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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19 However, he saw Nina leaning in the arms of another man. The two of them were very intimate, locking eyes with affection. Nash's brows furrowed instantly, his previously indifferent face darkening. His sharp gaze fixed on the embracing couple.

In Nash's impression, Nina seemed to have no male friends, at least none he had seen before. Suddenly, the appearance of this man felt like a stone in his heart, making him feel uncomfortable. He couldn't help but Aquicken his pace towards them.

Nina was startled for a moment, then realized that the two were too close, which was inappropriate, so she quickly stepped out of his embrace.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Scott asked with concern.

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"I'm fine, thank you," Nina replied politely, smiling at him.

1/6 Chapter 19 +15 BONOS "No need to thank me," Scott said. "Look, when we first met, you either said sorry or thank you. You don't have to be so formal." Scott still wanted to establish a closer relationship with her. Nina, out of politeness, tended to be very considerate towards strangers. But it was clear that Scott didn't want her to be overly polite, so she didn't want to put too much pressure on him either.

Coincidentally, her gentle and kind smile beca thorn in Nash's eyes. It seemed like he had never seen Nina smile so relaxedly in front of him before. As if this man made her happier.

Nash suddenly had a new realization: he hadn't paid enough attention to Nina and he didn't know there would be other men around her, or that she could smile so happily in front of them. Nina, who had been by his side for so many years, even if she had bechis wife, was always polite and kept sdistance from him.

By comparison, it unexpectedly gave him a hint of displeasure.

"Nina!" Nash's voice shattered the harmonious conversation between the two.

Nina's gaze immediately shifted to Nash, and the smile on her face quickly disappeared. This subtle detail did not escape Nash's notice, intensifying his displeasure.

Was it because he wasn't smiling? Did she feel annoyed by his interruption, ruining their interaction? "I told you to wait for me, didn't I? Why are you with another man?” Nash's tone was cold.

Scott looked at Nash, then at Nina, unsure of their relationship. Sensing the tension, he couldn't help but ask, “Nina, who is he?" "He's my boss," Nina quickly replied.

Nash glanced at Nina, his brows furrowing deeply, his jaw tense.

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"He's the one you mentioned earlier, the one you've been following since you graduated?" Scott asked. "Yes," Nina replied.

Nash's face turned icy, his voice low, "It seems like you've had quite a chat.” Nina introduced, "Mr. York, this is Mr. Scott Lucas, the CEO of Sunstone Capital Group, who just returned from Estaland." Seeing how well-informed Nina was about Scott, even more so than about him, Nash's expression darkened further.

Scott reached out his hand. "Mr. York, I've heard about you back in Estaland. Thanks to you, Nina has been taken care of all these years." Nash narrowed his eyes, casting a dangerous gleam. He didn't refuse the handshake but his voice was icy. "Nina is mine, and it's only natural forto take care of her. Mr. Lucas, I don't recall Nina ever mentioning you." He instinctively moved closer to Nina, 4/6 +15 BONOS Chapter 19

wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his embrace. Nina noticed his gesture, stiffening slightly but also wary of revealing too much, she shifted her body slightly to the side. However, Nash didn't allow it, his grip firm around her. Nina was puzzled. Wasn't he trying to keep their marital status discreet? Why wasn't he concerned about Scott knowing now?

"I was Nina's elementary and middle school classmate," Scott noted his slightly harsh tone but didn't confront NO him I recently met her at an exhibition after returning to the country and had a chat." "Seems like you two aren't that familiar after all," Nash responded bluntly.

Nina looked up at Nash, taken aback by his tone. She had never heard him speak like this before. Who was he talking to? This remark made Scott feel a bit uneasy, but he remained composed, replying, From where I stand, I'd say Nina and I are pretty familiar, but I can't speak for her perspective." At this, Nash's face grew colder, his tone chilling. "Do you know that Nina is already married?"