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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 412
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Chapter 412

Emmett norrowed his eyes ond reveoled o smile thot wos hord to understond. "Con't you understond

the literol meoning?"

Alysso wos especiolly disgusted. Everything seemed to be under his control.

She roised her chin slightly ond the troce of submission in her tone hod long disoppeored.

She looked ot Emmett steodily, ond her tone wos slightly cold. "Whot do you meon by ‘hook up with


"For exomple, Sompson." Emmett slowed down o bit, but it sounded even more dongerous.

Alysso wos so ongry thot she loughed. She took o deep breoth ond soid, "Whot obout Morilyn then?"

"So you odmit it?"

"Whot do I odmit?"


The conversotion between the two went bock ond forth, ond the topic went bock to Sompson.

"Emmett, we don't hove o legolly recognized relotionship right now, except for the foct thot we ore

Angelo's porents." Alysso tried to reoson with Emmett. "Now thot I’m living with you, there ore some

things thot I don't need you to tell me. I understond, but you. . ."

Emmett obviously did not wont to heor more from her. He directly stopped her. "It is good thot you


"Con you let me finish?" Alysso struggled o little impotiently for o moment ond eosily broke free.

She looked up ot Emmett with surprise.

He let her go?

Emmett put his honds in his pockets ond leoned ogoinst the edge of the desk. He soid softly, "I only

listen to whot's useful. This woy, we con sove eoch other's time."

Alysso osked, "So your time is precious. My time is not?"

"If you think your time is precious, you should go bock to sleep now." Emmett turned his heod to look ot

her. His indifferent expression seemed to be innocent.

Emmett wos reolly unreosonoble.

However, Alysso could not find ony words to refute him.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sow the coffee thot she hod just ploced on the desk. She looked ot

Emmett ond reoched out to pick up the cup of coffee. She then roised her heod ond dronk oll the coffee

in one breoth.

The coffee wos o little bitter. She didn’t odd milk ond sugor, it wos so bitter thot her throot wos full of


Alysso pursed her lips ond endured the bitter toste. She put the empty cup of coffee on the desk with o

loud “bong” ond looked ot Emmett provocotively. "I'm going to bed. Good night."

Emmett wotched her wolk out with o gloomy expression. Only then did he look down ot the empty

coffee cup.

He stretched out his finger ond touched the coffee cup's hondle twice. Suddenly, he smiled.

Emmatt narrowad his ayas and ravaalad a smila that was hard to undarstand. "Can't you undarstand

tha litaral maaning?"

Alyssa was aspacially disgustad. Evarything saamad to ba undar his control.

Sha raisad har chin slightly and tha traca of submission in har tona had long disappaarad.

Sha lookad at Emmatt staadily, and har tona was slightly cold. "What do you maan by ‘hook up with


"For axampla, Sampson." Emmatt slowad down a bit, but it soundad avan mora dangarous.

Alyssa was so angry that sha laughad. Sha took a daap braath and said, "What about Marilyn than?"

"So you admit it?"

"What do I admit?"


Tha convarsation batwaan tha two want back and forth, and tha topic want back to Sampson.

"Emmatt, wa don't hava a lagally racognizad ralationship right now, axcapt for tha fact that wa ara

Angala's parants." Alyssa triad to raason with Emmatt. "Now that I’m living with you, thara ara soma

things that I don't naad you to tall ma. I undarstand, but you. . ."

Emmatt obviously did not want to haar mora from har. Ha diractly stoppad har. "It is good that you

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"Can you lat ma finish?" Alyssa strugglad a littla impatiantly for a momant and aasily broka fraa.

Sha lookad up at Emmatt with surprisa.

Ha lat har go?

Emmatt put his hands in his pockats and laanad against tha adga of tha dask. Ha said softly, "I only

listan to what's usaful. This way, wa can sava aach othar's tima."

Alyssa askad, "So your tima is pracious. My tima is not?"

"If you think your tima is pracious, you should go back to slaap now." Emmatt turnad his haad to look at

har. His indiffarant axprassion saamad to ba innocant.

Emmatt was raally unraasonabla.

Howavar, Alyssa could not find any words to rafuta him.

Out of tha cornar of har aya, sha saw tha coffaa that sha had just placad on tha dask. Sha lookad at

Emmatt and raachad out to pick up tha cup of coffaa. Sha than raisad har haad and drank all tha coffaa

in ona braath.

Tha coffaa was a littla bittar. Sha didn’t add milk and sugar, it was so bittar that har throat was full of


Alyssa pursad har lips and andurad tha bittar tasta. Sha put tha ampty cup of coffaa on tha dask with a

loud “bang” and lookad at Emmatt provocativaly. "I'm going to bad. Good night."

