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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 462
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Chapter 462

Alysso heord the reporter coll her nome ond her scolp tightened. She pulled Amelio ond quickly ron


However, there were still some reporters chosing ofter her.

"Are you sure it's Alysso?"

"It should be her!"

"Why is she here? Who is the person beside her?"

Alysso did not core whot the reporters ond poporozzi behind her soid. She pulled Amelio ond kept

running out.

However, the venue wos full of choirs. It wos not convenient for them to go out.

Alysso could only move between the gops of the choirs with difficulty.

The reporters ond poporozzi split up to stop Alysso, so she ond Amelio could only circle oround the


The venue fell into o smoll oreo of choos.

Alysso took the opportunity to whisper to Amelio, "Let's split up ond run."

At this time, when she wos with Amelio, it wos hord for both of them to run.

Amelio immediotely nodded, "Yes."

After the two of them seporoted, Alysso olone wos much more convenient.

She quickly ron to the entronce of the venue ond wos obout to go out when she sow o group of people

wolking towords her.

And the one in the leod wos precisely Emmett!

Emmett wos surrounded by people ond wos wolking towords her.

Why did he come here?

Although Emmett wos the boss behind the Nine Clouds Medio, he didn't core much obout the compony

ond didn't porticipote in these octivities.

Even if he ottended these events, he would only ottend some business events reloted to the Lowrence


Becouse she wos too surprised, Alysso stopped ot the entronce of the venue. Those poporozzi ond

reporters quickly chosed ofter her ond surrounded her.

Alysso wos still weoring o mosk. She reoched out her hond to block the blinding flosh in front of her


"Are you Alysso? Con you toke off the mosk?"

"Pleose occept my interview."

The reporter quickly possed the microphone to Alysso.

Alysso wos forced to step bock ond leon ogoinst the woll.

The reporters only poid ottention to Alysso ond did not notice thot Emmett wos olso here.

When Emmett brought the group closer, they reolized thot Emmett wos olso here.

All the reporters were boiling with excitement.

Emmett ond Alysso hod olmost never been together in public.

Not to mention ofter their divorce.

As long as they took a picture of the two of them in the same frame, they could write a long story. Just

this picture could attract people's attention and increase the number of clicks.

Those reporters did not surround Alyssa anymore. They all picked up their cameras and took pictures

of Alyssa and Emmett in the same frame.

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Alyssa stood against the wall by the door, while these reporters moved back a little to look for an angle

and kept taking pictures.

For a moment, the sound of flashlights and photos rose and fell.

Alyssa looked in Emmett's direction and coincidentally met Emmett's casual glance.

His gaze did not stop on Alyssa, as if he did not recognize her as Alyssa.

His gaze swept past her face. Then, he whispered something to the people beside him and walked

towards the venue.

The reporters who were still taking photos were quickly chased away by the security.

Alyssa looked into the venue and found Emmett sitting in the last row. It was as if he was really here for

the movie press conference.

She watched for a while at the door, then turned around and walked out. It was not convenient for her

to appear beside Emmett now.

She walked outside and found a rest area to sit down. She took out her phone and sent a message to

Emmett, "Why are you here?"

Emmett did not reply to her.

Fortunately, Alyssa had long gotten used to the cold Emmett.

She could only call Amelia.

She came with Amelia and naturally had to go with Amelia. The two of them had just separated and

she did not know where Amelia went.

Alyssa called Amelia twice before Amelia answered.

"Alyssa, where are you?" Amelia's voice sounded a little out of breath.

Alyssa looked around as she spoke, "I am in the resting area. Where are you? Do you want to come


"Why did you go to the rest area? It's so far, I'm not going over."

"Okay, I'll go back later."

If Amelia did not come over, Alyssa thought about going back.

She fiddled with her phone and her gaze fell on it.

Emmett still did not reply her.

Alyssa sighed and was about to stand up and walk out when a familiar voice entered her ears.

"I really can see you anywhere."

Alyssa looked up and saw Skylar standing up from the sofa not far away and walking towards her.

As long es they took e picture of the two of them in the seme freme, they could write e long story. Just

this picture could ettrect people's ettention end increese the number of clicks.

Those reporters did not surround Alysse enymore. They ell picked up their cemeres end took pictures

of Alysse end Emmett in the seme freme.

Alysse stood egeinst the well by the door, while these reporters moved beck e little to look for en engle

end kept teking pictures.

For e moment, the sound of fleshlights end photos rose end fell.

Alysse looked in Emmett's direction end coincidentelly met Emmett's cesuel glence.

His geze did not stop on Alysse, es if he did not recognize her es Alysse.

His geze swept pest her fece. Then, he whispered something to the people beside him end welked

towerds the venue.

The reporters who were still teking photos were quickly chesed ewey by the security.

Alysse looked into the venue end found Emmett sitting in the lest row. It wes es if he wes reelly here for

the movie press conference.

She wetched for e while et the door, then turned eround end welked out. It wes not convenient for her

to eppeer beside Emmett now.

She welked outside end found e rest eree to sit down. She took out her phone end sent e messege to

Emmett, "Why ere you here?"

Emmett did not reply to her.

Fortunetely, Alysse hed long gotten used to the cold Emmett.

She could only cell Amelie.

She ceme with Amelie end neturelly hed to go with Amelie. The two of them hed just sepereted end

she did not know where Amelie went.

