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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 104
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Cherry blinked and asked, “Do I need to put on a disguise, Mommy?”

At her question, Nora fell silent for a while.

She originally intended to put some makeup on her so that no one would recognize her.

However, when she thought of how Justin had blushed during dinner the night before when he

realized that he had taken a sip of her drink…

She couldn’t help but think that he wasn’t actually that scary, right…? Besides, the unsettling feeling

she had the night before made her want to know what exactly the source of danger was.

Also, why had her mother left such words behind before she died? She had a vague feeling that her

premarital pregnancy back then was related to what had happened to her mother.

After the incident, she had conducted some investigations .

In her memory, she had never been in contact with Justin before.

How exactly she became pregnant was also a mystery in itself.

To be honest, it was meaningless to hide the truth from Justin.

In that case, she might as well be honest with him.

As for why Justin hated Pete’s mother so much, there must be some kind of misunderstanding


She was a frank and open person.

Everything would be fine once properly explained.

Having thought so, Nora replied,”…No, it’s okay.”

Cherry’s eyes lit up.

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“Yes, really”

“That’s awesome!”

Cherry picked up her cell phone and said, “I’m going to tell Pete that our family is gonna be reunited


Seeing the little fellow about to run off happily, Nora suddenly asked, “Have you prepared a birthday

present for Daddy?”

Cherry paused and turned around.

“Do kids have to prepare gifts for adults?”


Who was the one who kept saying she wasn’t a three-year- old anymore? Just as she was thinking

about it, a grinning Cherry said, “Don’t worry, Mommy! I got it ready a long time ago! I’ve already

drafted my speech.Daddy will definitely love the praises I’m gonna sing of him!”

So, her birthday gift for him was also a crazy bout of flattery? Excellent! This was indeed very fair!

Nora didn’t pay her any more attention.

Instead, she turned and went downstairs while she said, “Go and change.I’ll wait for you



It was Saturday that day, so she didn’t have to go to school. Tanya had moved to a hotel that the TV

program production team had prepared for her after she picked up Cherry from school the day

before, so that filming would be more convenient.

Sheril had cooped herself up in the pharmaceutical factory’s laboratory again.

As for Logan, he usually stayed out all night every day and rarely returned…

Lastly, the elderly Mrs.Anderson was currently napping.

Therefore, the house was deserted.

When Nora went downstairs, she saw a forlorn Melissa seated on the sofa.

Even though she was lost in thought, it was deeply ingrained in her to keep her back straight and

pay attention to her form at all times, much like a noblewoman who had undergone strict training in

olden times.

Nora walked over to her.

“How did it go, Aunt Melissa?”

Melissa regained her senses and sighed.

Then, she replied, “Miranda has returned to her parents’ place.” She went back to her parents’

place? Nora instantly understood what had happened.

“Is it because Uncle Farrell lectured her?” Melissa nodded.

As the head of the Woods, Farrell was no muddleheaded man.

It was all thanks to Farrell that the Woods had steadily developed to where they were today.

After all, times changed and developed quickly; many old-timer wealthy families that couldn’t keep

up had all been eventually phased out.

He was well aware of Miranda’s character a long time ago.

At first, when Miranda had gone home with a red and swollen cheek and complained in tears about

Nora hitting her, Farrell had believed her.

However, when Melissa went over to apologize, she explained that it was only because Miranda

had hit her that Nora also gave her a slap out of anger.

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That was when he immediately understood what had happened.

When he looked at Miranda again and saw the guilty look in her eyes, Farrell immediately

reprimanded her.

However, instead of being contrite, Miranda started to make a scene like a shrew.

“Farrell! We’ve been married for so many years! Even if I haven’t made any grand contributions to

the household, I’ve still given my life to this home! Yet the two of you are ganging up on me? It’s

because you think the Sonnets are inferior to the Woods, isn’t it? So, you look down on me, don’t

you? Then fine, I’ll leave!”

After saying that, she left.

Afterwards, Farrell told Melissa to go back home first.

He also said that having Miranda return to her parents’ place to calm down a little wasn’t a bad thing


The two of them were husband and wife, and already had a son and a daughter after all.

Farrell would never ignore Miranda for real.

Melissa heaved a sigh and said, “Farrell had an important meeting this morning, so he’s working

overtime now.When I talked to him just now, he said that Miranda has to admit her wrongdoings

before he would bring her back home.”

The troubled woman rubbed her temples.

What was wrong with living in harmony as a family? Why must she insist on fighting among

themselves? She was just thinking about it when she suddenly heard footsteps outside the door.

Along with the servant’s shout of “Mrs.Wood is here, ma’am”, Miranda rushed into the room.

She was terribly furious, but when she entered and immediately spotted Nora, she paused slightly

and her eyes flickered.

Then, she stood a slight distance away and started yelling angrily at Melissa.