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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 76
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Let Lin Menger open his eyes, dare not set channel: "he Zhijun, what do you do, not say to me to drink?" "Well, I'll feed you." He Zhiyun recently raised a very good- looking radian said.

"No. I have my own hands. I can drink it myself" Lin Menger reached out to grab it back, but heard he Zhiyun threatening: "if you agree to be my girlfriend, I will let you drink it by yourself!" ‘When she was silly, she became his girlfriend, was not he spoiled God, not to drink by himself.

"No. you'd better feed me." Lin Menger refused and went to the bed and sat down, waiting patiently for him to feed himself.

It's not that she doesn't want to agree with him. It's just that things come so suddenly that she's a little hard to accept. In addition, she needs to make sure that it's just like what she thinks in her mind.

Maybe when she really gives up, she can accept he Zhiyun and start another relationship.

"Never mind, I'l let you agree!" He Zhiyun said confidently.

Some things are in a hurry, but he believes that Lin Menger will promise him sooner or later.

He Zhiyun fed Lin Menger a mouthful after drinking brown sugar and ginger water. Lin Menger asked, "don't you have to go to work today, why is this point still here?" "Yes, after feeding you, I'll go." He Zhiyun said softly, picking up the bowl and going outside.

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When he Zhiyun came to the door, he heard Lin Menger shout: "ah, he Zhiyun." "Why. can't you give me up?" He Zhiyun stopped, turned around and said happily.

"Close the door for me." Lin Menger didn't have a good temper to say, which eye saw her face to write full not willing to give up? "Yes, you have a good rest." He Zhiyun closed the door and left the master bedroom.

After he Zhiyun left, Lin Menger recalled he Zhiyun's confession. Although he was not particularly romantic, he was in a good mood for some reason. He went to bed happily. Standing there with his feet, he jumped up happily

and laughed.

"My God. he Zhiyun confessed to me. Did I hear that correctly?" After jumping, Lin meng'er fell directly on the ‘mattress, holding the pillow in both hands, and saying that, he could not help burying his head into the pillow, laughing like a fool.

However, he Zhiyun saved her last night. She is really handsome. She is so tender and considerate to her. She is a woman who will fall in love with him.

It's just why she doesn't accept it. What is she hesitating about? Thinking about it, Lin Menger felt sleepy again, so he went back to his bedroom and continued to sleep until the afternoon.

After dinner, suddenly the mobile phone rang.

"Hello, Meng Meng. Can I help you?" Lin Menger converges a bit, curiously asks a way.

"Menger, it's good that you're OK. You're scared to death." Feng Mengmeng said with a false alarm.

"T'm sorry to scare you. Are you free today? I have something to discuss with you." Lin Menger asked.

"Free, as long as the dream comes to me, whenever I am free!" Feng Mengmeng agreed without saying a word.

"I'll see you at the same place." After Lin Menger hung up the phone, she changed into a chiffon dress with a pair of flat shoes and went out.

When she came to the door of the coffee shop, Feng Mengmeng immediately waved to her. "here is meng'er!"

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam. I'm five minutes late." Lin Menger sorry to say, she is really in a hurry to come over, but the bus can not keep up, there is no way.

"My God, Menger, your dress is so beautiful today. Can't he give it to you?" Feng Mengmeng noticed the off shoulder chiffon dress on her and exclaimed.

"No, just what I searched online the other day. Isn't it particularly beautiful?" Lin meng'er is praised by Feng Mengmeng, with a happy smile on her face.

"Menger. it's not that I said you, you've already married general manager he. or Mrs. he. Don't wear stall goods and cheap goods all day long. You should go to the physical store to buy brand clothes. This will make you comfortable and show the noble status of Mrs. he. Do you understand?" Feng Mengmeng said unsatisfied.

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They went in together, found a seat by the window and sat down. They ordered coffee, drank and talked.

"Feng Mengmeng, you are clearly discriminating against us who wear street stalls and cheap goods. You think everyone is so rich that they can afford to wear those brand clothes.

They are very comfortable and cheap. I like them very much." Lin Menger doesn't care.

She doesn't care about clothes and so on. She thinks it's good to have good quality and low price.

Unlike Feng Mengmeng, she doesn't have much salary. She wants to buy some famous brand clothes and bags. After buying them, she will have to eat local food for some time.

"Well, look at you. You are so lucky. If you marry a rich husband, you can wear big clothes every day. but you have to pretend to be poor and wear street goods. It's not like me.

If you want to wear those clothes, you have to buy them by credit card. I'm so sad." Feng Mengmeng said with a look of injury."You are so envious that we can exchange lives." Lin Menger said so casually.

Feng Mengmeng's eyes lit up and said, "OK, then exchange life and give me the handsome man of general manager he, so that I can live the life of a little grandmother." All of a sudden, a familiar figure flashed through Lin Menger's eyes, which left her stunned and did not refute Feng Mengmeng.

Feng Mengmeng saw her lost heart and said, "well, I'm just joking with you. I know you like Mr. He and won't be willing to give him to me." Lin menger's face changed greatly. She stood up and ran outside, leaving Feng Mengmeng with a confused face: "ah, 1 said I was joking. If I didn't rob general he with you, how could you get angry and leave?" Lin meng'er ran out in one breath, ran quickly to the man, and said to him with a smile: "Zhechen, what a coincidence, 1 met you here." After greeting, she saw a beautiful woman standing beside Yun Zhechen. She should be the woman on the phone last night.

Instantly, her smile became stiff, but she kept a friendly smile in order not to let Yun Zhechen notice anything.

"Menger. why are you here?" Yun Zhechen saw the moment Lin Menger appeared, his eyes flashed with surprise. but he soon put it away. He looked at her with complicated eyes and asked.

"Oh, my friends and I are drinking coffee nearby. Is this your girlfriend? How beautiful." Lin meng'er spits out this sentence from his mouth with a bitter smile.

Lin Menger, you know that Yun Zhechen already has a girlfriend. Last night you should know why you have to run out to look for abuse.