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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 80
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As soon as she said that, everyone looked over.

Sheril immediately felt her face flush in embarrassment as though she was living on someone’s charity.

Rachel, however, didn’t let her off.

She continued and said, “You can ask your mother to make an appointment for you, though.That way,

you’ll also be able to attend her classes I By the way, does your mother have any connections? Do you

want my mother to hook her up with the relevant people?”

After the Andersons fell into decline, as Simon’s wife, Melissa’s status had also dropped.

However, not only did her family, the Woods, not help her in any way, but they even rubbed it in.

Take, for example, what was currently happening.

What Rachel said had in no uncertain terms told everyone that even though Melissa had been part of the

Woods in the past, her current authority and connections were actually not as good as the Woods’.

Sheril clenched her fists and tried her best to make herself look calm as she replied, “No, it’s fine.I’m not

very interested in dancing anyway…”

Rachel curled her lip.

“Is that so?”

She glanced at Caden.

Then, as though she was talking about Sheril yet also as insinuating something else, she said, “What a


After that, she turned and looked at the other people there.

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However, when she did, she saw that everyone who had been circling around her and asking about

Tanya just now was instead now staring curiously at Nora.

The young woman, who was dressed simply, easily became the focus of the crowd just by gracefully

standing there.

Rachel frowned.

She took the initiative to walk over, held Sherd’s hand with a smile, and asked gently, “Who’s this,


Sherd suppressed her awkwardness and embarrassment and naturally made the introductions.

“This is Nora, my eldest aunt’s daughter.’

A surprised Rachel immediately exclaimed rather loudly, “Huh? So that’s who you are! I totally couldn’t

tell from your figure that you’ve given birth before!”

The words “you’ve given birth before” astonished everyone there.Rachel covered her mouth and looked

at the two of them apologetically.

She said, “S-sorry, I accidentally spoke without thinking for a moment there.Nora, you don’t mind , right?”

To outsiders, premarital pregnancies were seen as immoral behavior.

Under normal circumstances, even if one’s family didn’t help them to hide it, they wouldn’t publicize it like

that, either.

However, Rachel had mentioned it the moment she came over.

This made everyone instantly look at her in a different way.

Nora could hear someone nearby whisper, “Tsk, she looks pretty pure and innocent.I didn’t expect that

she already has kids.”

“Why is someone like her here to dance? Is she trying to hook up with someone?” Sheril frowned.

She stood in front of Nora and said, “Don’t spout nonsense, Rachel.Nora’s just here to learn how to


Rachel cast her eyes down and smirked.

“In that case, does she have a dance partner yet?”

Sheril looked at the other people there.

Most people who came here to dance didn’t come at fixed intervals.

Neither did they have fixed dance partners.

She had originally thought that it would be very easy to find Nora a dance partner since she was so


However, Rachel’s words just now had obviously made everyone averse to Nora.

She was about to say something when Nora smiled and said, “It’s okay, Sheril.I’ll just watch you dance.”

Sheril said, “Nora, you…”

Nora cast her eyes down.

“It’s fine, really”

Sheril knew that trying to comfort her further now would only result in the opposite effect, so she could

only give her a resigned nod.

When the dance teacher arrived, everyone split into pairs and started to dance.

A bored Nora leaned against the wall and played with her cell phone while she watched Sheril out of the

corner of her eye.

Caden was unexpectedly a pretty good dancer.

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International ballroom dancing was performed in pairs of men and women.

In particular, if the men were strong enough, their dancing would be very exciting to watch when they led

the woman.

Caden was likely a professional.

He held Sheril by her waist and danced, the two of them forming a dazzling sight.

Gradually, they became the center of all the dancers in the room.

While they were dancing, Sheril was also constantly looking at Nora.

She suddenly suggested, “Caden, why don’t you dance with Nora later?”

Caden was a little reluctant.

He replied, “I wanted to say this just now, but someone like her who became pregnant before marriage

must have a very profligate lifestyle in private.Sheril, you shouldn’t associate too much with her.”

An unhappy-looking Sheril said, “You don’t even know what Nora is like or anything about her past.Why

would you say that?”

Caden frowned.

“Okay, okay, I won’t say any more.She doesn’t look like she’s danced before, though.I’ma professional; it

may not be appropriate to have me lead her in a dance.”

His eyes were downcast and he looked obviously reluctant.

After the dance, Sheril cast Caden aside and went to Nora.

Next to them, Rachel clenched her fists when she saw what she did.

Although her dance partner was also pretty good, he ultimately still couldn’t compare with Caden.