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CEO’s Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery

Chapter 157
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Nina went downstairs and found reporters conducting interviews at the entrance. Lily and the others were tearfully recounting their ordeal while being surrounded by cameras.

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Sue's eyes were swollen from crying as she addressed the lens, saying, "Thank you all for your concern. With your support, I believe justice will be served soon!" "What justice?" Nina approached with a stern face, disliking their tic display. She questioned them directly, saying, "Do you think shedding a few tears in public will makeafraid? Do you believe you can manipulate me?" They all turned to look as Nina fearlessly approached. Realizing the situation, Lily immediately burst into hysterical tears and pointed at Nina, saying, "Nina, you have no conscience! I'm your aunt, yet you're so heartless and indifferent to our plight. Since you were young, we've treated you like our own and have never mistreated you. How could you treat us like this?" "Nina," Sue said, looking directly at her. "Have you suddenly developed a conscience? As long as you acknowledgeand my mom, we can put the past behind us. There's nothing a family can't overcome." The reporters noticed Nina and approached her with microphones in hand. "Miss Walker, can you confirm that these two individuals, one being your cousin and the other your aunt, are indeed part of your family?" Unfazed by the presence of the camera, Nina calmly replied, "Yes." Her statement triggered an onslaught of comments.

"She admitted it, so it must be true. And she has no shabout it. This Nina is a heartless brat!" "We should never forget where we cfrom. Just because she's successful now doesn't mean she can abandon her own family, especially an aunt who supported her education since childhood. It's as if her education was in vain." "Just listening to this is infuriating. I was raised by my aunt and uncle, so I can completely relate. I would never do something as shameless as her!" "Let's report her, get her fired from York Corporation, and teach her a lesson!" "Well, now that we know where she is, let's go throw black paint on her!" SEARCH the Find NøvelWebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Unable to see the comments, Nina only wanted to clarify one thing. She added, "They are indeed my aunt and cousin, but both of them are lying!" Lily retorted, "You're spouting nonsense. I never lied. How dare you accuse us of mistreating you since childhood? Your uncle spoiled you the most. When he needed assistance, you turned a blind eye! If you hadn't interfered, our family wouldn't be in this mess!" They were always quick to pinpoint faults in others, but when they made mistakes, instead of rectifying them, they shifted blonto others.

Nina glared at them coldly and asked, "What did I interfere with? You owed money, couldn't repay it, and ctofor help. When I declined, you threw tantrums, resorting to every trick in thebook.

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Do you think mere words make it true? Everything requires evidence. If it's just baseless claims, you will face legal consequences." She then shifted her gaze to the reporter. "Miss, you're probably not new to the industry. You understand this principle, right?" Her words were directed at both Lily and the reporter. One should not believe everything they hear. With such biased reporting, she could already file a lawsuit against them for the negative impact they caused her!

The reporter's expression changed slightly. She didn't want to cause any trouble, so she smiled and said, "A's reporters, we value facts. We only report on things that are witnessed by netizens and supported by evidence."

"That's good to hear!" Nina smiled back and continued, "The truth is, torrents they're lying. I have parents who have good to me. They raised always beenand provided for me. Why would rely on others to pay for my education? Don't you find it absurd when you hear them say such things?"

"Your family went through a tough time, and we helped you, right?" Lily countered. Now that you're doingn well, your family doesn't care about ours anymore. If you would just give us a little help, our family could get back on track. But you're not willing. It's clear that you don't consider us family!" X