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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 174
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"I brought this for you," Nina said, removing it from the bag. "Is this the one?" Nash was initially unhappy, but upon seeing that she took it and didn't give it to another woman, his expression softened slightly. However, he couldn't help but question, "If you took it, why did you still let her cover?" Nina looked at Linda. "Ask her if she insisted on coming over, despite my advice. I won't take the blfor this." Nash's gaze returned to Linda. At first, Linda had hoped to show weakness, hoping that Nash would pity her. But as soon as she saw his expression, she knew something was wrong and cautiously said, "I..... I just wanted to take care of you, to show you that I care. I'm sorry, it was my fault. I didn't understand clearly. I promise I'll listen next time. I won't do it again." Nash's eyes turned icy. "Get out." This was the first tNash had treated Linda so coldly, a complete contrast to the man she had chatted with in the villa before. He had even shown sympathy and offered to support her through college. She had thought she finally found someone in this world who understood her, but it turned out to be short-lived. Linda looked at Nina again, realizing that it was because of her that things had turned out like this. If it weren't for her, Nash would still be the person who chatted with her and treated her kindly.

Unable to accept Nash's indifference, Linda wiped her tears and ran out.

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Along the way, she bumped into someone.

"Oops." Miranda rushed into the room and accidentally collided with someone, quickly stepping back. In her high heels, she twisted her foot and winced in pain.

Linda was still crying when she bumped into Miranda. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." "Are you blind? Why are you running so fast?" Miranda's assistant scolded, then rushed to support Miranda. "Miranda, are you okay?" Seeing the young girl in front of her, with teary eyes and looking fragile, Miranda took off her sunglasses. "It's okay, it's not a big deal." "Did you twist your foot? Should we see a doctor?" Linda asked nervously.

"No need." Miranda also had concerns about Nash. She kindly told Linda, "You don't have to take responsibility either, just go about your business." Search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

With that, Miranda was assisted by her assistant and continued on her way.

Linda watched Miranda's figure, feeling somewhat familiar, but couldn't recall where she had seen her before. So she left the hospital once again.

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A few minutes later, Miranda arrived at Nash's hospital room. Quincy opened the door and was somewhat surprised to see her. "Miss... Miss Lewis." "How is Nash?" Miranda asked with concern.

"Mr. York is doing fine, he's just..." Quincy hadn't finished speaking when Miranda pushed past him. Sure enough, she saw Nash lying on the hospital bed. His complexion was slightly pale, tired, and he seemed to have lost sweight Miranda felt a pang of..

tears immediately welling up in her eyes, almost spilling over. "How can you be fine? Clearly, you're not well. Nash, are you seriously injured?" Limping, she walked to the bedside, looking at him with worried eyes.

Nash hadn't expected Miranda to come, and he looked at her deeply. "Why are you here? Aren't you on the film set?"

"I heard from Sally that you were injured, so I rushed over because was worried about you!" Miranda looked at him from head to toe. "Where are you injured? Letsee."

Nash grabbed her hand, saying calmly, "It's on my back, it's not a big deal You're filming, don't delay the progress just to see me!"