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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 58
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The Carefree Pill.

Nora said silently in her mind.

However, when she thought of how her mother had instructed her to stay low-key and avoid being

too showy, she casually said, “I bought them at Guardian Pharmacy.They said it invigorates and

refreshes the mind.I didn’t ask the specifics.”

In other words, she had bought them without much thought.

Sheena said sharply, “That’s some sheer dumb luck, huh! Didn’t I say? You’re so young; even if you

do know a bit of medicine, it’s not going to be this great—”

Melissa couldn’t stand listening to her anymore.

She interjected and said, “Sheena, no matter what the case is, we still ought to thank Nora!”

Sheena said mockingly, “Thank her? Do you need me to get down on my knees and kowtow to her,

or set off some fireworks to celebrate, then?”

She was obviously being sarcastic, but the corners of Nora’s lips quirked upward and she replied

seriously, “No, you don’t have to.”

Her voice was low and husky, which lent it a sense of calmness and steadiness.

She said, “You should apologize to my mother now” Sheena immediately felt her cheeks burning.

She clenched her fists and straightened her back.

She avoided Nora’s gaze and said, “Why should I? Mom only became blind because she was so

angry at your mother for running away from home! Isn’t it only right for you to cure her? Also, we’re

in this state because your mother just up and left back then! She’s the sinner of the family! Why

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should I apologize to her?!”

Simon sighed.

Then, he ordered harshly, “Shut up, Sheena! Sheena felt that she must have misheard him.

Shocked, she looked at him and asked, “Simon, are you actually yelling at me because of a stray

like her?!”

Simon replied, “She’s no stray; she’s Sis’ daughter and my niece! She’s an Anderson! Apologize to

Sis now!”


Sheena shouted angrily, “Are you determined to go against me? Fine, you don’t need me to help

you manage Harmonia Pharmacy anymore, do you?”

Simon was stunned.

Sheena had always been the one in charge of Harmonia Pharmacy’s manufacturing department

during all these years.

It was indeed also because of her that the business hadn’t gone bust yet.

But what she just said…

Was she threatening him? At the sight of Simon’s silence, Sheena immediately knew that her threat

had been effective.

She straightened her back and sneered, “You have to suffer the consequences if you make a

mistake! Sis made a mistake by eloping back then, which caused our reputation to plummet! So,

why should I apologize to her? Does she have the cheek to accept my apology?”

Smack! Sheena, who was close to the bed, was stunned when Mrs .Anderson’s slap landed on her

cheek, and she looked at her in disbelief.

Mrs.Anderson, who was trembling all over, shouted angrily, “Your elder sister must have had her

reasons! I forbid you to say that about her!”

Sheena took a step back.

With a wry smile, she held her hand to her cheek and said, “You can shut me up, but can you shut

up those people outside? Her mother was a woman of loose morals who eloped with another man,

and it held back lan Smith for life! This is the biggest scandal among the wealthy families in all of

New York in the past two decades!”

Simon said sternly, “Sis had her reasons!”

“What reasons did she have?!”

Sheena yelled hysterically, “We even found love letters in her room! She eloped! When will all of

you stop lying to yourselves?!”

She turned to Mrs.Anderson and Simon and said, “I’ll say one last thing—it’s either her or me in this


Pick one! The room fell silent.

A silent Nora turned and said, “I’ll leave.”

However, a large warm hand held her shoulder before she reached the door, and Simon’s slightly

tired voice reached her: “Nora, where are you going? This is your home”

He didn’t dare to look at Sheena when he spoke, but his decision was already obvious.

Sheena looked at Mrs.Anderson and then at Melissa— both of them turned away.

Toward the end, she looked at Simon and said, “Fine! Okay ! The Andersons and the Myerses are

fighting it out now, but you’re actually driving me away at a critical moment like this because of that

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no-good girl?”

“Fine! I’ll leave!”

Sheena turned and started to walk out, but found that no one was stopping her.

When she reached the door, she stopped.

A moment later, with her eyes red, she sneered, “You’re all partial toward Sis, and have forgotten

that I’m the one who has led Harmonia Pharmacy over the past twenty years to where it currently is!

“In that case, don’t blame me for hardening my heart! Simon, I’ll wait for Harmonia Pharmacy to be

completely crushed by the Myerses! I’ll wait for the day it closes down!”

After saying that, she turned and strode off.

Melissa frowned.

“Has Sheena lost her mind? How can she bring herself to say such a thing after just a few heated

words? She’s almost 50, yet she’s still so impulsive!”

Then, she looked at Simon worriedly.

“We’re at a critical point of the Andersons and the Myerses’ fight for market share now.What do we

do if Sheena really goes on strike? A troubled Simon rubbed his temples.

“We’ll just do whatever we can and take it one step at a time!”

Seeing how worried they both looked, Nora asked, “Uncle Simon, Aunt Melissa.Is there anything I

can help with?”

Simon sighed and replied, “No, it’s fine, Nora.You can just stay home with Cherry”

What the Andersons needed the most at the moment wasn’t a contest of skill in commerce but an

actual bona fide formula for a pill! Thanks to Nora’s mother’s Carefree Pill, the Myerses had leaped

to stardom among the wealthy circles in New York .