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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 1007 Five Years Later
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"Let's set him free." Justin said after a moment of contemplation.

Nora looked half-amused. "Really?" She didn't believe that the man trusted Trueman.

To be honest, even she didn't trust him either.

What if Trueman went crazy one day and told the whole world that she was the V16? Sure enough, Justin then said, "I will get my men to keep tabs on him." The plan was to have someone tail him and report his whereabouts at all times. If he ever showed signs of reviving the mysterious organization, Justin would off him immediately.

Nora nodded.

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Xander surprisingly also nodded, giving his approval for the plan.

Nora was a little surprised to see Xander nodding. The drowsy woman leaned against the car seat, upon which she heard the little guy's voice.

"Daddy Trueman has made a lot of mistakes, so it's true that it's inappropriate for him to stay with us. It would be awful if he led Cherry and Pete astray too." They soon reached hin the car. After saying goodbye to Xander, Nora went to bed. However, Justin put his arms around her. Just as he was about to speak, Nora said, "I finally know why I'm always so sleepy." Justin was taken aback. "And why is that?" "Because my plasma is the V16, all the nutrients in my body are constantly being absorbed at an insane rate, leading to my energy level always being low. This, in turn, causes my perpetual lethargy." Nora looked at him and said seriously, "So, if there's something you want to do, wait until I'm up again." A week later, after Trueman's wounds stabilized, Nora performed cosmetic surgery on him. Before entering the operating room, Trueman, who looked like he was in a dilemma, asked, "So, all | needed to do was to just request that you perform cosmetic surgery on me? Why did | splash acid on my face instead?" An expressionless Nora asked, "Uh-huh. So, why did you do it?" Trueman: Nora went on. "Have you decided what kind of face you want?" Trueman answered, "| want one that is more handsome, more arrogant, and more attractive than Justin's. Oh, right, he has a beauty mark at the corner of his eye. Giveone too." Nora looked troubled."... | can't imagine a face more handsthan his." F*ck! Is she showing off how much in love they are? Trueman thought.

Then, the girl yawned and said, "Con, hurry up and choose. I'm going back to bed after the surgery." She looked impatient.

Trueman: When he cout of the operating theater, Trueman had bandages all over his face.

The stitches in splaces were to be removed in a month's twhile scould be removed after just two days.

However, when Trueman woke up, he found himself on a ship instead of the hospital ward. He becangry at once. "Where are you taking me?" One of Justin's subordinates looked at Trueman and replied, "Mr. Hunt has instructed us to take you wherever you'd like." Trueman:"!" He wanted to rage, but held himself back in the end.

He touched his face and asked, "Compared with Justin's, whose facial features look better?" "Hey, answer me! I'm asking you a question! Are you mute? Or are you blind?" Five years later.

In the playground of the top elementary school in New York.

It was already dark, but a few people were still jogging there.

"lI can't run anymore!" A sweet voice rang out as its owner panted heavily. A pretty little girl somewhat resembling Nora was bent over and gasping for breath.

"Cheryl, did you ruin your body by playing games every day? You haven't even run that much yet and you're already at your limit?" A voice that sounded a little heretical reached her. Alexander Yale jogged to the spot beside the girl and reached out to tug at her. "Con!" "... We must have already run eight laps by now, right?!" Cheryl retorted.

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Alexander curled his lips disdainfully. "Pete can run for hours without panting, you know. Your physical fitness is too poor!" Cheryl's eyes widened. "Peter said that we should call him Peter Hunt! Pete is a nickname. He has already grown up!" "No matter how old he is, he's not going to be older than me." Alexander ignored her and urged her again.

"Hurry up, Cherry!" "... My nis CHERYL SMITH!" Cheryl couldn't help gnashing her teeth.

Alexander grinned and then reached out to grab her hand. "Alright, alright. C'mon, I'll pull you along as we run! You don't want Great-Grandma to say that you were brought up by Mom while Pete was brought up by Dad, and that Pete looks way stronger than you, right?" During the last few years, even though the family lived in harmony, there was no way that the elderly Mrs. Hunt would just let them be.

As Peter grew up, he becmore and more outstanding. He took the college entrance examinations at the age of ten and achieved a perfect score. He had already been sent to college. Cheryl, however, was addicted to games. Although she was smart, she did not focus on her studies.

This led to Mrs. Hunt occasionally being sarcastic and saying things like children brought up by serious people were serious, whereas children brought up by certain people were oh-so-delicate...

Cheryl was the darling of the family, but Mrs. Hunt was the only one who still preferred her grandsons to her granddaughter. Over the years, she had even started to accept Alexander, but she simply found Cherry an eyesore all the time...

Upon hearing what Alexander said, Cheryl couldn't help but sigh. She gritted her teeth and said, "Fine, we'll run one more lap. Just one, okay?!" "Okay..." Alexander grabbed her hand. The two were jogging when a strong beam of light shone at them. Then, the headmaster strode over. He pointed at them and yelled, "Hey, you two! Yes, the two of you! Chere! "The two of you are still so young, but you're already being bad kids and trying to date like adults?" Alexander was stunned. "We're not..." "Not what? You're still holding hands, you know! What are your parents' names? Get your parents here!!"