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Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3740: Mass Production of Godkings (2)
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The other disciples all looked at the high grade Godking pill in their hands. Their eyes were filled with doubt and eagerness. Shortly afterwards, they made up their minds and ingested their high grade Godking pills one by one.

Immediately, a ball of blinding energy rose up into the air over the huge square atop the main peak. It was like a sun that illuminated the entire Sword Sect of Violet Heavens.

Over ten thousand disciples had ingested high grade Godking pills at the stime. The disturbance was so great that it immediately alarmed all the disciples in the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens. They all looked over in interest. Many more old disciples flew over from all directions, making their way straight towards the main peak to investigate.

With a thought, a spatial barrier silently appeared, enveloping the entire main peak.

The countless disciples of the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens could only watch as the main peak vanished before their eyes. The group of old disciples who flew straight towards the main peak were obstructed by a spatial force. No one could get close, much less see what was going on inside.

“I think I saw many low level disciples gathering on the main peak. What earth-shattering thing is the sect master doing this time?”

“Ever since the old sect master Chen Shuzhi fell and the new sect master took over, I could sense that our Sword Sect of Violet Heavens had already becdifferent from before.

“Yeah, the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens in the past possessed such scarce resources. Many disciples would not even receive a single low grade immortal crystal for several years on the end, forced to rely on the assistance of other organisations. Now, the resources of our sect have already reached the point where we will never run out.”

“This all happened after the sect master appeared. If only the sect master had appeared a few years earlier.”

“The sect master has brought far too many miracles and hope to our Sword Sect of Violet Heavens. I wonder what kind of surprise he’ll bring to the sect this time.”Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“There’s such a great disturbance. Even the main peak has been hidden away. This must be sstartling secret that he’s trying to hide.”


A few old disciples hovered outside the spatial barrier and let out emotional sighs. Their gazes towards the main peak were filled with anticipation and ty.

At this moment, Jian Chen used the Laws of Space again and again on the main peak, rewriting sof the laws on the main peak. As the Laws of Space surged violently, the energy that emanated across the main peak slowly vanished.

Each disciple who ingested a high grade Godking pill was enveloped by a spatial barrier. These spatial barriers hid wonders, twisting the space inside and rapidly magnifying it until they resembled miniature worlds.

At that moment, all of the low level disciples on the main peak seemed to be sent into individual spaces so that they would not interfere with each other’s breakthroughs.

Jian Chen levitated in the air with his legs crossed, constantly checking each disciple with the powerful senses of his soul, personally watching over them. He was prepared to interfere at any moment.

Behind him, Dan Chenzi of the Hall of Alchemy and the Immortal Emperors who assisted him in refining Godking Pills stood together, focusing on the disciples that were breaking through.

They had already spent several decades assisting Dan Chenzi. They possessed an extremely deep understanding about the effects and functions of high grade Godking pills, but they still had sdoubts as long as they had not witnessed the effects for themselves.

After all, Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortals were no regular immortals. Even among peak organisations, they could be regarded as part of the mainstay.

Apart from sprodigies with extremely great talent or lucky folk of great fortunes, cultivating to Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal would normally take hundreds of thousand years, millions of years, or even more than that.

Yet now, the sect master of the Sword Sect of Violet Heavens wanted to create Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortals en masse through a special pill. That obviously raised their close attention.

To them, this was basically the creation of a miracle!

Including Dan Chenzi, all of the Immortal Emperors wondered to themselves. After all, their understanding of Godking pills was beneath Jian Chen’s. It was even below anyone from the Saints’ World.

Ttrickled by quietly. Their wait lasted for three years.

During the three years, Jian Chen remained in the sposture with his legs crossed and his eyes shut. He split the senses of his soul into over ten thousand strands, paying close attention to the changes in each disciple.

Due to the spatial isolation, all of the disciples’ presence and energy was covered up. None of the Immortal Emperors present could sense how the disciples changed. Only Jian Chen knew about the situation.

Within Jian Chen’s senses, many of the disciples present had already broken through numerous major realms of cultivation in the three years, reaching Daluo Golden Immortal.

Sof the outstanding disciples even approached Xuan Immortal.

Perhaps because of the limitations of their personal strength and talent, or perhaps because of their race, these disciples broke through nowhere near as quickly as members of the Darkstar race after ingesting high grade Godking pills.

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This phenomenon undoubtedly indicated that high grade Godking pills had the seffect on both cultivators of the Saints’ World and immortals of the Immortals’ World.

The Immortal Emperors behind him stared straight at the disciples. As Immortal Emperors who had lived for hundreds of thousand years or even millions of years, three years were merely the blink of an eye to them.

Very soon, another six years passed. On this day, someone finally managed to reach Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal.

The energy of the high grade Godking pill had already dissolved completely in his body. Not a drop of it remained.

With a thought, the spatial barrier around that disciple immediately vanished. His presence was completely exposed to Dan Chenzi and the other Immortal Emperors.

“Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal…” The Immortal Emperors all widened their eyes and stared at the disciple who had broken through first in disbelief. It seemed as if they were looking at a monster.

“It actually really is Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal. Unbelievable. Unbelievable.”

“In less than a decade, it has allowed a peak Earthen Immortal disciple to break through multiple realms and reach Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal. This is astonishing.”

After personally witnessing the birth of a Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal, all of the Immortal Emperors were amazed, including Dan Chenzi.

The disciple who had broken through first was only a peak Earthen Immortal before he ingested the Godking pill, equivalent to Saint Emperor in the lower world.

A single high grade Godking pill had allowed him to directly bypass the three levels of the Origin realm, directly squeezing into the high level of the four realms of Godhood, Godking!