter’s injuries, and distressed, and happy for her wake up, “You finally woke up, you scared

mom… Just wake up, just be fine…”

“Ma,” he said. Freda’s voice is still weak, but the corners of her mouth are trying to pull together a smile. “Don’t


Cara didn’t want to cry in front of her daughter, but when she heard this, the tears began to flow and she couldn’t

stand it anymore.

Her daughter is hurt like this, and she comforts her back…

“Mom, I want to go home.”

When Tel and Cara heard this, they were stunned.

Is this the so-called “return of light”?

Before Tel’s third uncle was very sick in his eyes, that day, he was dying, but also suddenly clear mind, said to go

home, the family sent him home as quickly as possible, he smiled, took a last look at the home where he lived for

many years, and then closed his eyes safely…

It used to be said that a dying person would always make one request, which was: I want to go home…

“No, honey, we’re not going home, you’re not well yet, we’re here for treatment… When you are well, Mom and

Dad will pick you up…”

Cara holds her baby daughter’s hand, tears can not stop flowing, she is afraid, afraid of losing her daughter from

now on, she dare not think, even dare not listen to her daughter’s “last words” like words…

“Dad, Mom.” Freda tried very hard to hold her parents’ hands, but her strength was too weak and her voice was

weak, as if every sound had been made with great effort.

“In this life…”

“To be your daughter…”

“I’m proud…”

When Tel and Cara heard this, they broke down in tears.

“After I left…”

“Don’t cry, don’t be sad…”

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Freda seemed to be leaving her last words, telling her word by word.

“The daughter just exists in a different way… Will be in heaven, continue to watch over you, with you…”

“Silly daughter, what are you talking about, you will live, even live longer than Mom and Dad…” Cara cries, “Don’t

say it again, don’t say it again, are you thirsty? Mama, get you a glass of water…”

“Mom, just hear me out…” Freda seems to be dying, and after a long pause, she said, “Don’t blame Nathan and

Nora for this… Promise me you won’t hurt them…”

Cara shakes her head and cries, “No, no, no more…”

“Promise me.” Freda can hardly breathe, but she is still waiting for an answer. “Answer, answer, me!”

Tel looked at her daughter’s uncomfortable and painful appearance, crying his heart out, “Well, dad promised you,

as long as…”

Before he could finish his words, the door was suddenly opened, and Nathan, hearing the news that she was awake,

rushed first.

Even faster than a doctor.

“Freda……” Nathan didn’t know what a heavy burden of guilt he was carrying.

Freda’s eyes filled with tears. She tried to smile, but the strength of her body seemed to be fading. She could barely

see Nathan’s face.

All she knew was that the man who broke in was Nathan, and his voice was very worried and worried…

She tried to smile, using up the last of her life, hard to squeeze out three words, “to, lucky, lucky.”

Nathan’s tears fell instantly.

Drip, drip…

The ECG becomes a straight line…

The team of doctors took them out, and Tel and Cara were crying so much…

Isabella explained Nora’s side of the situation, and desperately rushed here, once again into the rescue…

Williams and Eloise both had tears in their eyes.