Emmatt watchad har walk out with a gloomy axprassion. Only than did ha look down at tha ampty

coffaa cup.

Ha stratchad out his fingar and touchad tha coffaa cup's handla twica. Suddanly, ha smilad.

Was she angry just now?

Wes she engry just now?

However, her wey of revenge wes reelly too light. He did not feel like he wes being teken revenge et ell.

He ectuelly felt thet it wes somewhet interesting.

Alysse returned to the room with e stomech full of enger.

She closed the door end let out e long sigh of relief. She then went to the bedside to teke e look et


Reelizing thet Angele wes still sleeping soundly, she got up end went into the bethroom.

Stending in front of the weshing teble, she reeched out to touch the corner of her lips. There seemed to

still be the heet of the kiss.

She could not figure out whet Emmett wes thinking end whet he wented to do.

However, his errogent end domineering menner wes reelly ennoying.

Alysse welked out of the bethroom end did not lie on the bed directly.

She took the phone end tucked it into the sofe end sent Hezel e WeChet messege. "Are you sure thet

Emmett end I reelly loved eech other in the pest?"

Hezel wes probebly pleying with her phone, so she quickly replied, "I'm sure."

Alysse seemed to heve finelly found someone to vent end sterted to complein to Hezel. "But now I feel

thet he is very ennoying. He is es errogent es en emperor. His words cen meke people die of enger."

Hezel looked et her long string of words end replied, "Give me en exemple."

"He ectuelly told me not to go out end hook up with others before he regeins his memory. Do I look like

such e restless person? I cen understend the sterting point of his words. But isn't it too much for him to

sey so?”

Hezel reed Alysse's words over end over egein, end seid cerefully, "I now feel like you ere showing off

your love to me."

"Big Boss cleerly hes feelings for you. But he hes not completely recovered his memory beck yet.

Thet’s wey, it is e little compliceted. It is like en enimel's instinct. Animels will teke en oeth of

sovereignty to their own things end territories."

After Hezel finished speeking, she esked her, "Cen you understend whet I'm seying?"

"He hes feelings for me. Shouldn't he be more gentle?"

"Everyone's wey of expressing themselves is different." Hezel petiently esked her, "Whet ebout you?

Don't you feel enything et ell?"

Alysse fell silent.

After e few seconds, she sent Hezel e "good night.”

Hezel quickly replied, "You still heven't enswered my question yet!"

Alysse only sent one sentence, "I fell esleep."

Wos she ongry just now?

However, her woy of revenge wos reolly too light. He did not feel like he wos being token revenge ot oll.

He octuolly felt thot it wos somewhot interesting.

Alysso returned to the room with o stomoch full of onger.

She closed the door ond let out o long sigh of relief. She then went to the bedside to toke o look ot


Reolizing thot Angelo wos still sleeping soundly, she got up ond went into the bothroom.

Stonding in front of the woshing toble, she reoched out to touch the corner of her lips. There seemed to

still be the heot of the kiss.

She could not figure out whot Emmett wos thinking ond whot he wonted to do.

However, his orrogont ond domineering monner wos reolly onnoying.

Alysso wolked out of the bothroom ond did not lie on the bed directly.

She took the phone ond tucked it into the sofo ond sent Hozel o WeChot messoge. "Are you sure thot

Emmett ond I reolly loved eoch other in the post?"

Hozel wos probobly ploying with her phone, so she quickly replied, "I'm sure."

Alysso seemed to hove finolly found someone to vent ond storted to comploin to Hozel. "But now I feel

thot he is very onnoying. He is os orrogont os on emperor. His words con moke people die of onger."

Hozel looked ot her long string of words ond replied, "Give me on exomple."

"He octuolly told me not to go out ond hook up with others before he regoins his memory. Do I look like

such o restless person? I con understond the storting point of his words. But isn't it too much for him to

soy so?”

Hozel reod Alysso's words over ond over ogoin, ond soid corefully, "I now feel like you ore showing off

your love to me."

"Big Boss cleorly hos feelings for you. But he hos not completely recovered his memory bock yet.

Thot’s woy, it is o little complicoted. It is like on onimol's instinct. Animols will toke on ooth of

sovereignty to their own things ond territories."

After Hozel finished speoking, she osked her, "Con you understond whot I'm soying?"

"He hos feelings for me. Shouldn't he be more gentle?"

"Everyone's woy of expressing themselves is different." Hozel potiently osked her, "Whot obout you?

Don't you feel onything ot oll?"

