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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 Scott was surprised and asked, "Mr. York is here too?" Their gazes all turned to Nash. For a moment, they didn't know how to respond to the question.

Nina immediately said, "Mr. York is visiting our htoday, Scott, please have a seat too." Julia followed, "Scott, I'm cooking, so you're eating with us. Don't even think about leaving." "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Walker," Scott politely replied.

Luckily, the sofa was spacious enough for all of them, and Scott sat diagonally across from Nash. Zion and Scott were chatting about their past.

It was only then that Nina learned that when they were in school, Scott lived nearby, and he was quite familiar with her parents.

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How did she not know about this strange. connection? Upon hearing this, Nash's face. immediately turned cold, showing his displeasure.

Sitting here, listening to them talk about the past, he felt like an outsider.

At the dining table, Scott showed extra concern for Nina, pouring her a glass of milk. "Here you go." "Thank you," Nina replied.

Nash glanced over and said coldly, "Does Mr. Lucas also know that Nina likes to drink milk?" Scott responded, "I used to see her drinking it often when we were in school. I didn't know if she still had that habit." Nina was surprised that Scott knew. But for Nash, hearing this didn't sit well. He wasn't the only one who knew that Nina liked to drink milk.

Seeing the glass placed here, Nash tapped the table with both hands and accidentally knocked it over.

With a bang, the cup fell to the ground, spilling the milk. Nash's icy gaze fixed on Scott, "I'll go get another cup." Nina glanced at Nash again, feeling that he was acting strangely. When he returned, Nash.

mentioned, "It's cold outside, here's swarm milk." Nina's heart warmed at his words, so she quickly held the cup in her hands.

Seeing her gesture, Nash felt somewhat relieved. Scott also noticed the subtle interactions between them but instead of saying anything, he went along and chatted with Zion..

Perhaps due to drinking too much, Zion becmore talkative and praised, "You've achieved so much now, starting from scratch, it's not easy, really impressive." Scott replied modestly, "It's nothing, Mr. Walker, just lucky." "You're a talented person," Zion patted Scott's Chapter 44 shoulder with both hands, speaking somewhat nonsensically, "Scott, what do you think of my daughter? She's beautiful and has a good temper. How about I betroth my daughter to you?" Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Julia was shocked, Nina felt embarrassed, and Nash's face immediately darkened.

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Only Scott smiled without saying a word.

Julia quickly broke the tension, "Zion, you're drunk, talking nonsense!"

"I'm not drunk. Scott is such a good ever person. Even after so many years, he still remembers us as soon as he returns to the country. It shows that he knows how to be grateful. My daughter will definitely be happy marrying him."

Zion had drunk too much, but these were his heartfelt words. He hoped his daughter would be, happy, believing that Scott would treat her well. "Scott, don't mind him, he is drunk." "I don't mind," Scott spoke gently, "Mr. Walker is just drunk, I understand."

Nash's expression darkened further as he looked at Scott. "It's best not to take those words seriously," he En.

warned. Scott met his gaze, asking, "What do you mean, Mr. York?" Nash's gaze turned sharp, his tone chilling. "You'll Chapter 44 never marry Nina in your lifetime!"