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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 Taylor said, "It's not like that at all. I barely made it back in time. It just happened that I ran into Mr.. York rushing over. Nina, Mr. York seems to have a sixth sense. I could tell he was really worried about you." As she spoke, Taylor found it strange and continued, "Nina, you wouldn't believe it. When Mr. York arrived at the scene, he was like a completely different person. He completely lost his temper, took down Mr. Lincoln, and even got into a scuffle with those involved. Mr. York was furious, held you close, and wouldn't let anyone near you." Taylor's words made Nina pause for a moment. She picked up a nearby glass of water and took a sip.

"Nina, does Mr. York care so much about his subordinates? I've never seen it before. If it wereinjured, would he care like this?" Taylor seemed perplexed, as if she was searching for something, murmuring to herself, "Even for subordinates who have been by his side for so many years, he's never 1 shown this level of concern. Nina, could it be that Mr. York likes you?" *Cough, cough, cough...* Nina choked on her water upon hearing Taylor's words.

Taylor hurriedly patted her back. “Nina, how did you manage to choke on water?" +15 BONOS Chapter 59 Feeling a bit uneasy, Nina quickly denied, " Impossible. How could Mr. York possibly like me!" Still puzzled, Taylor continued gossiping, "They say Mr. York's favorite person is Miranda, that singer. He lavishes her with money just to see her York's first love.

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smile. They also say Mit ad flhas Now that she's back, Mr. York's old flhas reignited. But something just doesn't seem right to ПЕ.

"Nina, I would know better about this thought about it.

Taylor Nina was Mr. York's personal secretary and had been by his side for so many years. She would know his private affairs better.

Nina shrugged, "I don't know, maybe." "No, no, no." Taylor was very confused. "If this. were true, wouldn't there be concrete evidence? Even if Mr. York wouldn't admit to a relationship, with all the commotion Miranda caused those days, someone would have surely captured it on camera. But there's nothing. It's just gossip spread by others without any solid proof. I don't think this is necessarily true; it's just rumors flying around.

Such gossip was not uncommon in the company. Nina just listened and never got involved.

As for Miranda's frequent visits to the company and her sightings with Nash, it's natural to speculate about their relationship.

Miranda had business dealings with the York +15 BONOS Chapter 59 Corporation. There were plenty of stars in the entertainment industry, more famous than Miranda, who would be willing to collaborate with the York Corporation.

Yet, Nash specifically chose Miranda. In the end, he still held affection for her.

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"Alright, let's not talk about Mr. York's private matters anymore. Let's focus on our own work." "Okay, Nina."

Returning to work, Nina sensed a strange atmosphere. Everyone seemed respectful m d respectful and Priendly on N the surface, but behind her back, they always looked at her with strange eyes.

Ther Paris had been keeping a low profile lately, no longer displaying jealousy towards her, but there's always a subtle hint of schadenfreude in her eyes whenever she looked at her. Having been in the workplace for many years, Nina had long adapted to any environment. She didn't dwell on it and focused on her work.

During lunch break, Nina went to the restroom. The faucet was running, and a few employees were от Our Whispering, "Did you guys hear? Nina has been on leave these past few days because she was raped!" "What? No way! Nina is a prominent figure by Mr. York's side. How could anyone dare to rape her?"