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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 176
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"Ruby, you're talking too much," Miranda interrupted, then turned to Nash and said, "I'm fine." Nash glanced over and noticed that her ankle was red. He called out, "Quincy, take her to see a doctor." "Okay, Mr. York," Quincy responded, walking over.

Miranda said, "There's no need to see a doctor. It's just a minor injury. A little cooling spray will do. We often get injured on set, much worse than this. Quincy, could you buysmedicine?" Quincy looked at Nash, waiting for his response.

Nash calmly said, "Go get the medicine." "Yes, Mr. York," Quincy replied before hurrying out.

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Even after all this tapart, Miranda still missed him. She restrained herself partly for the sake of her career and partly out of resentment towards him for embarrassing her with Nina. But this visit proved to be useful; at least Nash still remembered her kess. It put her mind at ease.

Miranda took the knife and began peeling an apple for him. "You got hurt and didn't even bother to call me. If it weren't for Sally, I wouldn't have known," she said, expecting a response from him.

However, he remained silent, completely absorbed in his phone, waiting for something. After a moment, she calmly stated, "You don't have to say it. I already know. You got hurt because of Nina. Where is she? You risked yourself to save her, yet she's not here taking care of you." Nash finally replied, "She went to get food for me." Miranda pursed her lips, dissatisfied with Nina's actions. "The food outside isn't very hygienic. If you're not used to it, I could have Sally bring something from home, or I could bring it for you," she suggested.

"No need to trouble anyone," Nash casually responded.

Miranda couldn't help but feel resentful towards Nina for Nash's injury. For Nina's sake, he had broken all the promises he made to her, He didn't even care about his own safety. Search the (Find) website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

She knew she had let him down by going abroad. She regretted it too. When she left the country initially, she did so without a word, but there were reasons behind it.

He understood it in his heart, yet he never brought up the matter. In his mind, her position had changed, and even explanations weren't that important anymore.

After a while, Quincy returned and found the food Nina had bought. "Mr. York," he called out.

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Nash was still waiting, wondering why Nina hadn't returned yet. Seeing Quincy back but not Nina, he asked in annoyance, "What's the matter?" "Nina left the food at the door," Quincy replied, noticing it only after returning with the medicine.

Nash frowned deeper as he looked at the bag in Quincy's hand. Was she really so eager to leave? Her haste only added to Nash's growing frustration.

"Mr. York, the food is still warm. Are

you going to eat?" Quincy asked when Nash remained silent. "No,'m rent.

not hungry Nash replied, throwing his phone aside, completely devoid of appetite. Miranda intervened, "If Nash has no appetite, we won't force it. We'll have fresh food made at hlater. It's cleaner." She placed the peeled apple on the

table, sensing Nash's reluctance to press! talk. She didn't press him further and said I'm going out for a bit. Quincy, givewhat you're holding." Quincy complied, saying, "Sure, Miss Lewis." Miranda carried the food downstairs, glancing around. Indeed, Nina hadn't left yet but was preparing to do so.

Miranda approached and called out, "Nina!" Nina, in the midst of om maneuvering her dar to leave, caught sight of Miranda in the rearview mirror standing behind the vehicle. X