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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 420
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Chapter 420

“Mommy, whuu. . .”

“Oh, my baby. . .” Alyssa patted Angela's head and gently coaxed, "It's okay. It's okay. Mommy is here."

The commotion on their side attracted Emmett's attention.

As soon as Emmett looked over, Frank walked over to them.

Frank asked with a concerned expression. “Young Master, are you all right?"

Emmett looked at Frank with a fake smile. "Do I look okay?"

Frank was speechless.

However, he quickly realized that Emmett did not know Alyssa, but knew him.

"Young master, do you know who I am?" Frank decided to confirm with Emmett and asked tentatively.

Emmett looked at him like he was looking at a fool. "Frank, did you get stupid after getting married? I

don't have any memory loss. How could I not know you?"

He just lost his memory, didn't he?

However, his current situation was clearly much worse than losing his memory.

Wait, did the Young Master just say that he got married?

It was many years ago that he got married.

At that time, he had just graduated and had collected enough down payment for the house, so he

proposed to his wife.

It had been so many years ago. Why did Emmett suddenly mention it?

Frank kicked away a broken cup in front of him and said to Emmett, "Young Master, it was about eight

years ago that I got married.”

Emmett did not say anything. He just stared at Frank with an ugly expression on his face.

Frank vaguely understood that Emmett’s memories were in disorders.

It had already been about eight years since he got married but Emmett suddenly mentioned his


Could it be that Emmett's memory had stopped at the time when he had just gotten married?

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Frank was shocked by his bold guess.

Frank asked tentatively, "Do you still know Angela?"

"Who is Angela?" Emmett looked up at him. There was no emotion in his eyes.

If the person in front of him was not Emmett, Frank would suspect that he was pretending to be crazy

and foolish.

Alyssa originally wanted to carry Angela out, but when she heard the conversation between Frank and

Emmett, she stopped.

The further she listened, the more she felt that it was inconceivable.

Angela also heard Emmett's words. She whispered to Alyssa’s ear, "Daddy just called my name."

Her eyes were wide open, pure and bright. She stared at Alyssa seriously, as if she was waiting to get

approval from Alyssa.

Alyssa sighed and walked to Emmett with Angela in her arms.

When Emmett saw Alyssa, he did not have a good expression. "Why are you here again?"

Alyssa was lost for words.

Frank quickly said, "Young Master, this is Angela. She is your daughter."

Emmett's eyes fell on Angela, but he immediately looked back at Frank. “Are you telling me they are

my daughter and wife?"

Frank nodded.

Emmett was so angry that he laughed. "All of you, get out of here! Get out now!"

Because he was angry, his voice was very loud. Angela was still small. She was so scared that she

shrank back in Alyssa’s arms.

Her eyes were red as she stared at Emmett. She pursed her lips and cried out in grievance. "Daddy. . ."

Emmett did not even look at her. "I told you to go out. Didn't you hear me?"

Angela immediately burst into tears. Her tears fell like beads with broken strings. "Empett, you are so


After she finished speaking, she leaned her head against Alyssa's warm shoulder and cried.

As she cried, she said, "I don't want him anymore. He is bad. Whuu... Whuu…"

Alyssa's throat was a little tight. Angela crying made her feel uncomfortable.

Emmett was like this now. He would not listen to anyone's words, so she did not need to stay here.

She carried Angela out and comforted her for a while.

"Don't cry. Have you forgotten? Daddy was sick just now. He didn't do it on purpose."

Angela sniffed and said, "My tummy hurts."

When she spoke, she unconsciously put her hand on her stomach. Her small movements looked very


"Yes, your Daddy's stomach hurts too much. That's why he lost his temper. Don't blame him." Alyssa

stroked her hair and patiently explained to Angela.


Angela crossed her hands and snorted, "I blame him."

Alyssa knew that Angela was just saying it. Sometimes, her daughter was also a stubborn little girl.

By the time Angela calmed down, Frank also came out.

Alyssa handed Angela to the maid and asked, "How is he?"

Frank looked around and then walked to the other side where there was no one.

Alyssa followed behind.

"I think Young Master's memory is in a mess. His memory is back to seven or eight years ago when I

just got married. At that time, he did not know you and Angela was not born. Even if we tell him that it is

already seven or eight years later, he might not be able to accept it for the time being. "

When Frank said that, he stopped and looked at Alyssa's reaction.

Alyssa felt that it was a little unbelievable.

However, which of the recent events was not inconceivable?

At the thought of that, she could understand.

She nodded: "During this period of time, I will first bring Angela to another place to stay."

Frank nodded. "Okay. I will help you and Angela find a good place to stay."

Frank was a very considerate person. Since Emmett was like this, Frank needed to take good care of

Alyssa and Angela and arrange everything for them.

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"That's not necessary." Alyssa rejected his suggestion and said, "I might need to trouble Special

Assistant Frank to help me get my identity documents and these things. I can stay at Hazel's place for

the next few days."

She did not want to rely on Emmett for everything.

Although it was Frank who helped her now, in the end, she still spent Emmett's money and owed

Emmett's favor.

Besides, Frank helped them for Emmett’s sake.

Hazel told her that she used to be a scriptwriter, so she definitely had some savings. It was just that

she had not filled up her documents yet.

Frank did not force Alyssa and nodded his head in agreement.

Alyssa contacted Hazel and Frank sent someone to send Alyssa and Angela to Hazel's house.

When they went over, the person waiting by the road was not Hazel but Xavier.

Alyssa was only surprised for a moment and then she collected herself, called naturally, "Xavier."

After saying that, she said to Angela, "Ella, say hello to your Uncle Xavier.”

Angela had a good memory. Although she had only met him once, she still remembered Xavier.

She obediently called out, "Hello, Uncle Xavier."

Xavier acted like he was performing a magic trick. He took out a lollipop from nowhere and handed it to


"Do you like it?"

"I like it." Angela liked the candy very much. She happily took it and said sweetly, "Thank you, Uncle


Compared to Emmett, Xavier, who had never been married and had never been a father, was more

good at coaxing children.

Alyssa could not help but ask curiously, "How did you and Emmett know each other?"

Xavier said concisely, "In a fight."

"You and Emmett?"

"No, he watched me get beaten up."

As if he remembered something, Xavier sighed deeply.