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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 She leaned against the wall, feeling extremely uncomfortable, her face deathly pale as she continued to retch, but nothing cout.

Seeing this, Nash nervously approached and supported her. "What's wrong? Where does it hurt? Nina pushed his hand away, tears welling in her eyes. "You just brought up divorce, and now you're asking what's wrong?" Seeing her pale complexion, Nash softened his tone. "Let's go hfirst. We won't talk about this now." He held her waist and led her outside. Nina didn't refuse; she didn't want to argue with Nash at the doorstep, fearing her parents would see and worry about her. Her marriage might not be happy, but she didn't want her parents to be overly concerned.

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Arriving at the car, Nash looked at Nina's sickly appearance, sighed, and pulled her into his embrace again. "Nina, what should I do with you?" Nina leaned against his shoulder, her nose tingling. She wasn't sure when she had becso fragile. Perhaps because she found ssolace in Nash, she had becmore wilful. Wanting more and more from him, she no longer acted as sensible as before.

"Nash," she mumbled against his chest, “thank you for everything you've done for me." Nash gently patted her back. "What have I done for you that you need to thankfor?" Nina replied, "Thank you for coming to my house and letting my parents know that I'm doing well. They won't have to worry aboutanymore. And thank you for spending two million to save our family back then. I'll always remember these things in my heart." Then, she added with emphasis, “And thank you for savingtoo." Though her words had a hidden meaning, Nash didn't catch them. Despite being a bit upset moments ago, Nina's comforting words made all his anger dissipate.

He held Nina tightly, perhaps out of fear of losing her, and said, "I'm your husband, and these are things I should do." Nina's lips tugged slightly as she lowered her gaze. Even though Nash had crafted a dream of being Mrs. York" for her, she knew one day she would have to wake up. She understood that everything wasn't about what she deserved, but rather what cat a cost.

Nash handed Nina a bottle of water, and she drank it. He asked, "Still feeling unwell?" Nina shook her head. "Much better." "Is it gastric pain?" Nash inquired again.

Nina replied, "No, not really. I'm just feeling a bit Chapter 47 nauseous. Maybe I ate something that upset my stomach." Nash fastened her seatbelt, and adjusted the seat downwards. "Rest for a while. We'll be hsoon." Nina nodded obediently and lay down. Perhaps she was a bit tired because she fell asleep right away.

Upon arriving home, it was Nash who woke her up, but she could feel the fatigue in her body.

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After taking a shower, Nina went back to sleep and slept until dawn. When she woke up, she was almost late for work.

Nash didn't wake her up, probably wanting her to get more rest and arrive at the office a bit later. But this was the first tNina had encountered such a situation. She had never been late before.

With her professional habits, Nina quickly washed up, not even om not bothering with breakfast, eager to arrive at the office on time.

As she descended the stairs, she saw Sally busy in the kitchen, instructing the helper, "Make su suke to stew this soup well and pay attention to the timing. I'll take it to the hospital for Miranda."

Nina listened, knowing how much Sally liked Miranda. She knew that since Miranda was hospitalized, Sally would definitely go to visit her. After tidying up for a while, Sally had several thermos flasks, all intended for Miranda.

When she cout and saw Nina still at home, she frowned and said coldly, "Why are you still at Chapter 47 home? It's so late. Are you sleeping in?" Nina slowed her pace. "I'm heading to the office now."