Chapter114 Baby, Can You Shoot? Big White paused for a moment, slowly turning its head. A look of surprise flickered across its deep blue eyes; it hadn't been mistaken-it was indeed its young master.
"Roar~" Big White lifted its head and howled, its eyes beginning to moisten.
Lela covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face. There was her Big White, the one who would risk its own life to protect her.
Master Sylvester Gomez watched Lela cry uncontrollably, feeling a mix of helplessness and a growing sense of crisis. Suddenly, he had the nagging thought that he wasn't the only one in her heart anymore. Damn it! What's going on? Sitting in the back, Mildred Gomez was utterly befuddled. Who could explain this fantasy-like situation? A ferocious white lion gazed at Miss Lela with such tenderness and obedience. What on earth was happening to the world? Without a word, Master Sylvester Gomez pulled Lela closer, his sensual thin lips lightly brushing the corner of hers. "No tears, little one," he whispered.
If there were to be tears, they'd belong in his bed someday.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtIn his world, he was the only one who had the right to make her cry.
Lela nodded affirmatively, "Right, no more tears." She couldn't forget the pressing matter at hand-they still had to bring Big White back home. Master Sylvester Gomez smirked and gently wiped away the tears from her eyes, "Good girl." He then looked up, raising an eyebrow at the white lion, a clear sign of his smug pride.
The majestic white lion locked its gaze onto Master Sylvester Gomez, its eyes brimming with displeasure.
A silent showdown ensued between man and beast.
Just as Lela was set to intervene and try to communicate with the lion, an SUV barreled in from the other side.
Inside the tour vehicle, everyone was clad in uniform black tactical gear, each window tinted for privacy-it was impossible to see inside from the outside, but from within, you could see everything perfectly. It was only when the windows were rolled down that you could get a clear view of the occupants.
Off in the distance, the window lowered slowly, revealing the smug, mischievous face of Josh Fudge.
He raised his shotgun triumphantly and fired at the white lion.
Lela's eyes widened in horror. She didn't have tto scream before the distinctive blast of the shotgun reverberated through the air.
Just when Lela thought it was the end, Big White seemed to sense the danger. At the sound of the gunshot, the lion leapt with all its might, bolting deep into the forest.
Josh Fudge slammed his hand on the steering wheel, his eyes filled with frustration and anger.
"Dammit!" He was so close.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmFurious, Josh rolled up the window and stepped on the gas, chasing in the direction Big White had escaped. Seeing Josh Fudge's relentless pursuit, Lela's eyes darkened with intent. She rolled down her window, lifted her silver pistol with swift precision, and flicked off the safety. Bang, bang, bang, bang! In the distance, the tires of Josh Fudge's SUV burst one after another.
The vehicle was immobilized.
Master Sylvester Gomez turned to Lela, surprised and annoyed, and spatched the gun from her, "That's dangerous, where did you get this?" Lela let Master Sylvester Gomez take the weapon and then glanced over to Mildred Gomez with a stern look.
Mildred's inner voice screamed.
Master Sylvester Gomez gave Mildred a cool and critical look, "Very clever, Mildred Gomez." "It wasn't me, sir, you have to believe me," Mildred pleaded.
Lela nodded, "Right, it wasn't him. I lifted it out of one of his guy's pockets." Mildred quickly turned to his boss to clear his name, "See, I told you it wasn't from me."
Miss Lela, for heaven's sake, could you just say it all at once? He was Stones? nearly fed to the beasts thanks to that little omission.
Sylvester Gomez ignored Mildred Gomez, his mind still on Lela's impressively executed shot. He pondered for a moment before m breaking into a smile, "Sweetheart, you know how to handle a gun?"