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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 Doctor and nurses cover and carried Miranda away. Despite having countless grievances towards Nina, Sally had to stop. She was more worried about Miranda's condition.

The moment Miranda was placed on the stretcher, Sally escorted her all the way. At the entrance of the emergency room, she was just as anxious, clasping her hands together.

The doctor was discussing Miranda's condition with Nash and had no tto acknowledge Nina. Nina stood to the side, watching them tirelessly attend to Miranda, making her feel even more like an outsider.

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When Miranda was wheeled out, Sally escorted her back again. Nash didn't enter but noticed Nina walking behind him.

He turned back and said to her, "Miranda can't handle any stress right now. Don't spend talone with her." Nina felt a lump in her throat. Was he blaming her? Blaming her for upsetting Miranda and warning her not to trouble her in the future.

Seeing her lower her head and remain silent, Nash thought she might be upset. He touched her head gently and asked, "What's wrong? Are you upset?" "Nash, cquickly!" Sally wiped her tears, opening the ward door and shouting, "She needs.

Chapter 50 you. If you're not here, how can she get better?" Seeing Sally in distress, Wash turned back to Nina and said, "Wait outside for a moment. I'll be back soon." Nina didn't respond because she knew, between her and Miranda, she would always be the one left behind.

She stood outside, feeling like an irrelevant bystander, watching Miranda collapse in his arms, crying vulnerably. She watched Nash's tender gesture of not pushing Miranda away, just quietly patting her back.

Nina's back was aching, and she didn't want to witness their intimate moment, so she found a bench and sat down quietly, waiting for them to cout. It felt like an eternity had passed, as if the world had stopped turning, until someone cand tapped her shoulder.

"Nina." Zoe hurried over and, seeing Nina sitting there perfectly fine, breathed a sigh of relief. "I just messaged Nash, and he said he's at the hospital. I thought you were sick, and I got so worried. How cyou're sitting here? Where's Nash?" Nina glanced towards the direction of the ward and replied calmly, "He's inside." Following her gaze, Zoe asked, "Who's in there? Do they need his care?" Zoe walked over and saw the whole family inside.

+15 BONOS Chapter 50 She pursed her lips and said, "Does this Miranda have no relatives? They all need to take turns taking care of her. I'll go talk to them." F Nina grabbed Zoe's arm, facing reality. “Zoe, don't go talk to them. Even if you do, what's the use? We can't escape from this."

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Zoe looked at Nina. “How long have you been sitting here? You're Nash's situations, you wife after all. In such situation should be by his side. This is giving them an opportunity!" Nina shook her head. "Zoe, I've already gotten used to it."

Zoe felt so sorry for Nina. She must have witnessed such scenes many times. She was too sensible and too humble Nina, if you love Nash, you have to be brave. You're already his wife, so what else could you possibly not have? I believe, as long as voll want it, Nash is yours!"

Nina couldn't help but force a bitter smile, observing Zoe's unwavering confidence. Both Zoe and Nash's grandfather had held onto the belief that Nash would eventually cto love the wife they had chosen for him. However, reality proved otherwise.

"Zoe, actually, Nash and I are about to get a divorce.

This time, Nina didn't hide it. She didn't want Zoe to worry about her anymore.
