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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 109
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Night had fallen.

The little Pete was currently reading at the big desk.

Upon hearing what Justin said, he looked up from the book silently and glanced at the bottles.

He stretched out his arms, opened the bottles, and took a couple of looks at it.

Then, he said, “I’m not taking them”

Justin replied, “…These vitamins are nutrition supplements.You have to take them.”

Pete fell silent for a moment before he asked, “Can they boost brainpower?”


As soon as he said that, Pete pushed the bottles to him and said, “You’ll need them very much,


Justin: “?”

His expression instantly darkened and he said sarcastically, “Peter! Hunt! I have an IQ of 301!”

301 was the highest IQ among human beings thus far! It was just that he was a low-key person who

never behaved ostentatiously.

Neither had the test results ever been publicly announced.

Pete, however, glanced at him disdainfully and said, “It’s said that people with high IQs have low

EQs.True enough , you’re really very stupid.It’s been so long, yet you haven’t landed Mommy yet”

They were supposed to be reunited today, but he had displeased Mommy again.

Sigh! Poor tyrant.

He pushed the two bottles of vitamins toward Justin again and said, “Remember to take them every

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They can boost both your brainpower and EQ.

Justin walked out of Pete’s room sullenly.

The man, who had always been shrewd and unreadable, often found himself so exasperated by

Pete that even his chest hurt.

He couldn’t help but think of the little girl that Ms.

Smith had brought today…

To be honest, before meeting Cherry, he had been somewhat averse to her.

He couldn’t help feeling somewhat uncomfortable whenever he thought of how she was a child that

the woman had with an idiot.

He had thought that even if he did accept Nora, he wouldn’t be able to accept a child that she had

with another man.

But for some reason, even though the little fellow had been painted to look like a clown, her voice

was so young and tender.

She sounded just like how his son did during his occasional bouts of abnormality.

Did all children add a ‘yeah’ at the end of their sentences? Then, he thought of the unceasing flow

of praises that had poured out of her mouth that had been painted big and red.

The things she said—such as how he was ‘even more handsome than Prince Charming’ and how

his ‘good looks were out of this world’—were clearly very explicit, yet they sounded so nice when

she was the one saying them.

After that, the little fellow even naturally held his hand.

Children were all soft and tender.

He wanted to push her away, but what he instead did was carefully hold her, for fear that he might

accidentally break her hand if he was too forceful…

After comparing them like that, it seemed like a daughter was more lovable after all.

For some inexplicable reason, he was actually starting to miss how Pete had behaved during his


Justin felt that he must be out of his mind.

Otherwise, why would he possibly think of having his son turn into a girl again? His gaze fell onto

the two bottles of ‘vitamins’ that he had brought back with him.

In the end, he actually really opened the bottles and took a couple of pills.

He laid down casually after taking the pills.

Then, he realized that he had missed Sweetie’s live-stream today.

Come to think of it, there were some who addressed sweetcherry as Cherry, too.

It was actually the same name as the little girl who had come over today…

Why was he thinking of that little girl again? She was a child that Nora had with another man! Why

was he caring about and missing her so much? Justin felt that he must not have taken enough


He suppressed his irritability.

When he took a look at his cell phone, he accidentally opened his Facebook account and saw that

Chester had posted a photo of the gathering that afternoon.

The photo was captioned ‘Happy birthday, Justin! Do you like my gift?’


Why was it back to the topic of gifts again! Justin coughed.

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He had suddenly thought of a way to remind Nora about the gift! He got up, entered the storage

room, and took random photos of a few things in his own collection.

The man who had slight obsessive-compulsive disorder arranged the photos into a nine-box grid


Then, he wrote: ‘Thanks for the gifts today, everyone’ After that, he set the post’s privacy level so

that it was visible only to Nora.

After posting the photo, he tossed the cell phone aside.

The man, who had originally decided not to work that evening so that he could spend some time

with his son, couldn’t stop himself from picking up his laptop and using work to distract himself.

A minute later, he picked up his cell phone and glanced at it.

There weren’t any notifications.

Thinking that he wouldn’t get a response so quickly anyway, he put down the phone.

Besides, what was he being so nervous for? He just wanted to give Ms.Smith a reminder and

another chance to send her birthday gift for him over, that was all.

For example, she could leave a comment saying ‘Oops, I forgot to pass you the gift’

Then, he would reply: “It’s okay, I’m on a business trip nearby.Go get it”

Oh, but it didn’t seem quite right to tell her to go and get it.

That would make him seem like he was asking her for a gift.

He would just say that he was on a business trip nearby, then.

She would definitely say that she would bring it over.

While thinking about it, another five minutes went by.

Justin picked up his cell phone again, but there still weren’t any notifications.