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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 69
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Justin was taken aback when he heard the voice.

It sounded vaguely familiar.

However, when he lowered his head and saw his son beside him, he suppressed his doubts.

Back in California, Pete had worn girls’ clothing from time to time as if he had a split personality.

However, after they returned to New York, apart from the first day he went to practice martial arts at

the Quinn School of Martial Arts where he had returned in a princess dress and became a little

princess again, he had been normal the past few days.

He must be too high-strung.

Otherwise, why would he find the voice just now so similar to his son’s when he was having

relapses previously? What was Chester doing, though? Why was there a child’s voice in his live

stream? Justin’s deep-set eyes narrowed as he watched on sullenly It took only a few seconds for

him to figure out what was going on with the so-called ‘contest’.

He let out a cold laugh right away.

His younger brother sure was making a good showing.

To think he was being suppressed by a nobody streamer.

It wasn’t an issue as long as no one knew, but should there come a day where it became known

that Chesty the game streamer was a Hunt, it would be a huge embarrassment to the family! At the

thought, Justin immediately topped up $300,000 into his account.

He was about to tip his younger brother when he suddenly heard the tender voice say, “Do you

know who discovered radium? It’s Johnny Depp!”

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Justin: ??

His fingers instantly paused, and he felt a sense of familiarity welling up in him.

He impulsively entered the live stream hosted by ‘sweetcherry’. The screen showed both streamers

facing off, but neither of their cameras was turned on.

Instead, they were streaming their gameplay.

In a crisp and clear voice, the little girl said, “Sponsor Grandpa, I didn’t get it wrong.I have a really

awesome memory, yeah! If you don’t believe me, I can tell you more!”

“Do you know the famous playwright who wrote Romeo and Juliet? It’s Chris Hemsworth!”

These insignificant trivia whose answers were all handsome actors and celebrities…Why did they

sound so familiar? Justin couldn’t help but glance at Pete again.

He coughed and cast his eyes down, but an inexplicable sense of intimacy suddenly surged up in


He had always been a loner since he was a child.

He didn’t have many friends and on top of that, there was a lot of scheming and trickery among his


Even his grandfather had tricked him right before his death…

Therefore, there were times when he felt lonely, too.

Pete was a boy, so he had always taught him to be independent and self-reliant since he was a


He hadn’t liked the Pete who wore a princess dress, but to be honest, when he grasped his big

hand with his soft little hands and looked at him with those big, damp, and innocent eyes of his, his

heart had felt as if it were soaking in a hot spring.

Sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder how nice would it be if he really had a daughter?

“Aren’t I clever, yeah? I see everyone in the comments laughing.Is it because I’m so smart? But why

isn’t anyone tipping me?”

With a flick of his fingers, Justin immediately sent out a tip worth 9,999 airplanes, which was the

most expensive virtual gift purchasable.

Cherry immediately exclaimed “I must have done really well! Someone has tipped me again!”

She didn’t know how much money that was at all, but she nevertheless said in a rather troubled

manner, “But it’s only because Mommy’s Daddy is a very bad man that I got her a Sponsor Daddy.I

can’t have two at the same time! I can only choose one to be my Sponsor Grandpa”

As soon as she said that, another account also gave her a tip worth 9,999 airplanes! Cherry

shouted, “Sponsor Grandpa! Love you!”

Justin opened the list of fans and found that the top fan in sweetcherry’s fan list was a person

named ‘Grandpa’

He sure knew how to take advantage of others.

He let out a cold laugh and sent another 9,999 airplanes.

In other words, he had given her a tip of $150,000 right away.

Troubled, Cherry lowered her voice and asked Chester seriously, “Chesty, who should I call

Sponsor Grandpa?”

Seeing that his points that had just increased greatly were firmly suppressed again, Chester entered

her live stream huffily and said, “Let me see who’s the bastard that actually tipped you $300,000


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As he spoke, he opened her fan list.

As user accounts of the live stream platform were linked to their Facebook profiles, the users’

Facebook profile pictures would also show in the live-stream platform.

At the sight of that familiar profile picture on Cherry’s fan list , the words at the tip of Chester’s

tongue changed and he stuttered, “J-J-Justin?”

Cherry immediately understood what he meant and she exclaimed softly, “Daddy?!”


Cherry’s voice immediately became excited, though she also did an obvious turnaround and added,

“I meant Sponsor Daddy!”


That familiar voice and way of speech…

He turned and looked at Pete, who was next to him, again.


The tyrant was using his cell phone and also had earphones on, but he kept glancing at him from

time to time.

A resigned Pete raised the book in his hand and said, “I really am reading”

Justin kept quiet.

Then, he nodded and continued to watch the live stream.

Everyone in the comments was laughing at the streamer.

She had said just now that she wouldn’t call anyone ‘Sponsor Daddy’, but a moment later, she had

given in for the sake of tips! Not only did she have a Sponsor Grandpa, but she also had a Sponsor

Daddy now! Justin’s eyes darkened slightly.