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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 45
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When Nora opened her eyes, Cherry was no longer by her side.She was likely playing

downstairs.She took a look around the room after she got up.

It was twice as large as her bedroom in the Smith residence in California and was decorated in

white and gray tones.

One could vaguely see that her mother had been a strong woman.

After washing up, she walked to the study that came with the room and found that it was very clean.

From the details, one could see how thoughtful the Andersons were.

Nora picked up a book it was about biological sciences and the pharmaceutical industry.

It was no wonder her mother had founded Idealian Pharmaceuticals.

Someone suddenly knocked lightly on her bedroom door.

Nora opened the door and immediately heard an anxious Melissa say, “Nora, something’s gone

wrong in the hospital!”

Nora raised an eyebrow.

“What happened?”

“Mr.Hunt called just now and said that Mrs.Hunt still hasn’t woken up.He asked you to give him a

call once you wake up.”

Nora was rendered speechless.

Here she was, thinking that something terrible had really happened.

She called Justin.

When the call connected, the man’s low and deep voice was as if a musical instrument striking her


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He said, “Miss Smith, my grandmother still hasn’t woken up.’’


Nora coughed and said, “I forgot to tell you yesterday that the patient is too weak, so she’ll only

regain consciousness this weekend.”

It was indeed her mistake not to inform the patient’s family about the details.Justin fell silent for a


Nora thought of the dispute that had taken place in the hallway when she was busy checking the old

lady’s condition the day before, and she asked, “Will it cause you any trouble?”

“Those are just trivial matters.”

Justin paused.

Then, he suddenly asked, “Don’t you have to come over and take a look today, Miss Smith?”

Nora asked straightforwardly, “Is your son in the hospital?”

“.No, he isn’t”

Nora immediately replied, “Oh.It’s pointless even if I go over.It’s fine as long as the patient’s vitals

are all normal.I trust that the doctors in Hospital Finest would be more professional than me when it

comes to nursing care.”

Hospital Finest was directly affiliated with the number one family.

The family was strong and powerful, and the wages and work benefits they offered were extremely


40% of the renowned experts in the country were working in Hospital Finest.

In the hospital, Justin looked through the glass window on the door at the old lady in the ICU ward.

His lips were pursed tightly and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Why had she asked about his son first? It was as if she would have come over, had Pete been here.

Justin had a dark and sullen look on his countenance after he hung up.

When Howard noticed his expression, he asked hesitantly, “Is Grandaunt alright, Justin?”

Justin snorted and replied, “She’s fine.Howard nodded.

Although he hated Pete and felt that he wasn’t worthy of being Justin’s son, in his heart, Howard still

hoped that his grandaunt would wake up earlier.

Suddenly, he noticed that Justin was frowning as if he was thinking about the biggest problem in the


After a short internal struggle, Justin finally looked at him and asked, “What might be the reason

behind a woman showing great interest in Pete?”

Howard answered, “It must definitely be because she wants to marry you and be his stepmother!”

A hesitant Justin asked, “But what if she’s very cold and distant toward me?”

Howard scratched his head.

Then, the brawny but simple- minded man grinned and said, “Uh…Surely she isn’t thinking of

becoming your daughter-in-law? Even though Pete isn’t strong enough, he’s inherited your good

features .He won’t starve to death if he becomes someone’s pretty boy in the future.”

Seeing the cold look almost capable of freezing someone in Justin’s eyes, Howard rubbed his nose

and asked carefully, “Justin, if you’re free today, can you take me to the Quinn School of Martial


Justin turned and walked out.

Howard followed after him and asked, “Where are you going, Justin?”

“To pick up Pete and go to the Quinn School of Martial Arts.

At the Andersons.

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After Nora hung up, she opened her email inbox and saw an investigation report and message that

Solo had sent: “Anti, Justin is surprisingly easy to investigate.

Hacking into his computer was a walk in the park.

I’ve attached a document with all his information from his childhood to the present.

His everyday whereabouts are listed clearly.

There’s something very strange, though.

Apart from hisson’s name – Peter Hunt—everything else about him is securely hidden.

I couldn’t find anything at all.

Nora was rendered speechless.

She opened the file and looked up the month when she had gotten inexplicably pregnant five years

ago, only to find that Justin hadn’t been to California at that time.

She closed her mailbox somewhat disappointedly.

Was what happened yesterday really just an illusion? No, she had to find a way to meet Justin’s


She knew it sounded rather crazy, but after five years of fruitless searching, she didn’t want to pass

up any possibilities.

“Mommy! Didn’t you say that you’re taking me to Grandpa Quinn’s today?”

Cherry, who was wearing a princess dress, ran into the room.

Nora saw the text messages that Quinn had sent early in the morning.

She knew that the old man was probably all out of patience by now, yet he still didn’t call her for the

fear that he would end up disturbing her.

That was exactly the kind of person Quinn was.

On the surface, he seemed like a cheeky old man who scolded her for being lazy and sleeping

every day, yet he was also afraid of disturbing her rest.

The corners of Nora’s lips curled upward slightly and she made a video call to Quinn.