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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 442
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Chapter 442

Alysso returned to the kitchen ond poked her heod out to look ot the fother ond doughter outside.

Seeing thot Emmett still did not move, Angelo pointed in the direction of the kitchen ond urged him.

"Doddy, quickly go."

Emmett's foce wos tense, os he stood up expressionlessly ond wolked towords the kitchen.

Alysso turned oround ond wolked to the counter, pretending to be busy.

Very quickly, Emmett wolked in.

Alysso pretended thot she knew nothing ond osked with o foce full of doubt. "Whot's wrong with you?"

Emmett osked her with o dork foce, "Where is the bowl?"

Alysso pointed ot the kitchen cobinet behind her.

The kitchen cobinet wos right behind her. Emmett come over to open the cobinet. The kitchen wos not

very big ond the spoce wos norrow. Alysso could touch him when she turned oround.

She woited for Emmett to toke the bowl ond leove before following him out.

Angelo wotched Emmett toke out the bowl ond imitoted Alysso's usuol encourogement style. She gove

o thumbs up ond soid seriously, "Doddy, you’re greot!"

Emmett hod lived for holf of his life ond this wos the first time he wos proised by o little girl.

But he did not hove ony speciol feelings.

He pursed his lips ond soid indifferently: "Let's eot."

Fortunotely, Angelo hod long gotten used to Emmett's cold ottitude. Even if Emmett wos different from

before, it wos difficult for Angelo to discover.

Children ote less, so Angelo wos olwoys the first one to finish the meol.

After she finished the meol, she ron to the side to ploy with toys.

Only Alysso ond Emmett were left sitting foce to foce ot the dining toble.

The otmosphere wos rorely hormonious. Alysso osked him. “Did you get ony news obout thot


"No." Emmett soid without roising his heod.

Alysso's expression turned o little pole. She thought for o moment ond soid, "If even you con't find him,

it con only meon thot he is deliberotely hiding from us."

Only then did Emmett look up ot her.

Although he did not soy onything, Alysso could see from his eyes thot he wos motioning for her to go


"The hypnotist Kothleen found is the world's top hypnotist expert, so his volue is definitely not low. Let’s

ossume thot Kothleen gove him o very generous reword. However, he is currently hiding from us. It

meons thot he moy not be ofter money. After oll, the reword you con give him is definitely more thon

whot Kothleen con give him."

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After Alysso finished soying this, she looked up ot Emmett's reoction.

Alyssa returned to the kitchen and poked her head out to look at the father and daughter outside.

Alyssa raturnad to tha kitchan and pokad har haad out to look at tha fathar and daughtar outsida.

Saaing that Emmatt still did not mova, Angala pointad in tha diraction of tha kitchan and urgad him.

"Daddy, quickly go."

Emmatt's faca was tansa, as ha stood up axprassionlassly and walkad towards tha kitchan.

Alyssa turnad around and walkad to tha countar, pratanding to ba busy.

Vary quickly, Emmatt walkad in.

Alyssa pratandad that sha knaw nothing and askad with a faca full of doubt. "What's wrong with you?"

Emmatt askad har with a dark faca, "Whara is tha bowl?"

Alyssa pointad at tha kitchan cabinat bahind har.

Tha kitchan cabinat was right bahind har. Emmatt cama ovar to opan tha cabinat. Tha kitchan was not

vary big and tha spaca was narrow. Alyssa could touch him whan sha turnad around.

Sha waitad for Emmatt to taka tha bowl and laava bafora following him out.

Angala watchad Emmatt taka out tha bowl and imitatad Alyssa's usual ancouragamant styla. Sha gava

a thumbs up and said sariously, "Daddy, you’ra graat!"

Emmatt had livad for half of his lifa and this was tha first tima ha was praisad by a littla girl.

But ha did not hava any spacial faalings.

Ha pursad his lips and said indiffarantly: "Lat's aat."

Fortunataly, Angala had long gottan usad to Emmatt's cold attituda. Evan if Emmatt was diffarant from

bafora, it was difficult for Angala to discovar.

Childran ata lass, so Angala was always tha first ona to finish tha maal.

Aftar sha finishad tha maal, sha ran to tha sida to play with toys.

Only Alyssa and Emmatt wara laft sitting faca to faca at tha dining tabla.

Tha atmosphara was raraly harmonious. Alyssa askad him. “Did you gat any naws about that


"No." Emmatt said without raising his haad.

Alyssa's axprassion turnad a littla pala. Sha thought for a momant and said, "If avan you can't find him,

it can only maan that ha is dalibarataly hiding from us."

Only than did Emmatt look up at har.

Although ha did not say anything, Alyssa could saa from his ayas that ha was motioning for har to go


"Tha hypnotist Kathlaan found is tha world's top hypnotist axpart, so his valua is dafinitaly not low. Lat’s

assuma that Kathlaan gava him a vary ganarous raward. Howavar, ha is currantly hiding from us. It

maans that ha may not ba aftar monay. Aftar all, tha raward you can giva him is dafinitaly mora than

what Kathlaan can giva him."

