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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57 Opening the bathroom door, Nash saw Nina sitting in the bathtub, vigorously rubbing her body, not making a sound, fearing he might hear her.

Nina, stop!" He hurried over and grabbed her hands that were hurting herself.

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Nina's eyes were red, caught by him, just avoiding him, struggling hard. "Don't touch me, I'm dirty..." "You're not dirty," Nash said softly, wrapping his arms around her body to prevent her from hurting herself. "You're not dirty at all." All Nina could think of was the image of being pressed against the table, feeling nauseous all over. Even a slight touch from Nash made her feel unclean. She shook her head. "Stop comforting me. I know I'm dirty. I even feel disgusted with myself!" Nina continued rubbing her reddened body.

"Nina." No matter how Nash called out, Nina couldn't hear him. She washed every inch of her body, muttering repeatedly, "I'm dirty, I need to clean myself.

"I..." Nina repeated the swords, but suddenly stopped, her mouth trembling, her eyes bewildered, moistly staring at Nash as he lowered his head, his cold lips touching her neck.

He said, "Nina, you're not dirty. You're very clean, from head to toe. It's others who are dirty." 173 +15 BONOS Chapter 57 His deep voice was like a warm ray of light, trying to pull her back from the darkness. Just his voice wasn't enough; he needed to act.

His lips landed on the parts of her body that she had rubbed red, the places violated by others. He gently kissed her skin as if treating a rare treasure, murmuring softly, "This part has been cleansed by me, and this one too. No one will ever bully you again." He repeated the kisses over and over, not minding that she had been touched by others, but rather erasing all traces from her body. Tears welled up in Nina's eyes and she no longer resisted his touch.

Her hands relaxed, her nose tingling with bitterness. "Nash." "Yeah?" Nash looked up at her.

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He was her only guardian angel, Nina choked out, Why are you so good to me?" Saving her from dire straits, both in the past and now. He appeared in her life, adding the most vibrant colors to her otherwise mundane existence.

Nash stroked her hair. “You're my wife. If I'm not good to you, who will I be good to?" Nina buried her head in his embrace, reluctant to leave it, smiling bitterly. "If you're too good to me, what will I do in the future? I'll stick to you like a piece of toffee, unable to leave your side." The better he treated her, the harder it was for her to leave. She was ready to give up, to fulfill him, to +15 BONOS Chapter 57 no longer trouble him. And he saved her again.

"Then stay by my side, and don't go anywhere." These were re perhaps the gentlest words Nina had ever heard from Nash's mouth. Indulging and yielding to her.

She closed her eyes, enjoying this moment of being cared for by him. m She knew these were words to w Mere comfort her when she was hurt. She couldn't fully believe them. There was always a place by his side. for Miranda. She had soaked long enough; the water in the bathtub was almost cold. Nash patted her back." The water's cold, you'll catch a chill. Letcarry you back to bed."

"Okay," Nina softly agreed. Ignoring the possibility of getting wet himself, Nash lifted Nina out of the water and placed her on his lap. He patiently dried her body with a towel. Nina stared into Nash's eyes, her eyes warm with emotion, leaning against his shoulder. Nash carried her back to bed, but she was reluctant to let go of him.

Nash chuckled softly, "Are you that reluctant to let go of me