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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 49
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Sheena threw a ton of questions to the child’s face just to give her ‘country bumpkin’ niece an

opening gambit.

Nora cast her eyes down with a slightly chilly look and kept quiet.

Melissa hurriedly played peacemaker and said, “Sheena, Cherry grew up abroad with Nora.Over

there, they value quality education…Sheena leaned on the sofa.

As though a person in power talking down to her subordinates, she said, “Quality education? It’s all

a lie.That’s just so that they can better bridge the gap.Real aristocrats and the wealthy put their

children through strict education from an early age!”

Her eyes were like blazing torches as she looked at Nora.

She said, “So, your name is Nora? You’re all grown up, so you’ve already missed the best time and

opportunity to study.But rest assured; since you’ve come to us, on account of my sister, I won’t let

you roam the streets homeless.

I heard that you got yourself pregnant before you were married, right? And that your ex-fiance broke

off the engagement? Don’t worry, I’ll find you a good husband and ensure that you live worry-free

for the rest of your life.

As for your daughter…

She looked at Pete and scanned the child up and down.

Then, as though she was being charitable, she said, “Although five years old is a late start

compared to others, there’s at least still hope for her.”

Nora had a very cold look in her eyes.

She lowered her gaze and then, with a sardonic smile at the corner of her lips, she said, “You don’t

need to bother.I’ll take care of my daughter’s education myself Cherry’s studies were indeed a huge

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headache.Her daughter had an extremely high IQ, but she was only interested in games and was

sloppy in her studies.

In particular, her history knowledge had become a huge mess thanks to her aunt abroad…

However, this didn’t mean that others could criticize her at will.

“You? Take care of her education matters?”

Sheena said coldly, “What are you going to teach her? Are you going to teach her how to become

obsessed with her cell phone and how to play games every day? Are you going to have her be like

you and engage in a chaotic private life, and become pregnant before marriage when she grows


“Shut up!”

Mrs.Anderson reprimanded Sheena, causing her to curl her lip.

Melissa even frowned and said reproachingly, “Sheena, I know you have her interests at heart, but

can you speak in a less hurtful manner?”

Sheena sneered, “I just want her to have a clear idea of the situation she’s in! Does she really think

it’s that easy to be a child of a wealthy family?”

She glanced at the ‘girl’ who was standing there stubbornly and said, “Not convinced, are you?

Fine, I’ll show you Lena’s progress in her studies and give you a good sense of the gap between

the two children! Go on, Lena, tell the big sister here what you’re capable of”

Lena Xavier was Sheena’s daughter who was born at a later point in Sheena’s life.

She gave birth to her at the age of forty, so Lena was only six that year.

The little girl wearing a dress was adorable and pretty.

When she heard her, she raised her chin and declared proudly, “I know two foreign languages

Spanish and French and can communicate fluently in them.’

Then, she said a couple of lines in the two foreign languages fluently, forming an animated and

impressive sight.

After speaking, she looked at Pete triumphantly.

Sheena raised her chin proudly along with her.

After Lena was done, she looked at Nora and asked, “I wonder what your daughter is capable of?”

Nora was about to speak when a sullen Pete’s lips suddenly parted and he prattled on in a

language that no one understood.

Stunned, Lena asked, “What language is that?”

Pete calmly replied, “It’s Arabic.It’s very normal that you can’t understand it.Mommy has taught me

eight different languages.’

Lena, who felt as if she had lost, refused to concede defeat and spoke again.

She said, “I’ve also participated in many competitions and took second place in a children ‘s

calligraphy competition, as well as second place in a robotics competition for juniors!”

A puzzled Pete frowned and said, “Second place? How sad.”

Lena was confused.

Furious, she went on and said, “I can recite 300 poems and spell 1,500 words.At the same time, I

also learned programming and Mathematical Olympiad-level mathematics!”

Pete pursed his lips and sighed.

“Are poems that hard to memorize and recite? Does programming even require effort to learn?

Don’t people immediately get these things after just a look?”

A puzzled Pete took Nora’s hand and said, “Let’s go upstairs, Mommy.Aunt Sheena probably still

has something to talk to Grandma and Aunt Melissa about, so let’s not disturb them anymore.’

The two of them left behind a group of dumbfounded people and went upstairs.Nora closed the


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Then, she turned around, picked up Pete, and put him down on the sofa while observing him.Cherry

hated language studies.

Since when did she even speak Arabic? Something was definitely wrong! She was about to ask

Pete when her cell phone suddenly rang and interrupted her thoughts.

Nora picked up the call.

The moment she did, she heard Henry’s voice from the other end.

“Nora! You’ve gotten gutsy, haven’t you?! How dare you arrange for the company dividends to be

sent to your bank account! Give me back the money right now! Otherwise, what am I supposed to

live on?”

Nora replied coolly, “What does your survival have anything to do with me?”

“You !”

Henry was furious.

But in the end, he said viciously, “I see.Now that you’ve gone to the Andersons, you don’t intend to

acknowledge a poor man like me as your father anymore? Thinking of cutting off your relations with

me? No way! But if you give me $8,000,000, I’ll cut off relations with you from now on.How about


Nora’s eyes darkened.

Asking for $8,000,000 right away? He sure had a pretty big appetite.

When he heard her silence, Henry smiled triumphantly and said, “I know you don’t have any

money.However, the Andersons do! I’m sure the Andersons won’t want me to show up in New York

and embarrass them, right?”

What a shameless man.

However, the corners of Nora’s lips suddenly curled upward the next moment and she said, “Fine,

I’ll transfer the money to you right away, but you must tell me where you abandoned my son back


After a short pause, Henry finally agreed and said, “Fine! I’ll tell you immediately after I receive the