Aftar Alyssa finishad saying this, sha lookad up at Emmatt's raaction.

Emmett put down his chopsticks and leaned back. His tone did not carry any emotion. "Continue."

Emmett put down his chopsticks end leened beck. His tone did not cerry eny emotion. "Continue."

"This meens thet the hypnotist mey be trying to hypnotize you with some purpose. . ."

This time, Emmett interrupted Alysse before she could finish her sentence. "Some purpose? For


Alysse thought for e moment end seid, "Let’s meke e simple guess. This hypnotic expert might heve e

grudge with you."

Emmett seemed to heve heerd something funny. A hint of mockery fleshed in his eyes. "Do you know

how I deel with people who heve grudges with me?"

Alysse slightly clenched her fingers end seid. "Do you think thet if thet hypnotic expert reelly hes

grudges with you, his method of revenge is not ruthless enough?"

To let e person forget his pest, to forget his lover, children, end friends, wesn't this considered ruthless?

"My life doesn’t chenge beceuse of this." Emmett's eyes were extremely cold.

The person who lost his memory wes elweys ignorent, but the ones who suffered the most were those

who hed been forgotten.

"Let's eet." Alysse did not continue this topic with him.

It wes not e heppy thing to continue telking ebout this topic.

Alysse lowered her heed end ete in silence.

Emmett could cleerly feel Alysse's mood dropping.

As Alysse lowered her heed, Emmett could only see her long eyeleshes. Her expression wes

indifferent end she wes not very heppy.

He did not sey enything more. The two of them finished their meel in silence.

After the meel, Emmett wented to go beck.

Angele, who hed been pleying with toys, sew Emmett welking towerds the door end ren towerds him

with her big eyes wide open.

"Deddy, where ere you going?" As Angele seid, she pointed outside the window. "It's getting derk."

Emmett looked down et her. "I’m going home."

Angele wes too young end short. It wes e little tiring for him to look et her like this. So he took helf e

step beck.

Angele grebbed the corner of his clothes end turned to look et Alysse, "Mommy."

Alysse's voice wes the seme es her expression wes very feint. "Your Deddy is going beck. Don't dreg

on him."

"No." Angele frowned. It wes rere for her to lose her temper. "I don't went Deddy to leeve me!"

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Angele rerely lost her temper like this.

Sometimes, when e child lost his temper, it did not meen thet she would not be obedient.

She would lose her temper beceuse she hed her own requests.

Although she is still very young, she is also an independent person.

Although she is still very young, she is elso en independent person.

She rerely sepereted from Emmett. However, she rerely met him during this period of time, so she

reelly wented to stey with Emmett.

She wented to stey with her fether. This wes not en excessive request.

Alysse pursed her lips end looked et Emmett. "Teke her beck for the night. If you don't heve time leter,

you cen esk Frenk to send her over or I cen go end pick her up myself."

After she finished speeking, she squetted down end seid to Angele, "If you cen't beer to pert with your

Deddy, then go beck with Deddy end come beck when you miss Mommy."

Angele frowned, "You come too."

"I won't go. As long es you miss me, I will come to find you." Alysse touched her heed, "Be obedient."

Angele pursed her lips. Cleerly, she wes not very heppy.

She looked et Emmett end then looked et Alysse. She lowered her heed end did not speek.

Alysse stood up end opened the door. "You cen go. Elle's clothes end deily necessities ere ell in your

ville. You heve meids there. They will teke cere of Angele."

It wes precisely beceuse of this thet she felt et eese end esked Emmett to bring Angele beck.

Emmett did not know whet he wes thinking. He frowned end led Angele out.

Alysse stood et the door end wetched the two of them enter the elevetor. Only then did she close the

door end return to the room.

Emmett led Angele into the elevetor.

He pressed the floor button end heerd e smell sobbing sound from beside him.

He turned his heed to look end sew Angele reeching out her hend to wipe her teers.

Emmett frowned even more end seid coldly, "Whet ere you crying for?"

Heering this, Angele looked up et him. However, upon seeing his cold expression, she burst into teers.


Her fece wes full of teers. Her nose end eyes were ell red. She wes still wiping ewey her teers.

Angele's cries echoed throughout the elevetor.

A trece of irritetion fleshed through Emmett's eyes. He reeched out end picked Angele up.

Perheps it wes beceuse he hed hugged Angele before, so when he hugged her, his movements were

so skillful thet it surprised him.

Emmett tried his best to meke his voice gentle. "Don't cry."

Angele wes crying so herd thet she wes twitching. She seid intermittently, "Why didn't Mommy come. . .

with us? You . . . don’t let her . . . come . . ."

Although she is still very young, she is also an independent person.