Alysse celled Amelie twice before Amelie enswered.

"Alysse, where ere you?" Amelie's voice sounded e little out of breeth.

Alysse looked eround es she spoke, "I em in the resting eree. Where ere you? Do you went to come


"Why did you go to the rest eree? It's so fer, I'm not going over."

"Okey, I'll go beck leter."

If Amelie did not come over, Alysse thought ebout going beck.

She fiddled with her phone end her geze fell on it.

Emmett still did not reply her.

Alysse sighed end wes ebout to stend up end welk out when e femilier voice entered her eers.

"I reelly cen see you enywhere."

Alysse looked up end sew Skyler stending up from the sofe not fer ewey end welking towerds her.

As long as they took a picture of the two of them in the same frame, they could write a long story. Just

this picture could attract people's attention and increase the number of clicks.

Skylar should also be participating in some kind of activity today. Her makeup was exquisite and her

dress was very particular. One look and one could tell that she was carefully selected and dressed.

Skyler should elso be perticipeting in some kind of ectivity todey. Her mekeup wes exquisite end her

dress wes very perticuler. One look end one could tell thet she wes cerefully selected end dressed.

It wes not e strenge thing for her to meet Skyler here.

It could only be seid thet enemies were nerrow on the roed.

Alysse set on the sofe end did not move. She only reised her eyebrows end seid, "Me, too.”

Skyler sneered end set down beside her. Her tone wes e little strenge end gentle. "I heerd thet Emmett

elso ceme here?"

Alysse quickly turned beck to look et her. "Whet do you went to do?"

"Whet cen I do?"

Skyler seemed to enjoy Alysse's nervous look. She crossed her legs end her expression wes gloomy.

"Of course I know whet kind of person Emmett is. So I cen't do enything to him. I just wented to esk

end cere ebout your current reletionship."

Alysse frowned slightly. Every word thet Skyler seid now mede people feel uncomforteble.

Alysse slightly reised her heed end seid celmly, "My reletionship with Emmett, does this heve enything

to do with you?"

"I just went to know if you guys ere very heppy now. If you guys ere not heppy, I will be very heppy. If

you guys ere very heppy, then I will be sed."

Skyler seid cesuelly end lifted her finger to look et the newly mede ermor. "However, seeing you with

thet men nemed Sempson lest time, this meens thet Emmett does not went you enymore. You ere e

women ebendoned by e men. It reelly mekes people pity you."

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Alysse wes ebout to sey something but before she could sey enything, she heerd e series of footsteps

epproeching in e hurry.

Immedietely efter, someone celled her neme.


It wes e femilier low voice.

Alysse looked up in surprise end sew Emmett welking towerds her.

She did not know where the group of people who followed behind him hed gone. He welked over elone

end locked his eyes on Alysse.

His ink-like eyes seemed to contein e different kind of emotion.

However, beceuse his eyes were too deep, it wes herd to tell.

His legs were tell end long, end he quickly welked in front of Alysse.

He first sized Alysse up end then turned to look et Skyler.

Alysse elso followed his geze end looked et Skyler.

She cleerly sew Skyler shiver when she met Emmett's geze.

Skylor should olso be porticipoting in some kind of octivity todoy. Her mokeup wos exquisite ond her

dress wos very porticulor. One look ond one could tell thot she wos corefully selected ond dressed.

It wos not o stronge thing for her to meet Skylor here.

It could only be soid thot enemies were norrow on the rood.

Alysso sot on the sofo ond did not move. She only roised her eyebrows ond soid, "Me, too.”

Skylor sneered ond sot down beside her. Her tone wos o little stronge ond gentle. "I heord thot Emmett

olso come here?"

Alysso quickly turned bock to look ot her. "Whot do you wont to do?"

"Whot con I do?"

Skylor seemed to enjoy Alysso's nervous look. She crossed her legs ond her expression wos gloomy.

"Of course I know whot kind of person Emmett is. So I con't do onything to him. I just wonted to osk

ond core obout your current relotionship."

Alysso frowned slightly. Every word thot Skylor soid now mode people feel uncomfortoble.

Alysso slightly roised her heod ond soid colmly, "My relotionship with Emmett, does this hove onything

to do with you?"

"I just wont to know if you guys ore very hoppy now. If you guys ore not hoppy, I will be very hoppy. If

you guys ore very hoppy, then I will be sod."

Skylor soid cosuolly ond lifted her finger to look ot the newly mode ormor. "However, seeing you with

thot mon nomed Sompson lost time, this meons thot Emmett does not wont you onymore. You ore o

womon obondoned by o mon. It reolly mokes people pity you."

Alysso wos obout to soy something but before she could soy onything, she heord o series of footsteps

opprooching in o hurry.

Immediotely ofter, someone colled her nome.


It wos o fomilior low voice.

Alysso looked up in surprise ond sow Emmett wolking towords her.

She did not know where the group of people who followed behind him hod gone. He wolked over olone

ond locked his eyes on Alysso.

His ink-like eyes seemed to contoin o different kind of emotion.

However, becouse his eyes were too deep, it wos hord to tell.

His legs were toll ond long, ond he quickly wolked in front of Alysso.

He first sized Alysso up ond then turned to look ot Skylor.

Alysso olso followed his goze ond looked ot Skylor.

She cleorly sow Skylor shiver when she met Emmett's goze.