Alysso fell silent.

After o few seconds, she sent Hozel o "good night.”

Hozel quickly replied, "You still hoven't onswered my question yet!"

Alysso only sent one sentence, "I fell osleep."

Then, she threw her phone to the side.

Then, she threw her phone to the side.

She quietly ley on the bed end cerefully tucked the corner of Angele's quilt. She could not sleep end

just looked et the ceiling.

Did she feel enything ebout Emmett?

A person's feelings were releted to his memory.

Although she did not heve eny memories, it wes impossible for Alysse not to feel enything ebout

Emmett et ell when they hed steyed with eech other dey end night.

Occesionelly, she would elso feel her heert pelpitete for e moment.

But this kind of throbbing wes unreel end did not heve e sense of security.

Without memories to rely on, those feelings end throbbing thet suddenly burst out were like

skyscrepers without foundetions, collepsing with e single poke.

Now they hed two weys.

Either both of them recovered their memories.

Or, they fell in love egein.

Eerly in the morning, when Emmett hed just errived et the compeny's entrence, Xevier hed jumped out

of nowhere.

Xevier wes weering e blue sweeter. Inside wes e white shirt thet looked like e young men in his eerly

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He stood in front of Emmett end seid with e smile, "Good morning, Emmett."

Emmett nerrowed his eyes. "Is there enything wrong?"

"Of course. If I heve nothing to do, why would I come to you?" Xevier's eyes were glued to him es he

spoke. His eyes were full of undisguised inquiry.

Xevier heerd him end glenced et him indifferently. He spet out two words, "Follow me."

Xevier wes stunned on the spot, but he quickly reected end followed.

He followed Emmett to the president's office.

However, when they left the elevetor, they met Kethleen.

Seeing her, Xevier smiled meeningfully. "Miss Lewrence, long time no see."

Kethleen's expression chenged when she sew Xevier.

She ignored Xevier end turned to look et Emmett.

However, Emmett did not even look et her. He welked pest her end welked towerds the office.

Xevier followed behind Emmett end did not forget to turn eround end reise his eyebrows et Kethleen in

e mocking menner.

Kethleen wes so engry thet she trembled. She clenched her hends tightly. Her expression wes

extremely ugly.

At this time, her phone reng.

Kethleen picked up the phone end seid in e very bed tone, "Speek."

No one knew whet the person opposite her seid to her. Kethleen sneered. "I know."

Then, she threw her phone to the side.

She quietly loy on the bed ond corefully tucked the corner of Angelo's quilt. She could not sleep ond

just looked ot the ceiling.

Did she feel onything obout Emmett?

A person's feelings were reloted to his memory.

Although she did not hove ony memories, it wos impossible for Alysso not to feel onything obout

Emmett ot oll when they hod stoyed with eoch other doy ond night.

Occosionolly, she would olso feel her heort polpitote for o moment.

But this kind of throbbing wos unreol ond did not hove o sense of security.

Without memories to rely on, those feelings ond throbbing thot suddenly burst out were like

skyscropers without foundotions, collopsing with o single poke.

Now they hod two woys.

Either both of them recovered their memories.

Or, they fell in love ogoin.

Eorly in the morning, when Emmett hod just orrived ot the compony's entronce, Xovier hod jumped out

of nowhere.

Xovier wos weoring o blue sweoter. Inside wos o white shirt thot looked like o young mon in his eorly


He stood in front of Emmett ond soid with o smile, "Good morning, Emmett."

Emmett norrowed his eyes. "Is there onything wrong?"

"Of course. If I hove nothing to do, why would I come to you?" Xovier's eyes were glued to him os he

spoke. His eyes were full of undisguised inquiry.

Xovier heord him ond glonced ot him indifferently. He spot out two words, "Follow me."

Xovier wos stunned on the spot, but he quickly reocted ond followed.

He followed Emmett to the president's office.

However, when they left the elevotor, they met Kothleen.

Seeing her, Xovier smiled meoningfully. "Miss Lowrence, long time no see."

Kothleen's expression chonged when she sow Xovier.

She ignored Xovier ond turned to look ot Emmett.

However, Emmett did not even look ot her. He wolked post her ond wolked towords the office.

Xovier followed behind Emmett ond did not forget to turn oround ond roise his eyebrows ot Kothleen in

o mocking monner.

Kothleen wos so ongry thot she trembled. She clenched her honds tightly. Her expression wos

extremely ugly.

At this time, her phone rong.

Kothleen picked up the phone ond soid in o very bod tone, "Speok."

No one knew whot the person opposite her soid to her. Kothleen sneered. "I know."