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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 187
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With that being said, Xander began to feel convinced. This person had appeared out of nowhere, surely with sulterior motive to approach him. However, Nina was still his niece. He felt compelled, and had to be concerned about others plotting against him. His gaze shifted towards the woman.

She becanxious and indignant. "She's trying to create discord. If it weren't for my advice, would Nina willingly give you the money? We're supposed to be working together!" Despite everything, Xander was certain about his own intentions. He turned to Nina. "Nina, givethe password, and I promise she won't harm you." Nina did not dare to trust him hastily. Just as she hesitated, the sound of a car outside suddenly reached their ears. This made Xander panic.

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He grabbed Nina, holding a knife to her throat, nervously stating, "Someone's outside!" Nina, staring at the knife in front of her, did not even dare to breathe. The woman realized that things had taken a turn for the worse. "She's intentionally stalling. If she really wanted to, she would have given you the password earlier. You've fallen into her trap!" "Nina, you're plotting against me!" Xander, with no way out, gritted his teeth.

Nina had no idea that someone would come. She thought she had no way out.

The knife had left a bloodstain on her neck, causing her heart to race. "Xander, I swear... You kidnappedout of nowhere and I haven't been able to contact anyone. All I want is to stay alive. Money is just a material possession. I'll give you the password now if you put the knife down." "If you release her, Nash won't go easy on you!" Two voices spoke simultaneously in Xander's ear, leaving him feeling agitated as he didn't know whose advice to follow. However, he understood that Nina was his best hostage option for the tbeing. Bang! A loud noise suddenly filled the room as the door burst open.

Now, Xander knew he had to do whatever it took.

"Nina, tellthe password now, and tell them to back off. If you do, I'll let you go!" Xander declared.

Nina's heart raced as she saw someone entering the room from outside. The room was dimly lit, but the sunlight streaming in was a welcsight. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized the tall figure confidently approaching.

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"Release her!" cthe cold voice.

Nina's breathing becheavy as she felt a sense of unease. She looked at Nash, surprised that he had cto rescue her at this crucial moment. He didn't look well, with wounds on his body. He had gone through so much trouble to save her, yet she had beca burden. If only she had been more cautious. If she had been more cautious with Xander, none of this would have happened. Xander was sweating profusely, his hands trembling. It was his first tdoing something like this. "Stay back!"

Nash's gaze remained fixed on Xander's sharp knife, as he tried to keep his tone as calm as possible! calm as "What do you want? I'll give you whatever you want, just let Nina go." Nervous and agitated, Xander shouted, "I want money, I want money!"

"Money is not a problem." Nash felt relieved that Xander only wanted The money, not Nina's life. "How much do you want? Tell me, and I'll transfer it to your account immediately." "I want ten million!" Xander's eyes were bloodshot and filled with greed. "Ten million will do, but don't call the police!" "Fine, giveyour account number." Nash's expression remained cold and determined.

Nina stared at Nash in astonishment, unable to believe that he would so readily produce the money just to save her life.