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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 120
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Cherry?! lan’s eyes flew open abruptly.

Light even shone in his usually listless eyes.

He looked straight at the little Mia, who lowered her head and said, “Grand-uncle lan, I know I

shouldn’t be borrowing money from you, but my money is all with Mommy.She doesn’t let me ask

Daddy for money, either.Brandon has a loose tongue, so he’ll definitely tell Mommy if I borrow

money from him.After thinking about it, you’re the only one I can ask.’’

Mia glanced at him in embarrassment and said, “But if you don’t have any, it’s okay…”

As soon as she said that, lan smiled and said, “I do.I’ll give my little Mia some.’’

Mia’s eyes lit up.

“Thank you, Grand-uncle lan!”

lan then asked, “Can you tell me about this classmate of yours?”

Mia nodded.

With a look of admiration on her face, she said, “Cheryl Smith is amazing! Not only can she turn into

a little boy, but she can also turn into a little girl!”

Lan: “?”

“She also dances really well.Sinead Lowe was originally the lead dancer for the dance in the

school’s 50th-anniversary celebrations.She’s really unlikeable and often bullies everyone in school!”

lan asked, “Does she bully even you?”

Mia shook her head.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“She doesn’t dare to bully me because I’m a Smith.She doesn’t dare to make trouble for me, but

she doesn’t talk to me either.

She started bullying Cherry the moment she came to the school, but Cherry’s Mommy is really


She got Ms.Tanya Turner over, so Cherry became the lead dancer after that.

“Cherry also became Brandon’s boss.He follows her around every day and serves her water.He

also asked her when she can become a little boy again.’’

At this point, Mia added softly, “I also hope that Cherry will become a little boy.’’

lan was taken aback.

“Why?” He asked.

Mia smiled gently and timidly.

Her small oval-shaped face was adorable and delicate.

She answered, “Cherry is very cool when she’s a boy.I like talking to him.”

lan felt like he understood what she was saying, but also not really at the same time.

He casually transferred $150, 000 to Mia’s bank account and then closed his eyes.

Mia left quietly when she saw that he wasn’t talking to her anymore.

Grand-uncle lan wasn’t in good health.

Daddy had told her earlier that she shouldn’t disturb him…

In the evening, Joel came over to visit lan as usual after he knocked off from work.

However, when he did, he saw lan, whose eyes were always half-lidded, seated upright on the bed

as if he was waiting for him.

Surprised, Joel asked, “Is something the matter, Uncle lan? lan cast his eyes down and said

unhurriedly, “Is Mia’s school holding their 50th-anniversary celebrations soon?”

Joel nodded.

“Yes, I’ve already received an invitation”

He wasn’t planning to go.

After all, it didn’t really matter whether he went to an event like that or not.

Besides, Mia was timid and frail, so she wasn’t performing, either.

While thinking about it, he heard lan say, “I want to go and have a look”

Joel was surprised.


lan repeated, “I want to go and have a look.”

Joel was a little in disbelief, but he nevertheless said, “Okay, I’ll make the arrangements.”

After leaving lan’s bedroom, Joel looked back at the door and frowned.

A moment later, he asked the caretaker, “Did something happen at Uncle lan’s today?”

The caretaker stood up straight.

Although Joel seemed friendly and approachable, she treated him with ever-increasing respect.

“I think Ms.Mia was here.”

At the mention of Mia, Joel’s expression softened.

“I see.It seemed like Uncle lan was going to the kindergarten because of Mia.He would also go with

him, then.”

The next afternoon.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After dealing with work matters in the Hunt Corporation, Justin left his office.

However, he didn’t go home.

Pete was at the Quinn School of Martial Arts today, but when he got in the car, he didn’t instruct the

chauffeur to head to the school.

“Where would you like to go, sir?” asked the chauffeur.

“To the Golden Sunshine Kindergarten”

“Yes, sir.”

At the kindergarten.

It was the 50th-anniversary celebrations soon, so the twenty children participating in the opening

ceremony dance had to practice for an hour more than usual.

At four o’clock in the afternoon.

Cherry and her friends entered the dance studio and stood in line.

Sinead was next to Cherry.

Even though she had been warned not to provoke Cherry, she was pouting and glaring at her from

time to time today.In the past, even though Sinead was bad-tempered, everyone was afraid of the

dance teacher, so they were very tolerant of her.

But now, everyone was playing with Cherry and ignoring her instead.

After putting up with it for several days, Sinead finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

She suddenly reached out her arm and pushed Cherry.

Cherry stumbled backward a couple of steps.

She looked at her in surprise and asked, “What are you doing, Sinead the Doggy?”